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(Open thematic poster-The sky) Print, laminate, and display all kinds of posters.
Educa-theme-The sky
(Open educa-theme-The sky) Print and laminate the items that represent the theme. Use them to present your theme to your group (and parents) while decorating a corner of your daycare.
Educa-decorate-The sky
(Open educa-decorate-The sky) Print, laminate, and cut out the various items. Use them to decorate your daycare and set the mood for the theme.
nd-The sky
(Open garland-The sky) Print several models. Let children decorate them. Cut them out and hang them within your daycare or near your daycare entrance to create a garland.
Stickers-The sky
(Open stickers-The sky) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper and use them to create original stickers for your group.
This tool was created in response to a special request received. (Open the weather this week) Print, laminate, and stick Velcro behind each pictogram. During circle time, take a few minutes to observe the sky with your group and help children determine, among other things, if they will be able to play outside. If you add the weather pictograms to your calendar, children will be able to compare the weather over a period of a few days and draw conclusions. For example, they many notice that it has been raining for three days or that clouds were more present yesterday. The weather is discussed daily by adults. Introducing children to weather concepts will make it possible for them to participate in discussions outside of your daycare too.
Finding my circle time spot
Arrange colourful stars on the floor, making sure you have a different color for each child. Set miniature stars (corresponding colors) in a small box. Before circle time, let each child pick a tiny star, find the star of the same color on the floor, and sit on it.
Animated discussion-The sky
(Open picture game-The sky) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with your group and to ask children questions about the theme.
Poni discovers and presents-The sky
(Open Poni discovers and presents-The sky) Print the cards. Laminate them and cut them out. Use your Poni puppet or another puppet children are familiar with to present the pictures to your group. (Open sun and moon) Print and laminate. Sit in a circle with your group. When you show children the sun illustration, they must stand up and dance around. When you show them the moon, they must lie down on the floor and pretend to sleep. Alternate the sun and the moon to get children moving. After a while, encourage children to calm down and pursue your circle time discussion.
Before children arrive in the morning, decorate your ceiling with items that can be seen in the sky: sun, moon, stars.
Here are a few additional suggestions:
- Hang miniature Christmas lights.
- Stick cloud shapes on the ceiling in your relaxation area.
- Attach a paperclip to a piece of fishing wire and stick the other end on the ceiling. Use the paperclip to display a variety of items (sun, moon, star).
- Stick glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. Hang a sun or a moon shape over your circle time area for each child. Write their name on their shape to identify their spot.
The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with your group. Use them to decorate your daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-The sky) Print, laminate, and store the pictures in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.
Memory game
(Open picture game-The sky) Print the illustrations twice and use them for a simple memory game.
(Open activity sheets-The sky) Activity sheets are suggested for each theme. Print and follow instructions.
Ways to use your activity sheets
Stick two crayons end to end. Have a child begin completing an activity sheet with one color, then encourage him to rotate the crayon and move his fingers down like a caterpillar to continue with the opposite end.
Different writing positions
Display your activity sheets on walls and on the floor or stick them under tables and have children lie on their stomach or back to complete them.
(Open writing activities-S like sky) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Educa-nuudles-The sky
(Open educa-nuudles-The sky) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet and use Magic Nuudles to give it a three-dimensional look. Variation: You don't have Magic Nuudles? Have children fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers. To order Magic Nuudles.
Stationery-The sky
(Open stationery-The sky) Print. Use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins.
Educa-spots-The sky
Print for each child. Use bingo markers to add color inside the circles. If you don't have bingo markers, simply have children deposit cereal or stickers inside the circles.
(Open posters-workshops) Print, laminate, and display to identify your various workshops.
Workshop planning booklet
(Open workshop planning booklet) Print, laminate, and use the grid with a dry-erase marker. This essential tool will help you prepare and create the material you need for your various workshops, organize your environment, and plan per the interests of the children in your group. It will also help you analyze your weekly activities.
Workshop follow-up booklet
(Open workshop follow-up booklet) Print for each child. This booklet will help you better understand how workshops foster children's development.
Construction/building blocks:
- Instead of dividing your blocks by kind (wooden, LEGO, etc.), divide them by color.
- Bright pieces of felt children can add to their constructions.
- Sort your figurines, toy cars, etc. by color.
Drawing/Arts & crafts:
- Provide primary paint colors and let children explore color combinations:
- Yellow+Red=Orange
- Blue+Red=Purple
- Yellow+Blue=Green
- What happens when we add white paint to a primary color?
