Technical Support
educatall Club
What is the educatall club
The educatall club is, above all, exclusive graphic documents which offer inestimable support for the theme-related activities offered for free in our website’s themes and activites.
It is also complementary resources defined by our members’ needs. For example, many documents originate from special requests we receive each week. Not only do you benefit from the material, we also offer you the opportunity to participate in the creation of tools according to the specific needs of your environment.
The thematic package offers activity sheets, arts & crafts, responsibility charts, pictograms for your various corners, pictures for the letters of the alphabet, memory games, picture games, and many more professional printable documents. You also may access stationery and backgrounds with calendars for your computer.
To order, you must first register on the online store.
For more information, visit the educatall club section.

How do I purchase the educatall club?
To purchase the educatall club, you must first register on the online store.
Once this is done, you may purchase the package of your choice by following the steps.
It is very important that you follow each step.
You will reach a point where you must select if you wish to pay by check or credit card. If you pay by credit card, you will have access to the educatall club as soon as your payment is authorized. If you choose to pay by check, we will give you access as soon as we receive your payment. You will receive a purchase order as soon as your order is complete.
It is very important to remember your username (email address) and password. They will be required to access the educatall club.
If you have a problem or if you are unable to find answers to your questions, contact us. Describe your situation as precisely as possible.
Our goal is to respond to requests for assistance within a reasonable delay from Monday to Thursday between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM.

I can't login and access the club?
First of all, be sure that you have paid for your membership and your account has been activated.
You must enter your username on the educatall club entry page. Your username corresponds to the email address you used to register on the online store.
Also, you must remember your password. You chose this password when you first registered on the online store to purchase the club or to make other purchases.
It is easy to reverse two letters when registering. If this was the case, the computer registered it that way. Do not allow your computer to enter the password automatically. Be sure to enter each letter and each symbol as they are supposed to be, with uppercase letters if they were originally used. Make sure the "Caps lock" button is not activated.
Once you have verified all these possibilities, request a new password by clicking on "forgotten password" either on the online store or in the educatall club.
If all else fails, try to erase the automatic password.
Here’s how if you use
Internet Explorer. Click on : Tools, Internet Options, Contents, Automatic entry and erase documents, erase passwords.
If you are using
Firefox (Mozilla) : Click on :Options, Privacy, Forms, Passwords.
You can then try to enter the club again.
If your problem persists or if you do not find answers to your questions, contact us. Describe your situation as precisely as possible.
Our goal is to respond to requests for assistance within a reasonable delay from Monday to Thursday between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM.

If I pay my club membership via a credit card will I have access to the club immediately?
Usually, access to the club is authorized within a few minutes when payment is received via credit card. If you are paying by credit card, be sure to complete your transaction by clicking on confirm at the end of the Desjardins transaction.

I paid my club membership by credit card and I can't login and access the club?
If you did not receive payment confirmation, your transaction may not have been confirmed. It may have been either refused or incomplete. If this is the case, an educatall representative will contact you as soon as possible from Monday to Friday.
If you receive a confirmation from Desjardins and you are not given access to the club, refer to the section entitled: I can't sign-on to the club.
If your problem persists or if you do not find answers to your questions, contact us. Describe your situation as precisely as possible.
Our goal is to respond to requests for assistance within a reasonable delay from Monday to Thursday between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM.

If I pay by check, how will I know when I can access the educatall club?
It is very important to send your payment as soon as possible. As soon as we receive it, we will send you an email confirming that you are authorized to access the club.

Will I receive anything by mail when I purchase the educatall club membership?
No, educatall club membership gives you access to the section of our website reserved for members. This section makes it possible to print a multitude of high quality documents.
For more information, see the section entitled: What is the educatall club?
If you do not find answers to your questions,contact us. Describe your situation as precisely as possible.
Our goal is to respond to requests for assistance within a reasonable delay from Monday to Thursday between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM.