
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Father’s Day-NEW 2024

Daddy-inspired workshops, crafts, games, celebrations, role play suggestions, and more!

In the Educatall Club
Everything you need to prep for Father’s Day: coloring pages, activity sheets, fine and gross motor skill challenges, gifts, decorations, and more!

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule


stickers-Father’s Day 2024SPECIAL TOOL

This tool was created in response to a special request we received. (Open poster-A father’s role) Print and display where everyone is sure to see it.



Time flies

Invite children to bring pictures of themselves at different ages to daycare. Use the pictures to create a special time scale. Use it to help them see just how quickly they are changing and getting bigger. If possible, present black and white pictures. Explain to your group how, when their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were young, there were no color pictures.


Animated discussion-Father’s Day

(Open picture game-Father’s Day or My father’s profession) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with your group and question children about the theme.


Poni discovers and presents-Dads around the worldPicture game-Father’s Day 2024-1

(Open Poni discovers and presents-Dads around the world) Print the various cards. Laminate and cut them out. Use a Poni puppet (available at the educatall online store) or another puppet children are familiar with to present the different pictures.


The educatall team has prepared several activities to help you celebrate Father’s Day with your group. You may follow the various steps in order, or simply pick and choose among the wide range of activities. Have fun discovering each child’s father along with your group!


Before beginning the theme, prepare a chart which includes each child’s name and four columns which can be used to keep track of the information collected. By asking fathers to provide the information ahead of time, you will be better able to support children and suggest workshops adapted to their reality. You can ask fathers to complete the questionnaire several weeks before beginning the theme to ensure that you have plenty of time to prepare your activities. (Open questionnaire fathers) Print a copy for each father.Picture game-Father’s Day 2024-2


Suggestions for a discussion period:

  • Describe your father. What is his name? What is your grandfather’s name?
  • Tell us about your father’s job.
  • What do you like to do most with your father?
  • What is your dad’s favourite activity?
  • What is your father’s favourite meal?
  • Tell me about a fond memory you have about you and your dad.
  • What does your father do in his free time? Does he have a special pastime?
  • Does your dad play sports? 
  • Which games does your father play with you?
  • Does your dad have tools?
  • Tell me about your father’s car.
  • Which chores does your father do around the house? Groceries? Dishes? Take out the trash? Cooking? Mow the lawn?Educa-decorate-Father’s Day 2024-1

Collective story

After your discussion period, invite children to invent a story related to the theme. Encourage them to provide ideas and make suggestions. Write down everything they say. When they are done, read them their story. Have them draw pictures for their story and display it on a wall.


Invite children to bring a picture of their father along with an object which belongs to their father to the daycare. They can take turns presenting the items to the group.


NEW! Flipogram-Father’s Day

(Open picture game-Father’s Day) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use a hole-punch to make a hole in the upper right and left corner of each picture. Stack the pictures and insert a ring through each set of holes. The flipogram is easy to manipulate. Simply show children how they can lift a picture and flip it under the stack. Name each item with your group. Use the flipogram to encourage children to talk during circle time and to ask them questions about the theme.

 Educa-decorate-Father’s Day 2024-2

Father’s Day circle time fun

Every morning, hide an object associated with Father’s Day within your daycare. Hide it so it can easily be found by the children in your group. However, finding it must still represent a challenge for them. As soon as they find the item, photograph it and print the picture. Display the pictures on a wall near your daycare entrance so children can share their daily findings with their parents at the end of the day.




NEW! Thematic poster-Father’s Day

(Open thematic poster-Father’s Day) Print and display where children (and parents) are sure to see it.


NEW! Educa-theme-Father’s Day

(Open educa-theme-Father’s Day) Print and laminate the different elements that represent the theme. Display them to present the theme to your group (and their parents) and decorate your daycare.

 Educa-decorate-Father’s Day 2024-3

NEW! Educa-decorate-Father’s Day

(Open educa-decorate-Father’s Day) Print, cut out, and laminate. Decorate your walls and hang illustrations from the ceiling to create a special atmosphere for the theme.


NEW! Mini homemade stickers

(Open stickers-Father’s Day) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper and use them to build an original sticker collection.


NEW! Stickers-Father’s Day

(Open stickers-Father’s Day) Print on adhesive paper and use the stickers for various projects throughout the theme.


Pennant garland-Father’s Day

(Open pennants-Father’s Day) Print and have children cut out the pennants. Hang them within your daycare to form a garland.

 Interactive planning-Father’s Day 2024

Interactive planning- Father’s Day

NEW! (Open interactive planning-Father’s Day) Enter your planned activities directly in the document, print it, and add it to your activity planning binder or display it for parents to see.

Interactive identification cards – Father’s Day

NEW! (Open interactive identification cards-Father’s Day) Type the name of each child on an identification card. Save and print the document. You can print it on adhesive paper and press the identification cards directly on children’s clothing or, if you prefer, you can print them on heavy paper, punch a hole at the top of each card, and thread a piece of string through. Children can wear their identification card like a necklace. The identification cards may also be used to identify children’s spaces and personal belongings.


My father’s eyes and smileInteractive identification cards-Father’s Day-2024

Ask each child’s father to provide a picture of himself. Cut each father’s eyes and smile out and glue them on a large piece of cardboard. Invite children (and parents) to guess who each pair of eyes and each smile belongs to.


Schedule-Father’s Day

(Open schedule-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Write your Father’s Day activities on this schedule and display it on a wall for everyone to see.


Father’s Day mail

Have each child draw one or more pictures for his/her father. They can deposit them in a special mailbox that you have prepared with your group. At the end of the day, encourage fathers to check the mailbox to see if they have mail. This activity can last as long as you wish, a single day or the duration of the theme.


Banner-Father’s DayPicture frame-Father's-Day2023

(Open banner-Father’s Day) (Open banner-Father’s Day-Small) Print and laminate. Use the banners to decorate your daycare.


Necktie garland

(Open necktie garland) Print and let children decorate the items. Cut them out and use them to form a garland which can be hung within your daycare or near your daycare entrance.


Father’s Day wall

Create a special wall to celebrate fathers. Write things children have said about their father on the wall and add drawings, pictures, etc. Display children’s Father’s Day crafts on your wall. Hang stars and pictures of each child’s father in front of your wall. Be sure to set up this wall where everyone is sure to see it. If you wish, you could also hang a clothesline in front of your wall and use it to display different items related to the theme.


An envelope for DaddyEduca-theme-Father’s Day 2024

Prepare a special envelope for each child’s father. During the theme, children can insert any crafts, drawings, or messages they prepare for their father in their envelope. At the end of the week, children will be happy to hand their envelope to their father who will love discovering its contents.


Organize a “Daddy corner”. Hang a picture of each child’s father and grandfather in your construction/building area. Children will enjoy imitating them hard at work.


Ask parents to provide pictures of their child’s father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Display all the pictures on a special wall within the daycare.


Superstar poster

Create a poster that will present both children and fathers as superstars. Simply glue pictures of fathers with their child on a large piece of paper. Laminate your poster and display it on a wall. Have fun naming each child and each father. You may also print the following poster. (Open poster-Dad superstar of the day) Display it on your daycare door. Each morning, add the picture of a child’s father.

Father and grandfather treePicture frame-Father’s Day 2022

Select a picture or shape that you like (star, moon, heart, animal, etc.) and print several copies. On each one, glue a picture of a child’s father or grandfather. Hang the pictures from a clothing hanger or a branch using string. Variation: Display pictures of each child’s family members in your relaxation area.


Door decorations-I love Daddy

(Open door decorations-I love Daddy) Print the decorations and use them to decorate your daycare door, hallway, or cloakroom. Cut the following out of cardboard: “I”, a heart (for “love”), and the letters to write the word “Daddy”. Let children draw on them and decorate them. Display the decorations where fathers are sure to see them.


Integrating Father’s Day throughout your daycare

Here are a few ideas:

  • For Father’s Day, transform your circle time area by using colorful adhesive paper to give it a star shape. Next, let children press stickers on the floor.
  • Hang blue and green lights.
  • Hang a Father’s Day garland made by the children in your group. Hang plastic tools, plastic golf clubs, and pictures of fathers from the ceiling.Picture frame-Father's Day
  • Provide cookie cutters, choosing shapes that are associated with Father’s Day. Have children trace, cut out, and stick the shapes on walls, floors, the ceiling, under tables, in your different workshops, and on toys.
  • Provide Father’s Day stickers.
  • Cut out Father’s Day shapes and glue them on paper plates. Use ribbon to tie the plates together to form a banner.