- All kinds of paper for cutting, drawing, and creating.
- Finger paint for exploring color combinations.
- Markers with a variety of different tips (wide, narrow, etc.) for color exploration.
- Color by number activities.
- Coloring pages of all kinds.
Role play:
- Transform your area to make it look like a "paint store". Children become painters.
- Paint chips and color samples, painter hats, paintbrushes, paint rollers, etc.
- Decorating magazines (ask parents if they have old ones they no longer need).
- Old sweaters with paint stains.
- Create an artist corner by adding an easel, paint, a palette, paper, paintbrushes, etc.

- Memory game for exploring colors.
- Modeling dough in primary colors (let children mix them together). Use homemade modeling dough to reduce the cost. Children will play with it for hours.
- Association game involving illustrations and colors (a cloud can be associated with white, a leaf can be associated with green, etc.).
- Color sorting activities using items you have in your daycare.
- Colourful cellophane paper for looking at objects. Stick circles of paper on the ends of your binoculars.
- A Lite-Brite game or colourful mosaics.
- Books about shapes and colors or simply books with pretty colors and scenes.
Music/motor skills:
- A Twister-style game, homemade or store-bought.
- Traffic light game.

Sensory bins:
- Water table: Add food coloring to the water.
- Rock bin: Use aquarium pebbles to create an inexpensive sensory bin.
- Froot Loops bin.
Early science:
- Experiments involving colors
- Color explosion in milk.
- The flower that changes color if we add food coloring to its water.
- Color combinations with paint.
- etc.
Word flashcards-The sky
(Open word flashcards-The sky) (Open giant word flashcards-The sky) Print. The word flashcards may be used to spark a conversation with your group, in your reading and writing corners, or to identify your thematic bins. sun, moon, cloud, airplane, thunder, star, bird, rainbow, hot air balloon, helicopter, rain, snow
Let's chat
(Open word flashcards-The sky) Print and laminate the word flashcards. Have each child pick a flashcard. They can take turns presenting the word they picked to the group. With your group, talk about each item. Ask children questions to encourage them to share what they know about each one.
Educa-chatterbox-The sky
(Open educa-chatterbox-The sky) Print and laminate the cards. Cut them out and place them in an empty shoebox or small container. Add items, pictures, and illustrations related to the theme. During circle time or when children are waiting for lunch to be served, encourage them to take turns picking a card out of the box and naming what they see.
Reinvented scrabble
(Open word flashcards-The sky) (Open giant word flashcards-The sky) Print many copies of the word flashcards and encourage children to use scrabble tiles to write the words. Manipulating the small tiles represents a great fine motor skill exercise. At the same time, children will notice which letters make up the different words.
Word association-The sky
(Open word flashcards-The sky) (Open giant word flashcards-The sky) Print two copies of several different word flashcards. On a large piece of cardboard, stick one copy of each flashcard vertically to create a word column. Cut the second copy of each word flashcard so you have the word on one side and the illustration on the other side. Attach Velcro behind each part as well as to the right of the uncut flashcards (on the cardboard). Arrange the cut flashcards on the table and encourage children to look at your flashcard board to identify a matching word and illustration. When they succeed, they may stick them next to the corresponding flashcard, on your board. This exercise will help children associate words with pictures.
Word tree-The sky
(Open word flashcards-The sky) (Open giant word flashcards-The sky) Print several word flashcards. Use a hole-punch to make a hole at the top of each flashcard. Thread a ribbon through each hole and tie a knot. Bring the word flashcards outside and encourage children to use them to decorate a tree. Every time a child adds a flashcard, invite him/her to "read" the corresponding word. Children will be happy to repeat this activity many times. Eventually, they will learn to recognize the words.
Word clothesline
(Open word flashcards-The sky) (Open giant word flashcards-The sky) Print two copies of several word flashcards. Hang one copy of each word on an indoor clothesline with colourful clothespins. Arrange the copies in a pile on a table. Let children take turns picking a word and finding the matching word on the clothesline. When they find a match, they can place the flashcard on top of the one that was already hanging on the clothesline. Help younger children manipulate the clothespins if necessary.
Word race
(Open word flashcards-The sky) (Open giant word flashcards-The sky) Print several word flashcards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into two teams. When you give them the signal, children must search for the flashcards for a pre-determined period, for example three minutes. When the time is up, children must be able to "read" their flashcards to earn a point for their team. If they are unable to find the correct word, the other team can earn the point if they succeed.
