
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


My Easter basket - Babies and toddlers - Educatall

My Easter basket

Activities for toddlers and babies

Easter baskets are great for transporting toys and endless "filling and emptying" exercises. Purchase many Easter baskets in different sizes and colors. Children will love to use them to explore the activities presented in this theme.




Surprise-filled baskets
To introduce your theme, set one very large Easter basket on the floor in the centre of your daycare. Every day, deposit different objects inside your basket: figurines, stuffed animals, rattles, etc. Let babies and toddlers explore the contents of the basket when they arrive in the morning.




Snack-filled baskets
Deposit snacks in a large Easter basket or fill one small basket for each child. Use the basket(s) to transport food items to the table or to a blanket set on the floor at snack time.




Reading basket
In your reading corner, deposit a large Easter basket on the floor. Fill the basket with different types of Easter-themed books. Let babies and toddlers discover the books. They will enjoy emptying the basket and putting the books back in the basket when they are done exploring them.




Musical baskets
Fill one or several Easter basket(s) with a variety of musical instruments such as rattles, tambourines, or plastic eggs filled with different items. Let babies and toddlers explore the contents of the basket(s) and use the items to make music.




Modeling dough eggs
Use different colors of modeling dough to represent Easter eggs. Arrange the modeling dough eggs in tiny Easter baskets. Let babies and toddlers manipulate them (supervision required). Show older toddlers how they can roll the modeling dough between their hands to create new Easter eggs.


Paper basket(s)
Set one large Easter basket or several small Easter baskets on the floor. Provide different types of paper in a variety of textures and colors: tissue paper, crêpe paper, cardboard, cellophane paper, newspaper, catalogue and magazine pages, etc. Encourage your group to manipulate the paper. Show them how they can crumple and tear it. Babies and toddlers will enjoy using the paper to fill and empty the basket(s) over and over again.



A gift basket
Set a special gift in an Easter basket. You can, for example, fill a basket with cards made by the children in your group, cookies that you baked together, or a bouquet of flowers you purchased with little ones. Offer the basket to someone special such as the cook, a neighbor, or your daycare director. Children will enjoy delivering the basket with you. Variation: With older toddlers, each child can have a small Easter basket he/she can give to someone special.




Basket filled with exploration bottles
Set several different exploration bottles in a large Easter basket. Simply fill clear water bottles with a variety of tiny Easter-themed items such as glitter, confetti, candy pieces, beads, etc. Children will enjoy admiring the bottles and shaking them to produce different sounds. Be sure to seal the caps with hot glue and supervise the activity closely.




Easter egg hunt
Deposit several plastic Easter eggs in plain sight throughout your daycare. Give each toddler an Easter basket. If you prefer, you may also choose to deposit one large Easter basket in the centre of the daycare. Encourage children to collect the eggs and deposit them in their basket.



Tell me the story on the wall
Print several different pictures and illustrations containing Easter baskets. Arrange them in a row on a wall and use them to create a story. Write a short text under each one. Invite children to sit on the floor, in front of the wall, and encourage them to help you tell the story.


Chantal Millette
Early childhood educator is not responsible for the content of this article. The information mentioned in this article is the responsibility of the author. shall not be held responsible for any litigation or issues resulting from this article.


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