Father’s Day tree

Create a variety of Father’s Day decorations. Give each child a tree branch. Invite them to decorate a metal can. They can fill their can with sand and insert their branch. If you want to turn this into a group project, use a larger branch in a bucket full of sand. Either way, children can paint their branch and add glitter. When they are done, they can hang the Father’s Day decorations they make during the theme in their tree.

 Menu Father’s Day 2023

Menu model for Father’s Day celebrations

(Open menu-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Use a dry-erase marker to write your menu and display it where parents will see it.


My placemat for Daddy

(Open placemat-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Have children color their placemat. When they are done, laminate the placemats and use them to teach children the proper way to set the table. Children will be happy to give their placemat to their father as a gift.




NEW! The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group. Use them to decorate the daycare or a specific corner (Open picture game-Father’s Day) (Open picture game-My father’s profession) Print, laminate, and store in a “Ziploc” bag or in your thematic bins.


Memory gameEduca-decorate-Father’s Day 2024-3

(Open picture game-My father’s profession) Print the series of pictures twice and use them as a memory game.




Writing sheet

(Open writing activities-D like Dad) Print for each child or laminate and use with a dry-erase marker.


Educa-shape tracing-Father’s Day

(Open educa-shape tracing-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must trace the different shapes using a dry-erase marker.


Stationery-Father’s DayPicture game-Father’s Day 2022-2

You may use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins. (Open stationery-Father’s Day) Print.




Activity sheets are suggested for each theme. Print and follow instructions. (Open activity sheets-Father’s Day)


Educa-nuudles activity sheet

(Open educa-nuudles-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet. Once they are done, they may use Magic Nuudles to turn their coloring page into a three-dimensional work of art. Variation: If you do not have Magic Nuudles, ask children to fill the spaces designed for the Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers. To order Magic Nuudles.


String activities-Father’s DayGiant word flashcards-Father’s Day 2019-1

(Open string activities-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Children trace the lines with waxed string (Wikki Stix). Variation: Trace the lines with glue and press string on the glue-covered lines. Wikki Stix are sold on the educatall online store.




Word flashcards

The flashcards may be used during circle time to spark a conversation or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) father, golf, generations, moustache, family, to cook, to play, hug, to tuck in, in love, children, grandfather


(Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) father, grandfather, tools, shaving cream, garage, golf, hockey, tie, fishing, hunting, moustache, beard


Giant word flashcards-Father’s Day 2019-2(Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) car, to mow, barbecue, to work out, to work, to play, to clean, to drive, to console, golfer, career, to cook


Scene “with my dad”

(Open scene with my dad) Print, laminate, and cut the pieces. Children use the items to decorate the scene.


Happy Father’s Day!

(Open poster-Happy Father’s Day) Print and display. Parents will enjoy saying Happy Father’s Day in several languages with their child.


Spanish=Buen dia del padre

Italian=Buono festa dei padre

French=Bonne fête des Pères

English=Happy Father’s Day

Portuguese=Boa festa dos paisGiant word flashcards-Father’s Day 2019-3


Sequential story

(Open sequential story-Father’s Day) Print the story. Laminate and cut the illustrations. Children must place the illustrations in the correct order to recreate the story.


Picture clue story-Father’s Day

(Open picture clue story-Father’s Day) Print. Sit in a circle with your group. Begin reading the story. When you reach a picture clue pause and point to the illustration. Encourage children to guess the missing word.


Educ-chat-Father’s Day

Educ-chat is a game which is made up of several different illustrations which represent subjects, verbs, and objects. They can be used to help children make complete sentences and enrich their vocabulary.


(Open educ-chat-Father’s Day) Print, cut out, and laminate the cards. Make three different piles (subjects, verbs, and objects). Ask children to pick three cards, one from each pile. Have them “read” the sentence. The sentences will sometimes be quite silly but you are sure to have fun. You may also choose to place the cards yourself and have children “read” the sentences.


Felt board gameStickers-Father's Day 2020

(Open felt board game-Father’s Day) Print the various shapes and stick them on piece of felt. Glue four pieces of black felt on a large piece of cardboard. Display your homemade felt board on a wall. Children will enjoy arranging the felt shapes on the board to create stories and scenes over and over again.



(Open educa-chatterbox-Father’s Day) Print and laminate the cards. To create your chatterbox, you will need an empty shoebox or a small bin that you can decorate as you see fit. Fill it with tiny objects, illustrations, pictures, and accessories related to your theme. To help you, we have created a series of cards that you may use. During circle time or, for example, when children are waiting for their lunch, have them take turns picking a card or object out of your chatterbox and naming the corresponding item.


I talk about Daddy…using a puppet

Use a puppet to encourage children to talk about their father. The puppet may help children who are shy overcome their shyness or help those who need language support. One thing is certain, the puppet will lead to many interesting discussions!


Listening to Daddy’s voiceReinvented scrabble-Father’s Day

Provide a portable recording device fathers can use to record their voice. They could, for example, sing a song. Listen to the recordings with the children in your group.


Reinvented scrabble

(Open reinvented scrabble-Father’s Day) Print many copies of word flashcards and encourage children to use scrabble tiles to write the words. Manipulating the small tiles represents a great fine motor skill exercise. At the same time, children will notice which letters make up the different words.


Father’s Day word association

(Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) Print two copies. On a large piece of cardboard, display one copy of each flashcard vertically. Cut the second copy of each flashcard in half so that you have the word on one side and the illustration on the other side. Attach Velcro behind each piece. Stick a strip of Velcro to the right of each word flashcard on your board. Set the cut flashcards on a table and encourage children to find a word and illustration that go together and press them on your board, next to the corresponding flashcard. This activity will help children learn to associate the words to the correct items.


Father’s Day word treePlacemat-Father’s Day

(Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) Print several word flashcards. Use a hole-punch to make a hole at the top of each flashcard. Thread a ribbon through each hole and tie a knot. Bring the word flashcards outside and encourage children to use them to decorate a tree. Every time a child adds a flashcard, invite him/her to “read” the corresponding word. Children will be happy to repeat this activity many times. Eventually, they will learn to recognize the words.


Word clothesline

(Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) Print two copies of several word flashcards. Hang one copy of each word on an indoor clothesline with colourful clothespins. Arrange the copies in a pile on a table. Let children take turns picking a word and finding the matching word on the clothesline. When they find a match, they can place the flashcard on top of the one that was already hanging on the clothesline. Help younger children manipulate the clothespins if necessary.


Word raceStickers-Father’s Day 2021

(Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) Print several word flashcards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into two teams. When you give them the signal, children must search for the flashcards for a pre-determined period, for example three minutes. When the time is up, children must be able to “read” their flashcards to earn a point for their team. If they are unable to find the correct word, the other team can earn the point if they succeed.




(Open workshops-Father’s Day) Print and display to identify your different workshops throughout the theme.


Have fun with these wonderful workshop ideas provided by Caroline Allard.


Construction/building blocks:

  • Blocks of all kinds children may use to build different places they would like to visit with their father.
  • Figurines children may use to represent their family.Schedule-Father’s Day
  • Figurines which represent various jobs and professions. Children will make associations with their father’s work.


Arts & crafts:

  • Children make a card for their father or grandfather using recycled objects or pictures. If you wish, use a particular theme such as golf, fishing, etc.
  • Various arts & crafts material which can be used to make the perfect Father’s Day gift...see suggestions within the theme.
  • A canvas and poster paint...children paint their father’s portrait.
  • A nature collage to represent hunting or fishing.
  • A Father’s Day collage using pictures of fathers found in catalogues. Ask children which man looks most like their father.
  • An empty tissue box can be used to make a model of their father’s car.
  • Children can glue pictures of their father’s favourite foods on a paper plate.

Stickers-Father’s Day-2018


  • Coloring pages which represent family members or activities which can be enjoyed as a family.
  • Creative coloring activities.
  • Children can “write” a letter for their father and mail it to their house.


Role play:

  • Workbench/tools: Add pieces of wood, safety glasses, dust masks, etc. Children will love to pretend they are fixing toys.
  • Barbecue: Dads are often barbecue specialists! Set up a toy barbecue and add several accessories such as tongs, spatulas, forks, plates, a tablecloth, glasses, plastic bottles of condiments, etc.
  • Hunting and fishing: Plastic fish and animals along with fishing rods. Make a boat using a large box or simply place several chairs in a row. A tent, plastic food items, and camouflage clothing are also great additions.