Scene-The sky
(Open scene-The sky) Print, laminate, and cut out the pieces. Encourage children to use them to decorate the scene.
Picture clue story-What's wrong Sun?
(Open picture clue story-What's wrong Sun) Print. Sit in a circle with your group. Begin reading the story. Every time you reach a picture clue, pause to give children the chance to identify the missing word.
Game-This is my spot-Planets
(Open game-This is my spot-Planets) Print each illustration twice. Stick one copy of each picture on the table using adhesive paper. Deposit the second copy of each illustration in a bag and have children take turns picking a card to determine where they are to sit at the table, their spot in the task train, etc.
My star-filled path
(Open my star-filled path) Print, laminate, and stick the illustrations on the floor to create a path leading to different areas within your daycare that children frequently visit every day such as the bathroom, the cloakroom, etc. If you prefer, use the illustrations to delimit workshops.
Lost in space
Photocopy pictures of planets. Laminate them and stick them on your daycare walls. Tell children you are lost in space. Encourage them to find Earth by going from one planet to the next.
My routine-Sun
(Open positive reinforcement system-Sun) Print and laminate. This positive reinforcement system is designed to increase children's willingness to cooperate. Here, children collect rays they can add to their sun. For example, you could give children a ray every time they wash their hands.
Game-This is my spot-Day and night
(Open game-This is my spot-Day and night) Print each illustration twice. Stick one copy of each picture on the table using adhesive paper. Deposit the second copy of each illustration in a bag and have children take turns picking a card to determine where they are to sit at the table, their spot in the task train, etc.
Imaginary walk
Have children stand in a line. Take them on a walk around the daycare, pretending you are walking around your neighbourhood. Pretend to cross paths with a variety of obstacles such as traffic lights, a bus, a stop sign, a sign indicating a right turn, etc.
Rainbow mobile
(Open mobiles-Rainbows) Print and decorate the colourful shapes with glitter, ribbon, cotton balls, confetti, etc. Stick them on either side of pieces of ribbon or string. Hang your mobile from the ceiling over your changing table.
Sun and Moon
Draw a large moon and a large sun shape on cardboard. Display them on a wall and have children paint them with their hands.
Stardust bottles
Create special sensory bottles for little ones by filling empty water bottles with glitter and shiny objects. Babies will love turning the bottles over, manipulating them, observing the contents of the bottles, and listening to the sounds produced by the contents of the bottles.
Mobile-The sky
Use the pictures from the theme's educa-decorate document or pictures and illustrations from magazines to create a space-themed mobile. Simply use different lengths of string and ribbon to hang the items over your changing table. Children will love admiring your mobile during diaper changes. Add tiny bells for extra fun.
String activities-The sky
(Open string activities-The sky) Print for each child. Children trace the lines with white glue before positioning a string on them.
Sky game
(Open game-The sky) Print and laminate the pictures. Hang a large piece of light blue cardboard on a wall, at children's level. Hide printed illustrations throughout your daycare. Every time a child finds one, he must exclaim, "The sky is blue!" and stick it in your sky. Continue until all the illustrations have been found.
Cloud transportation
Fill a container with cotton balls. Set an empty bin at the other end of your daycare. Children use a spoon to transfer the cotton balls to the other bin.
Holes in the moon
(Open moon with holes-Planets) Cut the moon shape out of yellow paper. Use a hole-punch to make holes all the way around it. Thread a shoelace or ribbon through the holes.
Walking on the moon
Push furniture items up against a wall to create a large playing area. Deposit several small, medium, and large unbreakable objects on the floor. For example, you could use blocks, plastic animal figurines, etc. Set pillows or cushions on top of the objects and cover everything with bed sheets. Encourage children to "walk on the moon".
Nighttime hide-and-seek
Pull your curtains and organize a simple game of hide-and-seek. Give the child who is counting a flashlight. The other children hide within your daycare. When he is done counting, the "counter" turns the flashlight on and uses it to search for the others. Once all the children have been found, invite another child to count. (Open sun and moon) Print and laminate. Sit in a circle with your group. When you show children the sun illustration, they must stand up and dance around. When you show them the moon, they must lie down on the floor and pretend to sleep. Alternate the sun and the moon to get children moving.
Planet hop
(Open planets) Print. Use adhesive paper to secure the illustrations on the floor. Play music. When the music stops, children must sit on a planet (variation of musical chairs).
Moon walk
Use hula hoops, chairs, etc. to create an obstacle course. Show children how astronauts walk on the Moon and encourage them to walk like astronauts as they complete the course.
