A square-filled city

This simple project involves the manipulation of different sizes of squares. It’s great for exploring these 4-sided shapes with little ones.

- Gather your material. You will need 2 sheets of construction paper (a black one and a purple one), light blue, purple, and navy blue felt, one sheet of yellow magic paper, glitter glue, white glue, and scissors.

- Cut a rounded shape out of the bottom of the purple construction paper. Glue it along the bottom of the black construction paper as shown.

- Cut several squares out of all three colors of felt (different sizes). Cut a large quantity of tiny squares out of the yellow magic paper.

- Glue the felt squares on the black construction paper, stacking them to represent skyscrapers like the ones that can be seen in large cities.

- Moisten one side of the magic paper squares and press them on the skyscrapers to represent windows. They will stick to the felt buildings.

- Using the glitter glue, draw a door at the bottom of each building.

- Display children’s artwork at the bottom of a wall to create a square-filled city. Children will have fun playing in front of this scene with toy cars and figurines.
Patricia-Ann Morrison