Manipulation:Modeling dough activity placemats-Father's Day-2020-2

  • Memory game using the picture game.
  • Real tools which can be manipulated to compare their size, weight, etc.
  • Modeling dough... children can play with screwdrivers, a hammer, nails, screws, etc.
  • A cardboard tie for lacing.
  • Association game related to families.
  • Puzzles which represent various professions.
  • Golf tees along with Styrofoam blocks and hammers.
  • Various objects related to sports which can be manipulated (baseball mitt, hockey puck, golf club, etc.)



  • Books about families.
  • Books children like their father to read to them. Ask them to share their favourites with you!
  • Games with word flashcards.String activities-Father’s Day
  • Headphones for listening to lullabies.



  • Hunt and seek games.
  • Various activity sheets related to the theme.
  • Tracing and maze games.
  • Help children practice writing “Dad” or their father’s first name.
  • Explore the letter “D” like Dad.


Motor skills:Educa-theme-Father’s Day 2022

  • Use ties to make rhythmic ribbons.
  • Talk about various sports: golf, hockey, baseball...
  • Play “Daddy says” instead of “Simon says”
  • Act out things fathers do regularly and have children guess. You may add accessories to help them.
  • Wash bicycles just like dads wash their car...


Sensory bins:

  • Water table: wash toy cars.
  • Container filled with pebbles or tiny rocks.
  • Container filled with objects which usually belong to dads.


Early science:Perpetual calendar-Special Day-Dads at daycare

  • Use a magnifying glass to observe sawdust, pieces of wood, parts of a motor, etc.



  • Bake a surprise for dads.
  • Make gingerbread dads.






Here are a few perpetual calendars and invitations you can use to organize a variety of special days to celebrate fathers, depending on what you think is best for your group. Print and display the perpetual calendar of your choice a few days ahead of time to remind parents and children of the upcoming event.


SPECIAL DAY-DADS AT DAYCAREInvitations-Special Day-Dads at daycare


Perpetual calendar: (Open perpetual calendar-Special Day-Dads at daycare) Print and display.


Schedule of activities: (Open schedule-Special Day-Dads at daycare) Print, write the activities you have planned for the day, and display for parents to see.


Invitations: (Open invitations-Special Day-Dads at daycare) Print an invitation card for each child. Encourage children to color their invitation and give it to their father (a color version is also available).


Greeting: Each child gives his/her father a bouquet of flowers.


Setup: (Open banner-Special Day-Dads at daycare) Print and laminate. Use the banner to decorate your daycare.


Surprise activity: Give each child the opportunity to honor his/her father in front of the group.


Snacks/lunch: Let children prepare a special snack they can share with their father.Picture frame-Special Day-Dads at daycare


Souvenir photo-Special Day-Dads at daycare

(Open picture frame-Special Day-Dads at daycare) Print and use the frame to display pictures of your special day within your daycare or to send a souvenir home with children.


Photo booth-Father’s Day

(Open photo booth-Father’s Day) Print the different accessory models, cut them out, and glue them on drinking straws. Purchase several hats, headbands, scarves, glasses, etc. at your local dollar store. Hang a large piece of cardboard, a curtain, or any other décor you can think of in one corner of your daycare. Have fun taking pictures of the children in your group. Let them pick and choose among the accessories you have on hand. Encourage them to act silly. Take pictures of children with their father or other family members or photograph them individually. The pictures will represent great souvenirs. Print them and display them on a wall in your cloakroom or hallway.


SPECIAL DAY-A SHOW FOR DADSPerpetual calendar-Special Day-A show for dads


Perpetual calendar: (Open perpetual calendar-Special Day-A show for dads) Print and display.


Schedule of activities: (Open schedule-Special Day-A show for dads) Print, write the activities you have planned for the day, and display for parents to see.


Invitations: (Open invitations-Special Day-A show for dads) Print an invitation card for each child. Encourage children to color their invitation and give it to their father and/or grandfather (a color version is also available).


Greeting: Encourage children to wear costumes or simply have them wear a handmade crown. If you wish, you can paint each child’s face too.


Setup: (Open banner-Special Day-A show for dads) Print and laminate. Use the banner to decorate your daycare.


Surprise activity: Form a choir with your group. If you wish, you may also provide different musical instruments and paint each child’s face. Prepare a short choreography based on a song or rhyme of your choice. Create costumes and a special décor. Children may also take turns presenting brief artistic creations. You can also choose to prepare a short theatrical presentation based on a storybook. Some children will enjoy performing individually, while others will prefer to work in groups of two or three. Children can choose to dance, perform a magic trick, etc.


Schedule-Special Day-A show for dadsSnacks/lunch: Organize a potluck lunch where each child is encouraged to bring his father’s favorite meal to daycare and share it with the group.


Souvenir photo-Special Day-A show for dads

(Open picture frame-Special Day-A show for dads) Print and use the frame to display pictures of your special day within your daycare or to send a souvenir home with children.




Perpetual calendar: (Open perpetual calendar-Special Day-Father’s Day breakfast) Print and display.


Schedule of activities: (Open schedule-Special Day-Father’s Day breakfast) Print, write the activities you have planned for the day, and display for parents to see.


Perpetual calendar-Special Day-Father's Day breakfastInvitations: (Open invitations-Special Day-Father’s Day breakfast) Print an invitation card for each child. Encourage children to color their invitation and give it to their father (a color version is also available).


Greeting: Have children wear a chef’s costume. You can help children make their own costume a few days prior to this special day. For each child, cut a white garbage bag so that it is open on either side to represent a chef’s coat. Staple a second white garbage bag to a strip of white construction paper to represent a chef’s hat.


Setup: (Open banner-Special Day-Father’s Day breakfast) Print and laminate. Use the banner to decorate your daycare.


Surprise activity: Children prepare a special breakfast for their father. Invite fathers to join their child at daycare between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. This activity represents a great way for parents to get to know each other. Children will be very proud to have their father spend time in their daycare environment.


Invitations-Special Day-Father's Day breakfastSnacks/lunch: Simply prepare a variety of fruit, muffins, crescent rolls, and coffee. Invite children to make edible garlands by threading Froot Loops cereal on pieces of licorice.


Souvenir photo-Special Day-Father’s Day breakfast

(Open picture frame-Special Day-Father’s Day breakfast) Print and use the frame to display pictures of your special day within your daycare or to send a souvenir home with children.


Discovering Dad (Open thematic letter-Father’s Day)


Hello everyone,


My name is Grand-Dad. I am the oldest father on the planet. Did you know that it will be Father’s Day soon? Today, I thought I would pay you a visit to see just how well you all know your father. Throughout the week, I will suggest activities you can try to verify just how well you know him and to honour him (that means to thank him for everything he does for you each day). Your early childhood educator will give you instructions each day by reading the letters I send to her from my home. Have fun and see you at the Father’s Day party!


Grand-DadPicture frame-Special Day-Father's Day-Breakfast


Monday: Discover your father’s artistic talents (Open poster-My father’s artistic talents) (Open My father’s artistic talents)


Hello my little friends!


Today, we will begin by discovering each father’s artistic talents. Do you know what they are? Do you have any ideas? There are several artistic talents: painting, sculpting, dancing, singing, drawing, photography, arts & crafts, etc. I asked your early childhood educator to prepare various workshops for you so that you can try a few of these talents yourself. See if you can guess which artistic talent is your father’s. Tonight, you can ask him and talk about his artistic talent. You can share it with the group during circle time tomorrow. Your father can even come add his artistic talent to the chart tomorrow morning. Have fun creating!




Memo for the early childhood educator: Organize artistic talent workshops.Picture frame-Special Day-A show for dads


  • A modeling dough corner including cookie cutters and various activities (sculpting).
  • A painting corner with easels (or paper taped to the wall), paint, and paintbrushes.
  • A singing corner complete with toy microphones and a tape recorder. Practice your Father’s Day songs.
  • A dancing corner with fast-paced music.
  • A drawing corner with colourful paper and markers. You can also add stationery.
  • An arts & crafts corner (or scrapbooking)


Complete the memories sheet with children at the end of the day.


Tuesday: Discover your father’s profession (Open poster-My father’s profession) (Open My father’s profession)


Good morning young folks!

 Poster-My father’s profession

Today, we will discover each father’s profession. Do you know what kind of work your father does? I asked your early childhood educator to prepare workshops to help you explore different professions. You will see that several different professions exist. Have fun!