Shooting stars
Have children crumple several pieces of recycled paper. Let them toss them in the air to represent shooting stars.
Snakes and ladders-The sky
(Open snakes and ladders-The sky) Print and laminate. Use a die and tiny figurines as playing pieces.
Counting cards-The sky
(Open counting cards-The sky) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.
Educ-big and small-The sky
(Open educ-big and small-The sky) Print the cards and invite children to arrange them from smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest.
(Open educ-trace-Stars) Print for each child. Children must trace the lines using a crayon of the corresponding color and then color the object at the end of each line using the same color.
(Open educ-pairs-Stars) Print. Children must draw a line to connect matching items or color them using the same color. For durable, eco-friendly use, laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Color by number-Stars
(Open color by number-Stars) Children must color the picture per the color code.
(Open educ-intruder-Stars) Print and laminate. Children must find the six (6) items.
Star gazing
Encourage parents to observe a star-filled sky with their child and draw what they saw together.
Surprise-filled hideout
Purchase several glow-in-the-dark stars and moons. Stick them under a table. Drape a blanket over the table to create a dark hideout. Children can take turns visiting your hideout to discover the special surprise. Once everyone has had a turn, you can stick various illustrations and pictures related to your theme under the table and encourage children to visit your hideout with a flashlight to explore them.
Space ship
Use three or four empty cardboard boxes or one large appliance box. Have children paint the box(es) with gray poster paint. Set a small table inside and add an old computer keyboard to represent a control centre. Add old headphones and arts & crafts materials children can use to create alien costumes (aluminum paper, buttons, felt, pipe cleaners, etc.). Get ready for take-off!
Space travel
Have children sit in a circle and take turns stating what they would pack if they were travelling to outer space. For example, they could say, "I am travelling to outer space, and I am packing my teddy bear." Each child must repeat the items previously stated before adding his own to the list.
Dress-up dolls-Astronaut
(Open dress-up dolls-Astronaut) Print and laminate. Set the pieces on a table and let children dress the doll as they wish.
Space camera
Use an empty tissue box. Punch a hole in it so children can see through it. Wrap it with aluminum paper and attach a string so children can wear it around their neck. They will enjoy pretending to take pictures of outer space with their special space camera.
Thematic bin
Wrap a cardboard box, a recycling bin, or a plastic bin with space-themed wrapping paper to create a thematic box. Print the theme's picture game and use the illustrations to decorate your bin. Add the following items: astronaut figurines, puzzles related to the theme, a space station, flashlights, rockets, books about planets or planet illustrations, gray, white, and brown modeling dough, cotton balls, star-shaped adhesive putty, planet and star-shaped tattoos, a dark blanket, planet-shaped lacing activities, empty paper towel rolls and crepe paper for creating rockets, bags filled with colourful balls, etc.
Giant tic-tac-toe-The sky
(Open giant tic-tac-toe-The sky) Print the parts and laminate them for durable, eco-friendly use. Use chalk or colourful tape to draw a tic-tac-toe grid on the ground. Two players take turns depositing a symbol in the grid. The first child who places three identical symbols in a row wins.
Shadow chasing
Go outside on a sunny day and invite children to chase their friends' shadows. Help them notice how certain shadows are very tall while other shadows are very small, depending on the sun's position.
I am tall, I am short...
Measure each child's shadow at the same spot throughout the day. Help them notice how their shadow varies in size depending on the time, even if they are always the same size.
Walking on the Moon
Create an obstacle course with hula hoops, balls, cardboard boxes, etc. Invite children to complete the course as if there is zero gravity.
Planet game
Children must pick a planet (represented by a hula hoop or illustration) and stand inside or on it. Give one child a star (ball). He must toss it to another child, naming the corresponding planet. The longer children play, the better they will get at naming planets.
Musical word
(Open word flashcards-The sky) (Open giant word flashcards-The sky) Print two copies of several word flashcards and deposit them in a box. Have children sit in a circle and hand them the box. To the sound of music, children pass the box around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding the box picks a flashcard and names the item.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
Children walk around the daycare as they sing Twinkle, twinkle little star. When the song ends, they lie down on the floor and spread their arms and legs to represent a star.
Moon dance
(Open Sun and Moon) Print several moon models and stick them on the floor. Play music. When the music stops, children must quickly sit on a moon. Variation: (Open planets) Print and laminate. Use adhesive paper to arrange them on the floor. Play music. Every time the music stops, children must quickly find a planet to sit on.
