Who are we?
We are a team of more than 30 people who, on a weekly basis, develop tools to accompany parents, caregivers, and other childhood educators in their daily work with children.
Founded in October 2005
The main administrators are Karine Morin, Professional Graphics Artist as well as Marie-Josée Portelance and Denis Archambault, caregivers and winners of the Prime Minister’s award of Excellence in Early Childhood Education.
A simple and user friendly website
Our website offers a multitude of services such as activities based on a variety of themes, a private club for caregivers, professional advice, educational columns, a discussion forum, children’s stories, distance learning (available in French only at the moment) and an online store that provides shoppers with a rewards program like no other.
Recognized and Awarded in the industry
The very popular French search engine website in Québec "La Toile du Québec" has ranked us among the 150 best websites. Our website was referred to in the "Guide de l’école branchée" as one of the best websites to succeed at school. We were also awarded the "Innovation of the year" award at the Inter-generational Exhibition in 2006.
Educatall.com is a corporate member of the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF), the "Association francophone à l’éducation des services à l’enfance de l’Ontario (AFÉSEO)" and of the "Centre québécois de ressources à la petite enfance (CQRPE)".
We are a Canadian corporation. Our corporate office is located in the city of Gatineau in the province of Québec.