Memo for the early childhood educator: Organize role play activities which represent the fathers’ professions. You may even ask fathers to provide various items or to come speak to the children about their work. Take pictures of the children when they are dressed up like their father. Display the pictures within the daycare.


Complete the memories sheet with children at the end of the day.


Wednesday: Discover your father’s culinary preferences (Open poster-My father’s culinary preferences) (Open My father’s culinary preferences)


Hello my little chefs,poster-My father’s culinary preferences

Today we will discover each father’s culinary preferences. Do you know what your father’s favourite recipe is? Do you know what his favourite food is? You will prepare a recipe with your early childhood educator today. It may not be your father’s favourite recipe, but it will be delicious! When you are done, your early childhood educator will show you several illustrations. Try to guess which food is your father’s favourite. You will see that there are several different types of food...maybe even some you’ve never seen before! At the end of the day, you will all know your father a little better! See you tomorrow!




Memo for the early childhood educator: Bake cookies or a cake with your group. Talk about each child’s favourite recipe and, of course, their father’s favourite recipe.


Print several food illustrations (be sure to have illustrations of their father’s favourite foods) and use them for an association game. Encourage children to name the foods and identify their father’s favourite foods. Several food illustrations are available in the educatall club. Don’t forget to eat your cookies or cake!


Complete the memories sheet with children at the end of the day.Poste-My father’s favourite sport


Thursday: Discover your father’s favourite sport (Open poster-My father’s favourite sport) (Open My father’s favourite sport)


Hello my little athletes,


Today we will be very active! You will discover each father’s favourite sport. Do you know which sport your father enjoys? Have you ever participated in this sport with him? I asked your early childhood educator to set up several sport workshops outside. You will be given the chance to try each of them. This may help you guess which sport is your father’s favourite. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water. Drinking water is very important when you are active!




Memo to the early childhood educator: Prepare outdoor workshops which correspond to the sports fathers enjoy as per the answers provided in the questionnaire they completed. Have a nutritious snack and a large jug of water available. Children will want to drink plenty of water, just like real athletes!


Enjoy a picnic with your group to make the day extra special!


Complete the memories sheet with children at the end of the day.Poster-My father’s artistic talents


Friday: Discover your father’s favourite song (Open poster-My father’s favourite song) (Open My father’s favourite song)


Hello my darlings,

Today is the last day of our special week about fathers. Your early childhood educator will need your help to prepare this afternoon’s party. Throughout the day, she will ask you to prepare various crafts to decorate the daycare and cover the table. She may even ask you to make a special hat for your father. Organizing a party is a lot of work! When fathers arrive at the end of the day, your early childhood educator will play their favourite songs. Will you be able to recognize your father’s favourite song?


It was a privilege to spend this week with you. I hope you had fun and that you were all able to discover a few things about your father!


Grand-Dadperpetual calendar-Father’s Day


Memo for the early childhood educator: Visit the complete Father’s Day theme for craft and decoration ideas you can prepare with your group. Play music (including the fathers’ favourite songs) during your party preparations.


Prepare a CD containing the fathers’ favourite songs and play it during the party.


Children can offer their Father’s Day cards or gifts at the party too.


Prepare fruit punch and serve each father a glass as they arrive. You may use the recipe provided in the theme or your own.


Complete the memories sheet with children at the end of the day. Place all the completed pages in a book or tie them together with ribbon. Fathers will enjoy reading them with their child.


Triple Fruit Punch for Dad


(Open Creative recipe-triple Fruit Punch for Dad)


Ingredients:Creative recipe - Triple fruit punch for Dad

350 ml orange juice with pulp, frozen

350 ml pineapple juice, frozen

350 ml pink grapefruit juice, frozen

¾ cup (190 ml) grenadine, to taste

Ginger Ale, very cold

Orange slices

Lemon slices


Ice cubes



  1. Empty the three cans of frozen juice into a large punch bowl.
  2. Add grenadine.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Add fruit slices and cherries.
  5. Add Ginger Ale and ice cubes just prior to serving. Mix well.
  6. Taste and adjust quantity of grenadine if necessary.
  7. If you prefer, grenadine can be added to individual glasses.


ACTIVITIES FOR BABIESGame-This is my spot-Father’s Day


Dad’s clothing

Fill a large container with clothing dads wear: shirts, t-shirts, pants, baseball caps, etc. Let babies try to put the clothing items on, manipulate them, “wear” the shoes, etc.


A painting for Dad

Purchase canvases at the Dollar store. Let babies paint on them (one color at a time to avoid everything turning brown!) Add a cardboard frame and wrap for a beautiful Father’s Day gift.


“I love you Dad” mobile

(Open craft-heart shape) Trace and cut out different sizes of hearts. Decorate them with sparkles or other materials. Glue the hearts back to back on either side of ribbon or string. Add a picture of each baby’s father or of the babies themselves. Hang from the ceiling.




Monkey Dad

Select a child to play the role of the father monkey. The other children must replicate his every move.


My spotHunt and seek-Father's Day

(Open game-This is my spot-Father’s Day) Print two copies of each illustration. Deposit one illustration on the table and cover it with Mac-Tac. Place the other copy in a bag. Children take turns picking an illustration to determine their spot at the table for the day. You can also use them to determine naptime spots or their place in the task train.


My Father’s Day path

(Open My Father’s Day path) Print, laminate, and deposit the illustrations on the floor to create a path leading to various locations within the daycare. The path can lead to areas children visit regularly throughout the day such as the bathroom and the cloakroom. It may also be used to delimit various workshops.




Lacing-Father’s Day

(Open lacing-Father’s Day) Print, laminate, and punch holes around the contour of each shape. Children can use a string or ribbon to lace the shapes.


Daddy may I?Playing cards-Father’s Day 2022-1

Call children one by one. When it is their turn, they must ask if they may execute various actions related to animals. For example, a child may say, “Daddy may I act like a frog?” If you accept, the child will then hop like a frog until you call out his name again.


On the other hand, you may decide to say, “No, you are part of the dog family!” In this case, the child would crawl on four legs and bark. Other examples of animals which are easy to imitate are a chicken, a horse, or a kangaroo.


Obstacle course with ties

Build an obstacle course with several ties. Have children walk on them. Deposit obstacles, such as a dad’s shoe children can wear to walk throughout the obstacle course. Add a suit jacket and have children wear it over their shoulders. Place two chairs and have children crawl under them or climb over them, without touching the chairs. Use whatever you have on hand (ties, hats, shoes, a toolbox, etc.) Encourage children to move in several different ways (crawl, jump ten times, hop in hula hoops, spin around, etc.)


Daddy says...Counting cards-Father’s Day-1

This game is played like “Simon says”. Give children instructions (just like their fathers do). If you say, “Daddy says...” at the beginning of the sentence they must do whatever it is you asked them to do. You may, for example, ask them to brush their teeth, go to sleep, eat, etc. If you do not say “Daddy says”, they must remain still.


My father’s name is...

Call out several names. When children hear their father’s name they must run to a designated area.


Pick a colorful clothespin

(Open colorful stars) Print and stick each star on a clothespin. Have each child pick a color. They can use the clothespin to pin their star on their sweater. Once this step is done, children take turns picking a clothespin, naming the color of the star, and pinning it on the child who is already wearing a star of the corresponding color.


Daddy puzzle raceCounting cards-Father’s Day-2

Collect pictures of fathers or photographs of the fathers of the children in your group and cut each one into two or three pieces using serrated edge scissors. Give each child one puzzle piece and hide the remaining pieces. Invite children to search for their missing pieces so they can complete their puzzle.


The guessing bag

Fill a large bag with a variety of items associated with fathers. Children take turns feeling the bag (or inserting their hand) and trying to identify an object. They can each ask two questions. If they are unable to identify an object, they must skip their turn. If a child succeeds, he can be the leader of the game, the one who answers a friend’s questions.


Father’s Day bowlingFather’s Day-shapes 2022

(Open bowling-Father’s Day) Print and use the stickers to create different games. By pressing them on small plastic bottles, you can create an original bowling game. Arrange the bottles on a table. Children can roll a tennis ball towards the bowling pins. Give each child three chances. Who will be successful at making all the bowling pins fall down?


Playing cards-Father’s Day

(Open playing cards-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Give each child the same number of cards. They can take turns hiding the cards within your daycare. When they are done, the hunt begins! Children try to find as many cards as possible, as quickly as possible.


Fine motor skills-Crumpled Father’s Day shapes

(Open Father’s Day shapes) Print for each child. Have children tear and crumple pieces of tissue paper in a variety of colors. Once this is done, they can use the crumpled pieces of paper to fill the shapes. Display their work.