The sky
Invite children to paint the solar system on a large piece of paper as a group. Once it is dry, stick their masterpiece on the ceiling in your naptime area.
Fill Ziploc bags with inexpensive hair gel and glitter. Seal the bags (add adhesive tape). Children will enjoy manipulating the bags. Variation: Set the bags in the refrigerator for a few hours to provide a new texture and sensation that children will enjoy exploring.
Cloud catchers
(Open cloud) Print several copies and cut out the clouds. Set them in a bin filled with cotton balls. Children close their eyes and plunge their hands in the bin. The goal is to find a cloud.
Let children explore this popular game and use it to discuss how stars shine brightly in the sky.
Star exploration
Invite children to bring a flashlight to daycare. Have children paint Styrofoam drinking glasses. Let dry. Punch holes in the bottom of each glass, creating a variety of designs. In a dark room, show children how they can insert their flashlight in the glasses and point them towards the ceiling to see "stars".
Shooting stars
Line a large metal coffee can with black or dark blue construction paper. Prepare a mixture of white paint and Elmer's glue (it is very important that you use Elmer's glue for this experiment). Press ping-pong balls in the mixture before dropping them in the can. Let children shake the can in every direction. After a few minutes, remove the paper to observe the path of your shooting stars. Use the balls to create a mural.
Gravity in space
Give each child an inflated balloon. Have them draw an astronaut face on their balloon. Encourage children to tap their balloon up in the air to make it float around like an astronaut in space. Use this activity to discuss gravity.
The Sun's heat
You will need four Ziploc bags. Fill them with water. Cover the first bag with white paper, the second bag with orange paper, the third bag with black paper, and the last bag with aluminum paper. Set all four bags in the sun for 1 hour. After one hour, measure the temperature of the water in each bag with a thermometer. Compare the results and use them to talk about the Sun's strength and how the Sun is attracted to different colors with your group.
The Earth spins
Use chalk to mark a ray of sun on the ground. Every 30 minutes, mark its new position with your group and use this activity to help children understand how the Earth spins around the Sun.
My planet with a hole in the centre
Spread cream cheese on a bagel. Decorate it with sliced fruit. Add a hard-boiled egg in the centre to represent an edible planet. Variation: Use flavoured cream cheese or add food coloring to your cream cheese.
My moon pizza
You will need half an English muffin for each child. Encourage children to notice how the holes in their English muffin look a lot like craters. Let them garnish their English muffin with pizza sauce, veggies, and cheese.
Apple satellite
You will need half an apple per child. Have children place their half-apple flat on a plate. Let them use toothpicks to add "antennae" to their satellite, pressing grapes or miniature marshmallows on the end of each one.
Space-themed snack
Serve a variety of dried fruits. Explain how astronauts can't eat regular meals and how the food they eat must be very light.
Star fruit
Purchase carambolas, slice them, and serve them at snack time. Make sure children notice the fruit is star-shaped.
Sunny snack
Give each child half of a peach to represent a sun. Fill the cavity with cottage cheese to represent a cloud. Enjoy as a snack!
Day and night
Use cookie cutters to cut bread slices and give them star, moon, or cloud shapes. Repeat the same operation with cheese slices. At snack time, set the shapes in front of your group and let them associate matching shapes before eating them.
Moon water
Invent a simple story and serve moon water to your group throughout the theme. For example, you can tell children that one of your friends is an astronaut who went to the Moon and that he shared the recipe for moon water with you. All you need is a pitcher filled with water and lemon wedges. Stir everything together and serve at snack time.
Creative clouds
(Open creative cloud) Print for each child. Invite children to stick cotton balls all over their cloud. Have them draw raindrops under their cloud to complete the scene.
My rainbow
(Open rainbow) Print. Cut strips of colourful construction paper and have children use scissors to cut them into tiny pieces they can glue in the rainbow sections, respecting the color sequence of a rainbow.
My sky
Have children paint a piece of cardboard with dark blue paint. Let dry. Press cotton balls in yellow poster paint and stamp them in the blue sky to represent planets and stars.
A collective sun
On a large piece of cardboard, draw a yellow circle. Paint children's hands with yellow poster paint and have them press them all the way around the circle to represent rays. Write the name of each child in ray.
Star-filled sky
Hang large pieces of dark paper on a wall. Mix water and yellow poster paint in a spray bottle. Let children spray the mixture on the paper. Let dry and display.