Celebrity BoardwalkPlaying cards-Father’s Day 2022-2

Create your very own celebrity boardwalk. Cut stars out of cardboard. Glue a picture of a child’s father on each star. Using adhesive paper, arrange the stars on the floor in a hallway. Invite children to walk from one star to the next to discover your very special celebrities!


Father and grandfather costumes

Invite fathers and grandfathers to provide a variety of accessories they no longer wear such as hats, scarves, slippers, old sunglasses, etc. Children will have fun dressing up and pretending they are fathers or grandfathers.


My father is special

Have children sit in a circle on the floor. Name a child and roll a ball in his or her direction. As the child receives the ball, he must say, “My father is special because…”, completing the sentence with a characteristic he associates with his father.


Where are all the fathers hiding?Modeling dough activity placemats-Father’s Day 2023

(Open color game-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Hide the cards throughout your yard. Set a basket in one area and inform children that every time they find a card, they must set it in the basket before going back to search for more. The game continues until all the cards have been found.


Modeling dough activity placemats-Father’s Day

(Open modeling dough activity placemats-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.


Ball games

Invite fathers and grandfathers to accompany you on a trip to a nearby playground. Bring a large bag filled with different types of balls and encourage everyone to play with the balls as they see fit. The adults will have fun rolling the balls to the children in your group.


Hooks and tiesModeling dough activity placemats-Father's Day-2020-1

Install a few adhesive hooks on a wall, high enough so that children must stretch to reach them. Collect several old ties. Encourage children to hang the ties on the hooks and remove them (constant supervision necessary).




Miniature golf course

Set up a miniature golf course in your backyard or in your daycare. Place plastic containers on their side and use plastic golf balls if you are worried about using real golf balls with younger children. Invite fathers to join you for a round of miniature golf at the end of the day.


Fishing game

(Open fishing game) Print, laminate, and cut out the fish and objects. Add a paperclip to each. Tie a piece of string to the end of an old broomstick and attach a magnet to the end of the string. Sit behind a piece of garden furniture so that children cannot see you. Attach objects to the end of their fishing rod. If children “catch” a fish, they can continue playing, if not, they must give the fishing rod to the next player.


CampingCounting cards-Father’s Day-3

Set up a tent and camping accessories in your backyard. Children will love pretending they are camping with their father.



Play hockey with a soft ball and noodles (the kind used in swimming pools).



Deposit hula hoops on the floor (or draw circles) to represent the goals. You should have one goal per child. The circles must be big enough for the children to have room to move inside. Give instructions. You could, for example, have children touch the ground with their hands, place one foot inside their goal and the other foot outside the goal, etc. After a while say, “Goalies change goals!” Continue the game.



Gather all the tools you have in your construction area and ask children to “fix” the bicycles, fences, toys, etc.


PaintingPlaying cards-Father’s Day 2022-1

Visit a discount store and purchase several painting accessories such as paint rollers, empty paint containers, painter hats, brushes, etc. Place all the accessories in a large container and bring it outside. Add water to the various containers and let children “paint” the fences, toys, daycare walls, etc.


Lawn mower obstacle course

Create an obstacle course using cones and other accessories. Children must push a toy lawn mower through the obstacle course. The other children encourage the child pushing the lawn mower to go as fast as he can by calling out his father’s name.


Dad’s baseball cap

Invite children to wear one of their father’s baseball caps throughout the day. Show children how to throw a baseball (soft ball) and catch it with the cap.


Car washGame-Four fathers

Provide buckets and sponges and let children wash your cars, trucks, and toys.


Fill her up!

Use sidewalk chalk to trace a path. Draw a gas station (or make one using a cardboard box). Children can drive around the path with small cars (you can make these out of cardboard boxes too!) Remind them to stop for gas every now and then.

A walk with Daddy

Organize a walk in your neighborhood with children’s fathers. Stop at the park to eat a special snack and play together. If there is a pedestrian path nearby, this is the perfect occasion to explore it.




Musical Father’s Day

(Open picture game-My father’s profession) Print and laminate the pictures. Arrange them on the floor of your daycare. To the sound of music, children walk or dance around the daycare. When the music stops, they must quickly find a picture to stand on. Variation: You can remove a picture at the end of each round to increase the level of difficulty. Several children will have to stand on a single picture to avoid being eliminated.


My father’s voiceAnimal fathers-1

Ask each child’s father to leave a message on your answering machine or voicemail. Have children identify their father’s voice.


Soft voice

Record a few songs and gentle words spoken by children on an audio cassette or CD (microphone and computer). This is a perfect Father’s Day gift!




Two fathers game

(Open game-Two fathers) Print and laminate. Glue a stick behind each illustration so you can use them as puppets. Stand at one end of your daycare. Have children stand at the opposite end of the room, with their back against the wall. Show them one of the fathers. They must hop towards you. When you hold up the other father, they must stop in their tracks and remain perfectly still, like a statue. Alternate between both fathers until children have reached you. Repeat.


Lotto game-Father’s DayLotto-Father’s Day

(Open lotto-Father’s Day) Print and laminate the playing cards and the smaller cards. Hand each child a playing card and arrange the smaller cards in a pile, in the center of the table. Children take turns picking a card. The child who has the corresponding picture on his or her playing card sets it in the correct square. The first child who completes his or her card wins.


Homemade puzzles-Father’s Day

Find several pictures (greeting cards, pictures from calendars, books, etc.) that can be associated with Father’s Day. Cut each one into two or three pieces using decorative-edged scissors. Give each child a piece from a different homemade puzzle and hide the other pieces. Each child must find his or her missing pieces. Encourage them to complete their puzzle.


Playing with pictures of fathersAnimal fathers-2

Take a close-up picture of each child’s father. Print the pictures and use them for different activities.

  • Use the pictures to create two-piece puzzles. For an increased challenge, mix all the puzzle pieces together and let children search for the pieces that go together.
  • Print two copies of each picture and have fun finding identical pictures with your group.
  • Ask each father to wear a different color sweater on picture day. Use the pictures for color recognition activities and games.
  • With older toddlers, photograph each child as well. Have fun associating each child to his or her father.

Animal fathers

(Open animal fathers) Print, laminate, and cut out. The pictures represent fathers and babies. Use them for different games:

  • A traditional memory game.Father’s Day cards Color 2023-1
  • Where is my baby? Distribute the cards representing animal fathers and arrange the cards representing animal babies face down on a table or on the floor. Children take turns picking a card. If the card represents their animal father’s baby, they keep it. If not, they must turn the card over again and wait for their next turn.
  • Treasure hunt. Hide the animal fathers within your daycare. Give each child a card illustrating an animal baby. Each child searches for his animal’s father.

Homemade wooden puzzles

Print pictures of fathers. Color them if necessary. Arrange several Popsicle sticks in a row on a table and glue a picture on top of them. Cut along each stick. Repeat these steps for each picture. Hand children a set of Popsicle sticks and invite them to place them in the correct order to complete the picture.


Roll and color-Father’s Day

(Open roll and color-Father’s Day) Print for each child. This game can be done individually or enjoyed as a group activity. Children roll a die, count the dots, and color the corresponding part.


Counting cards-Father’s DayEduc-intruder-Father’s Day

(Open counting cards-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you have written or painted numbers 1-9. Children must count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.


Game-Four fathers

(Open game-Four fathers) Print, stick the cards on opaque cardboard, and cut them out. Set all the cards face down on the floor. Children take turns rolling the die. Every time the die lands on “1”, they pick a card and look at it without showing it to the other children. If they don’t already have the father they picked, they set it on the floor in front of them for everyone to see. The game continues. The first child who has all four fathers wins.


Game-Giant tic-tac-toe-Father’s Day

(Open game-giant tic-tac-toe-Father’s Day) Draw a tic-tac-toe grid on a large piece of white cardboard. Children take turns depositing a symbol on the grid. The first child to place three identical symbols in a straight line or diagonally wins.


Educ-colors-Father’s DayEduc-colors-Father’s Day

(Open educ-colors-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. If you prefer, print a copy for each child. Children must associate the items to the matching color by drawing a line using a marker of the same color (or another marker).


Educ-maze-Father’s Day

(Open educ-maze-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must find the correct path, the one that links the entrance to the exit, and connect them by drawing a line along the path with a dry-erase marker.


Educ-intruder-Father’s Day

(Open educ-intruder-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Children must search for the six items shown at the bottom of the page in the scene.