(Open puppets-Stars) Print the models on heavy paper. Have children cut them out and decorate them with a variety of arts & crafts materials. Stick a Popsicle stick behind each one to complete your puppets.
(Open model-Star) Print the model and use it for your various needs and activities throughout the theme.
I am learning to cut-A star
(Open I am learning to cut-A star) Print the model on paper or cardboard. Invite children to cut along the lines to practice their cutting skills.
The sky
Invite children to paint the solar system on a large piece of paper as a group. Once it is dry, stick their masterpiece on the ceiling in your naptime area.
My miniature astronaut
(Open miniature astronaut) Print, cut out, and color. Have children glue the pieces on an empty toilet paper roll. Hang the astronauts from the ceiling.
Blue skies above
Give each child two empty toilet paper rolls. Have children paint them blue before sticking them together to represent binoculars. Punch two holes, one on either side of their binoculars, and thread the ends of a blue string through them. Knot them inside the rolls. Add blue cellophane paper to the end of each toilet paper roll. Encourage children to look through their blue binoculars to see a very blue sky.
Star magic
Have children use a white crayon to draw stars on a piece of white paper. Encourage them to press as hard as they can. Next, have them use blue or black poster paint to paint over the stars and watch them appear, like magic.
Glowing in the dark
Purchase glow-in-the-dark paint and have children paint a starry sky on dark paper. Once dry, encourage them to admire their masterpiece in a dark room.
Shine Sun, Shine!
Give each child a paper plate and have them paint it with yellow, orange, and red paint. Have children cut rays out of yellow or orange paper and glue them around the outside of their plate.
Shining stars
(Open model-Star) Print several copies. Have children cut out a star and use white glue to add glitter all over it.
(Open models-Sun) Print for each child. Let children color their sun before gluing it on orange construction paper. Cut out each child's sun and hang them from the ceiling using invisible wire.
The return of the Sun
(Open models circles) Use the models to trace circles on yellow and orange construction paper: a large circle out of the orange paper and a small circle out of the yellow paper or vice versa. Children then stick the small circle on the large circle. Next, they cut strips of yellow and orange construction paper to represent rays and glue them all the way around their sun.
Daytime sky, nighttime sky
Stick a piece of black construction paper and a piece of light blue construction paper together to represent a daytime sky and a nighttime sky. Prepare a series of white items (cotton balls, string, tissue paper, chalk, a star shape, a moon shape, etc.). Have children glue them on the dark paper to complete the nighttime sky. Provide a cotton ball, a sun shape, string attached to a kite shape, a bird, etc. Have them glue these items on the blue paper to complete the daytime sky. Hang their work from the ceiling so both sides can be admired.
The galaxy
Paint Styrofoam balls to represent planets and hang them from the ceiling.
Collective constellation
Glue a piece of dark cardboard on a piece of wood. As a group, stick planets, stars, and cotton balls (to represent clouds) on the paper. Use different sizes of Styrofoam balls that are cut in two and painted for the planets.
Bright star
Have children cut a star shape out of heavy paper and wrap it with aluminum paper. Hang children's stars from the ceiling.
Use an empty paper towel or wrapping paper roll to make a telescope. Glue stars on the walls and ceiling throughout the daycare. Children will have fun admiring them through their telescope.
(Open coloring pages theme-The sky) Print for each child.
Identical coloring pages-The sky
Print the same coloring page for each child and an additional copy for your model. Color only certain parts of your picture. Present the model to your group and ask them to color their picture to make it look exactly like yours.
Coloring binder-The sky
Print and laminate several coloring pages and arrange them in a binder with a few dry-erase markers. Leave everything on a table for children to explore.
Musical drawing-The sky
Play musical drawing with your group. Give each child a coloring page. Have children sit around a table. When the music starts, they must pass the coloring pages around the table. Every time the music stops, they must color the picture in front of them until the music starts again.
Homemade puzzles-The sky
Give each child a picture to color. When they are done, cut each picture into pieces to create unique puzzles.
(Open I am learning to draw-A star) Print and laminate the model sheet. Invite children to practice their drawing technique on the model sheet before trying to draw a star on their own.
(Open I am learning to draw-A sun) Print and laminate the model sheet. Invite children to practice their drawing technique on the model sheet before trying to draw a sun on their own.
(Open songs & rhymes-The sky)
By: Patricia Morrison
The sky
Looking up at the big blue sky
I see a bird flying by
Looking up at the sunny sky
I see a fluffy cloud floating by
Looking up at the dark night sky
I see stars shining way up high
Have fun!
The educatall team
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