Educa-symmetry-Father’s DayFather’s Day cards Color 2023-2

(Open educa-symmetry-Father’s Day) Print. Children must color the bottom picture using exactly the same colors seen in the top picture.


Educ-pairs-Father’s Day

(Open educ-pairs-Father’s Day) Print. Children must draw a line between identical illustrations or color them the same color. For durable, eco-friendly use, laminate and use with a dry-erase marker.


Educa-duo-Father’s Day

(Open educa-duo-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must draw a line between the items which go together using a dry-erase marker.


Educ-trace-Father’s Day

(Open educ-trace-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Children must trace each line with the corresponding color and then color the object using the same color.


Mandalas-Father’s Day

(Open mandalas-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Children color the mandalas as they wish.


Educ-differences-Father’s DayEduc-math-Father’s-Day

(Open educ-differences-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must find the number of differences indicated on the sheet and circle them with a dry-erase marker.


Educ-Shadows-Father’s Day

(Open educ-shadows-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must draw a line to the shadow which corresponds to each illustration using a dry-erase marker.


Educ-math-Father’s Day

(Open educ-math-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must count the objects in each rectangle and circle the corresponding number.


Bingo-Father’s Day

(Open bingo-Father’s Day) Print. Laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. You may use cereal, “Smarties” or other items as markers.


Magnifying glass game-Father’s DayPoster Happy-Father’s Day 2022

(Open magnifying glass game-Father’s Day) Print and laminate the board game and the cards. Cut them out and store them in a box or in a Ziploc bag. Children pick a card and search for the item on the board game, using a magnifying glass. Once they have found the item, they deposit it in the correct square, on the board game.


Daddy by number

(Open color by number-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Children follow the color code to complete the picture.


Educ-same and different-Father’s Day

(Open educ-same and different-Father’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the illustration which is different in each row.


Educ-big and small-Father’s Day

(Open educ-big and small-Father’s Day) Ask children to place identical illustrations in the correct order, from smallest to biggest.


Educ-pattern-Father’s Day

(Open educ-pattern-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Add Velcro to the back of the cards. Children must correctly place the cards to complete the patterns.


Hunt and seek-Father’s DayFather’s Day cards-Color-1

(Open hunt and seek-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Children pick a card and search for the object in the larger picture.




Share an ice cream cone with Dad

Invite fathers and/or grandfathers to come share an ice cream cone or a sundae with their child/grandchild as part of your afternoon snack.


Special date for dads

(Open invitation-Father’s Day) Print. Invite fathers (and grandfathers) for a gathering at the end of the day. Serve coffee and small treats prepared by the children. The week before, prepare a short film. Record the children in your group saying what they love most about their father, which activities they enjoy doing with him, etc. Present the film during this gathering.


Father’s Day golf tournament

Organize a golf tournament with your group. (Open perpetual calendar-Father’s Day) Set the golf course up in your backyard. Use several different sizes of containers (ice cream, yogurt, bowls, etc.) Surround them with rope or hula hoops. Each child has his own golf ball and must try to hit it into the containers while standing outside of the circle.


Father’s Day-cards Color-2022-1Fathers may try too. Their child can act as their caddy. Children will love leading their father to the next hole. Keep track of everyone’s score.


We suggest fathers join you around 3:30 p.m. for the golf tournament. At the end of the day, hand out “Best Dad” diplomas. (Open diploma-Best Dad)


Necktie knot race

Here is an interesting challenge. You will need a tie and a stopwatch. Ask dads to tie a necktie knot as quickly as possible. (Open Father’s Day challenge) Time them. Display the results. At the end of the week, crown the winner.


(Open crown) Print and decorate the crown with your group.


(Open genealogical tree) Print a copy for each child. Have children complete the tree with their dad at home. Children can present their dad’s family to their friends.


Surprise picture

(Open model-Father’s Day frame) Take a picture of each child with his dad (secretly if possible). Have children decorate the frame and glue the picture inside.


GrandpaScrapbook-Father’s Day 2022

Invite grandfathers to come spend a short period of time with your group. They can share a story about when they were small.




Strong like Dad!

Ask children to show you their muscles by performing various bodybuilder poses.




Photo booth-Father’s Day

(Open photo booth-Father’s Day) Print the accessories. Cut them out and stick a drinking straw behind each one. At your local dollar store, purchase additional Father’s Day accessories such as hats, ties, watches, glasses, etc. to complete your photo booth. Set up a special corner by hanging a piece of fabric, a large cardboard background, or a special Father’s day décor. Let children choose the accessories they prefer and photograph them. Invite parents to have fun with your photo booth too. Print and display the pictures. They will represent great souvenirs!


NEW! Scrapbook-Father’s DayPuppets-My father and I-1

(Open scrapbook-Father’s Day) Print this new page for each child. Insert it in their scrapbook once it has been completed.


A letter in the mail for Grandpa

Ask parents to provide the address of each of their child’s grandfathers. Encourage children to draw something special for their grandfathers or, if you prefer, have them make greeting cards. Help them insert their drawings or cards in envelopes along with a short message (example: I love you Grandpa!). Don’t forget to have children “sign” their artwork. Write the correct address on each envelope and let children stick a stamp in the righthand corner for each one. As a group, walk to the closest mailbox to mail this priority mail.


Mimes-Father’s Day

(Open word flashcards-Father’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Father’s Day) Print and laminate several flashcards and set them in an opaque bag. Use them for a mime game. Children take turns picking a word and using gestures to help others guess what it is. The child who guesses correctly can mime the next word.


Family portrait

You will need pictures of each child as well as his family members. Invite children to flip through the pages of a magazine and pick a picture. Help children cut out the face of each of their family members so they can glue them on the picture they chose.


My treasure chestPuppets-My father and I-2

Fill a large chest with clothing items, shoes, hats, ties, etc. Let children dress up like a father whenever they feel like it throughout the theme.


Messages from the heart

(Open messages from the heart for dads) Print for each child and have them cut out their heart and decorate it as they wish. You will need a large piece of cardboard. Fold each heart in half and glue one half of each one on your piece of cardboard. Arrange the hearts so that they are dispersed on your cardboard. Write a short Father’s Day wish on each heart, on the section that is not glued to the cardboard.


I know my father

Encourage children to draw their father. Ask them different questions about their father (activities he enjoys, his favorite food, his favorite color, his eye color, etc.). Write each child’s responses around his drawing. These drawings will make great Father’s Day gifts.


Kind words

Have each child decorate a clear plastic container. Use small pieces of cardstock to write kind words children would like to say to their father. Children insert the messages in their container. These kind word containers will make great Father’s Day gifts. Fathers will enjoy reading one message per day…


Will you find my hands?Models Father's Day 2022

Have children press their hands in paint and then on a large paper banner. Over each set of hand prints, write the name of the child. Next, hide the names using pieces of heavy cardboard. At the end of the day, have dads write their child’s name under the set of hand prints they think belong to their child. Once all dads have identified a set of hand prints, reveal the names to see who guessed correctly.


Paper dolls-Father’s Day

(Open dress-up dolls-Father’s Day) Print and laminate. Children will enjoy dressing the doll different ways.


Role play ideas:


Daddy cooks

Make several plastic food items, dishes, and utensils available in your kitchen area. Designate a child to play the role of the father who must cook for his children.


Daddy washes dishes

Set up a water table. Add sponges and soap bubbles. Let children wash the plastic dishes from your kitchen area.


Daddy cleansPicture game-Father’s Day 2022-3

Children love cleaning! Provide sponges, dusters, wet towels, etc. Disinfect toys with your group.


Daddy washes the baby

In your bathtub or in a tub of water, let children wash your dolls. They can dress them and put them to bed too.


Daddy heals

Provide several small bandages. Tell children to take care of the dolls’ cuts and scrapes.


Daddy goes grocery shopping

Collect empty food containers and boxes. Arrange them throughout the daycare. Give each child a grocery bag and invite them to go grocery shopping.


Daddy rocks the baby

Give each child a doll or a stuffed animal. To the sound of soft music, have them rock their baby.

Variation: You can rock each child.


Tie day

Invite children to attend daycare wearing one of their father’s ties.Models Father’s Day-frame


Box full of kisses

(Open Model-Box of kisses) Print for each child. Children decorate their box. When they are done, encourage them to open the box and add a ton of kisses. Tell them to hurry up and close the box so the kisses don’t fly away! At the end of the day, children can give their box of kisses to their father. Variation: A small cardboard box, a small medicine bottle, or a container for a roll of film could also do just fine!


Surprise telephone call

Each child surprises his dad with a surprise telephone call at work.


Secret message

Fill an empty toilet paper roll with a message for each child’s dad. We have prepared some for you but you can make your own. (Open memo-Father’s Day) You may also add candy pieces. Wrap the roll with tissue paper and decorate. Tie each end with ribbon. Children can give one roll to their father each day.


Message in a bottleStickers-Father’s Day

Decorate plastic bottles (water bottles for example) with paint, colourful paper, sparkles... Roll up drawings the children made and slide them in the bottles. Place the bottles in a large container filled with water. At the end of the week, invite each father to pick a bottle, open it, and guess if the drawing was done by his child or not. If not, he places the drawing back in the water and picks another one until he finds the correct drawing.




Daddy reads the newspaper

Deposit a pile of newspapers in the middle of the table. Invite children to manipulate them. They can crumple them or cut them.


Shaving cream

Cover your arts & crafts table with a plastic tablecloth. Provide each child with a small quantity of whipped cream. Let them draw with their fingers.


BeardsHunt and seek-Father's Day 2022

Set up a large container of water with bubble bath. Children enjoy creating beards or figurines with the bubbles. Variation: Weather permitting, fill a small pool with water and bubble bath. Children will play for hours.


Strong like Dad

Have children weigh several objects. Help them notice the difference between heavy and light.




Food item of the week: Bananas

(Open educ-poster-Bananas) Print and laminate the various posters to present the food item to your group. The posters will help children discover different forms of an everyday food item. Display them in your kitchen area or next to the table where children eat their snacks and lunch.


A special snack

Ask dads to prepare something special children can share at snack time. Children will be proud to show their friends what their father prepared for them.


SweetsPuppets-Fathers and grandfathers-2

Prepare special treats each day. Children may give them to their father. Some suggestions are heart-shaped cookies, miniature muffins with coloured icing, or small chocolates.


Edible tie

Material: Rectangular cake pan, knife, plate

Ingredients: Cake mix, icing, candy

Pour the cake mix into your rectangular cake pan and bake.  Once the cake has cooled, trace the outline of a tie with a knife.  Deposit the tie in a plate and cover it with icing.  Use candy to decorate.


Ready for the barbecue

Prepare barbecue sauce with your group. Clean empty plastic bottles thoroughly. Pour the barbecue sauce inside. Have children decorate the bottles. The perfect gift for any barbecue enthusiast!




Educa-pictures-Father’s DayPuppets-Fathers and grandfathers-1

(Open educa-pictures-Father’s Day) Print a model for each child. Invite them to color the frame. Once this is done, glue a picture of each child where indicated. Help each child cut out his or her frame and glue it on heavy cardboard. You could stick a magnet behind each frame so they can be displayed on a refrigerator.


Tangrams-Father’s Day

(Open tangrams-Father’s Day) Print a copy for each child. Children must color the various shapes that make up each tangram.


A Daddy puppet

Give each child a plastic spoon. Cut a face outline out of construction paper and glue it on the rounded tip of the spoon. Use fabric or paper to create clothing items for the puppet.


Miniature dad

(Open miniature dad) Print, color, and cut out the pieces. Have children glue them on an empty toilet paper roll to create miniature dads. Hang the miniature dads from the ceiling within your daycare.


Air freshener for Dad’s car

Purchase Styrofoam shapes (large enough to hold a picture) such as hearts, stars, etc. Have children decorate them and add a few drops of essential oil for a special scent.


Puppets-My DadFather’s Day cards Color 2024-2

(Open puppets-My Dad) Print the various models on heavy paper. Have children cut them out and decorate them. Attach Popsicle sticks to the back of each model to make puppets.


Stencils-Father’s Day

(Open stencils-Father’s Day) Print and cut out the various stencils. Children can trace or paint the shapes related to the theme.


My miniature Dad

(Open miniature Dad) Print, cut out, and color the pieces. Transform empty toilet paper rolls by gluing the various pieces on them to create miniature dads. Hang them from the ceiling.




Fill a large container with red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and white markers, waxed crayons, and colored pencils. Add glitter to a few tubes of glue. Fill small containers with metallic star-shaped stickers and confetti. Provide feathers and all kinds of paper (tissue paper, crêpe paper, metallic paper, cellophane paper, etc.).


Sticky presentModels-Father's Day 2023

In a big-box store, purchase a few large containers filled with different types of jelly beans, gumdrops, and jujubes. Try to find blue, green, and red candy. Pour the contents of the containers on large baking sheets. Provide small tongs children can use to deposit candy in a small clear plastic or glass container one at a time. When they are done, help children seal their container with a lid. Give each child a label on which you have written “I am stuck on you”. Let children decorate their label with star-shaped stickers and glitter before adding it to their container.


Personalized pens

Photograph each child in your group and print the pictures. Cut each picture, keeping only children’s faces. Purchase several blue or black pens and hand one to each child. Invite them to glue their tiny picture on a foam shape, a star for example. Next, let them choose a piece of ribbon. They will need a piece that measures approximately 8 cm. Using hot glue, help them stick one end of their ribbon behind their foam shape. Wrap the other end of the ribbon around the upper tip of their pen. Apply a few drops of hot glue to hold it in place and complete this very practical Father’s Day gift.


NEW! Scrapbook-My dadPoster-A father’s role

(Open scrapbook-My dad) Print for each child. Throughout the week, children can fill their scrapbook with pictures, drawings, etc. Their scrapbook will represent a great Father’s Day gift.


Picture frame-My father and I

(Open puppets-My father and I) Print the model you prefer. Invite children to color their puppet if you choose to use the black and white model. Glue a picture of each child’s face as well as a picture of his father’s face where indicated. Stick the puppets on heavy cardboard and cut them out. You could also stick a magnet behind the puppets if you wish.


A star for each day

(Open a star for each day) Print for each child and cut out the stars. Color and decorate the stars with your group. Each child must have seven stars. Help them write a short message for their father on each star. Insert a pipe cleaner in the centre of each star and tie the pipe cleaners together with ribbon. Invite fathers to read one message a day for a week.


A video for Daddy

Children can take turns hiding behind a canvas, a furniture item, or a tree. Film them individually Father’s Day cards Color 2024-1as they pop out of their hiding place to blow a kiss or offer a virtual hug for their father and say, “Happy Father’s Day!”. Send each child’s video to his father via email. Fathers will love watching the video when they miss their child at work or simply to enjoy a short break during the day.


The gift of time spent together

We all know that what makes fathers happy most is spending time with their child. With your group, select a simple recipe that requires very few ingredients such as a homemade pudding or pancake mix. Prepare the ingredients and have children add them to a Ziploc bag, one at a time. Identify each bag. Print the selected recipe and have children decorate it with stickers, crayons, stamps, etc. before inserting both the ingredients and the recipe in a pretty gift bag. Children will be happy to give it to their father for Father’s Day, but most of all, they will be happy to prepare the recipe with him.


Puppets-Daddy and I

(Open puppets-Daddy and I) Print the model. Have each child choose a puppet. They can color the pieces and glue a picture of their father’s face and their own face in the right places. Cut out the puppets and stick them on heavy cardboard. If you wish, you may glue a magnet behind the puppets.


Jar of BBQ sauce-Father’s DayGame-Two fathers-2

(Open Jar of BBQ sauce-Father’s Day) Print the labels. Have children color them and cut them out. Let each child stick a label on a small Mason jar. Pour BBQ sauce into each jar. Children will be happy to give their special gift to their father.


Go everywhere words

(Open go everywhere words) Print for each child. Let children draw a picture at the top of the page. This will make a great Father’s Day gift. Fathers will love to carry these words with them wherever they go.


Scrapbook-My dad

NEW! (Open scrapbook-My dad) Print for each child. Throughout the week, children can fill their scrapbook with pictures, drawings, etc. Their scrapbook will represent a great Father’s Day gift.


Finger puppets-Father’s Day

(Open finger puppets-Father’s Day) Print and laminate the finger puppets, making sure to cut out the holes through which children can insert their fingers. Children will enjoy creating different scenarios while manipulating the puppets.


Door signs for DadDiploma-Best grandfather

(Open door signs for Dad) Print several copies and let children choose the door signs they prefer. Cut heavy pieces of cardboard, somewhat bigger than the door signs. Glue the door signs on the heavy cardboard. Encourage children to decorate them, color them, or even add a picture.


“Digital” frame for Dad

You will need a transparent CD case, cardstock, a family picture (or a picture of the child), and lots of creativity. Cut a frame out of the cardstock, the same size as the CD case. Glue the picture on the CD case and then glue the frame on top. Have children decorate the CD case with a variety of arts & crafts materials (heart-shaped confetti, stickers, etc.).


My Dad

(Open My dad) Print for each child. Ask children to cut out the pieces and color them. Assemble them using fasteners where indicated. You can add a picture of each child’s dad to replace the face.


My father’s portraitModel bookmark-Father’s Day 2022

Ask each child to draw his father. To help them, ask fathers to provide a picture. Help children notice certain features such as the color of their father’s hair and eyes, the shape of his face, etc. Glue the portrait onto heavy cardboard. Have children decorate the contour with arts & crafts material. Hang the portraits on the wall.


Bookmark for Dad

NEW! (Open model bookmark-Father’s Day) Print. Give each child a bookmark. Use stamp pads, washable paint, or markers. Let children color their fingertips and make prints on the bookmark. Let dry and laminate.


Musical beverage coasters

Use old CDs (or DVDs) to make beverage coasters for dads. Children can paint them using porcelain paint or poster paint (you will have to varnish them). Dads will love using their personalized coasters.


Car air freshenerScrapbook-Father’s Day 2024

Use a piece of white tulle. Fill it with potpourri. Sew the top to make a tiny pocket. Add colourful string and tie a laminated picture of the child to it. Dads can hang it from their car mirror. If you do not have potpourri you can make your own using a few sticks of cinnamon and thin dried orange slices.


Key chain just for Dad

Prepare salt dough (or use modeling dough which hardens upon drying). Ask children to create a keychain. They may use cookie cutters (or their imagination!) Make a hole in the top before setting the keychain out to dry. Add a paper ring. They open up, making them easy to add it to the key chains.


Morning thought

Purchase one white cup per child (and the matching saucer). Let children paint them with porcelain paint. Be sure to offer a single color at a time. Let one color dry before adding a new one to avoid colors mixing together. Ask children to describe how much they love their father. Add their words to the cup or saucer. Bake in the oven to seal the paint (follow manufacturer’s instructions). Fathers’ mornings will be filled with happy thoughts.


Placemats-Father’s DayPick search and color-Father’s Day-2

(Open placemats-Father’s Day) Print for each child and encourage them to color their placemat. If you wish, you may glue a picture of each child’s father on his/her placemat. Laminate the placemats. They make great Father’s Day gifts.


A placemat

Take a picture of each child acting out something their father does regularly (playing golf, shaving, fishing, etc.) Glue the picture on a large sheet of construction paper. Have children color the contour and decorate it. Laminate.


Dad’s favourite dish

Ask children what their father’s favourite meal is. Have them cut the ingredients out of grocery store flyers. Glue the items on a paper plate.



Give each child an aluminum tray (for plants). Pour plaster into it (or use salt dough). Make a print of each child’s hand. Once dry, have children paint their pocket-emptiers.


AlbumEduc-differences-Father’s Day

Have each child draw their father. Make copies of each child’s drawing so that you have one copy of each drawing per child. Glue the drawings on cardboard. Cover with Mac-Tac and bind the pages together so they look like a small album. Give each father one copy.


Pencil holder

Use plastic containers or metal cans. Cut a piece of construction paper to completely cover the container. Decorate the paper and glue it to the container when you are done. If you prefer, you may paint the container using a mixture of ¾ glue, ¼ paint.


A car

Use empty tissue boxes to make cars.


A watchEduca-chatterbox-Father’s Day

(Open watch models) Print, cut out, and glue onto heavy cardboard. Use large ribbon for the bracelet. Glue the watch onto the bracelet. To complete the craft, add a tiny pice of “Velcro” to the end of the ribbon. This will allow dads to tie their watch around their wrist.



Cut the shape of your mousepad out of foam paper. Let children decorate the contour.


Remote control carrier

Paint and decorate a small box. Dads can use the box to store the remote control.


A tie for Dad

Purchase a white fabric tie for each child. Invite them to draw on the tie using fabric markers.


ToolboxModels-Father's Day 2024

Each child will need a large metal can (such as a coffee can). Clean the can thoroughly. Use colourful paper to completely cover the can using double-sided adhesive tape or glue. Cut family pictures (which you secretly asked mothers to provide) and glue them on the toolbox to decorate.


Lunch bag

Children decorate a paper lunch bag for their father.


A masterpiece for Dad

NEW! Invite children to draw or paint a picture for their father. (Open models-Father’s Day frame) Print, trace the frame model on heavy cardboard, cut it out, and decorate it. Glue each child’s frame on his/her painting or drawing.




NEW! Here are a few Father’s Day card models that you can print. If you choose to use the black and white models (Open Father’s Day cards-Black and white), let children color and fold their card. We have also prepared color versions. If you choose to use these cards, simply print them and let children choose the card they prefer. (Open Father’s Day cards-Color)

 Model bookmark-Father’s Day 2024

Clay card

Spread clay on the table using a rolling pin. Have children use cookie cutters to cut shapes. Make a hole in the top of each shape using a drinking straw. Let dry. Let children paint the shapes. Fold a piece of construction paper in two. Make a tiny hole in the front of the card and attach the clay shape with ribbon. Write “Happy Father’s Day” on the card. Inside, write the messages children would like to offer their dad.


Gift certificates

(Open gift certificates-Father’s Day) Print and cut out. Place the gift certificates in envelopes. Give each dad a gift certificate.


Tie card

(Open Tie greeting card-Father’s Day) Print and cut out the shirt and tie and have children color them. Cut a slit in the shirt collar where indicated. Fold the flap (at the top of the tie) and insert. Glue to ensure it stays in place.


A special letterColoring pages theme-Father’s Day-2022-2

Prepare a postcard or invitation for a special outing and mail them to each child’s father.


Best Dad diploma

Prepare a card resembling a “Best Dad diploma”. (Open diploma-Best Dad). Children can draw their fondest memory with their dad or offer them a certificate which dads can exchange towards loving hugs, cleanup services, help to clean out the garage or wash the car, a small massage, etc.


A generation card

Have each child bring a picture of himself, one of his father, as well as one of his grandfather and great-grandfather, if possible. Glue the photos on the top of a sheet of construction paper folded in two like a card. Cover with “Mac-Tac”. Write a message inside the card or use one of our printable greetings (Open greetings-Father’s Day).



(Open diploma-Best dad) (Open diploma-Best grandfather) Print. Have children draw their fondest memory of their father and/or grandfather. If you wish, you may also simply offer a certificate valid for a hug, help cleaning the garage or the car, a neck massage, etc.


COLORING PAGESColoring pages theme-Father’s Day 2023


NEW! (Open coloring pages theme-Father’s Day) Print for each child. You may also choose from the many other series of coloring pages available in the educatall club archives.


Coloring binder-Father’s Day

Print and laminate several coloring pages and arrange them in a binder with a few dry-erase markers. Leave everything on a table for children to explore.


Musical drawing-Father’s Day

Play musical drawing with your group. Give each child a coloring page. Have children sit around a table. When the music starts, they must pass the coloring pages around the table. Every time the music stops, they must color the picture in front of them until the music starts again.


Homemade puzzles-Father’s Day

Give each child a picture to color. When they are done, cut each picture into pieces to create unique puzzles.

 Coloring pages theme-Father’s Day 2024

Complete the drawing-Father’s Day

(Open complete the drawing-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Encourage them to complete the drawing by adding the missing elements.


I am learning to draw-A tie

(Open I am learning to draw-A tie) Print and laminate the model sheet. Invite children to practice their drawing technique and then let them draw a tie on their own.


Creative coloring-Father’s Day

(Open creative coloring-Father’s Day) Print for each child. Have children complete the picture by drawing a special memory of an activity they did with their dad.


NEW! Coloring pages

(Open coloring pages theme-Father’s Day) Print.


NEW! Scrapbook-My Dad

(Open scrapbook-My Dad) Print for each child. Add the page to each child’s scrapbook.




(Open songs & rhymes-O Daddy Dear)


O Daddy Dear         by: Patricia Morrison          sung to: O Christmas Tree


O Daddy Dear, O Daddy Dear

A Happy Father’s Day

O Daddy Dear, O Daddy Dear

A Happy Father’s Day

You are the best, and I love you

Thank you for all the things you do

O Daddy Dear, O Daddy Dear

A Happy Father’s Day


Have fun!


The educatall team


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