Print a variety of posters and use them to decorate the walls of your daycare. (Open thematic poster-Exotic fruit)
Educa-decorate-Exotic fruit
(Open educa-decorate-Exotic fruit) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.
(Open educa-decorate-Fruit) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.
Garland-Exotic fruit
(Open garland-Exotic fruit) Print and let children decorate the items. Cut them out and use them to create a garland that can be hung within your daycare or near your daycare entrance.
Poni discovers and presents-Exotic fruit
(Open Poni discovers and presents-Exotic fruit) Print the cards. Laminate and cut them out. Use your Poni puppet (or another puppet that children are familiar with) to present them to your group. Hide a different type of exotic fruit within your daycare (or yard) every morning. Wait for children to find it. When they do, slice the fruit and explore it with your group. Give each child a small piece of fruit so they may taste it (beware of allergies).
Create fruit-themed hats.
Simply glue plastic exotic fruit on dollar store straw hats. Hide many different types of exotic fruit throughout your daycare and invite children to search for them. They can deposit them in a basket. Use the fruit-filled basket to introduce the theme during circle time.
The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group. Use them to decorate the daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Exotic fruit) Print, laminate, and store in a “Ziploc” bag or in your thematic bins.
(Open activity sheets-Exotic fruit) Print and follow instructions.
Stationery-Exotic fruit
(Open stationery-Exotic fruit) Print. Use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins.
Educa-nuudles-Exotic fruit
(Open educa-nuudles-Exotic fruit) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet and use Magic Nuudles to give
it a three-dimensional look. Variation: You don’t have Magic Nuudles? Have children fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers. To order Magic Nuudles.
The flashcards may be used during circle time to spark a conversation with the group or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Exotic fruit) (Open giant word flashcards-Exotic fruit) banana, kiwi, star fruit, papaya, mango, passion fruit, pineapple, pomegranate, litchi, coconut, pitaya, kumquat
Identify or name the following
(Open giant word flashcards-Exotic fruit) Print, laminate, and display the word flashcards on a wall close to your circle time area or on a large piece of cardboard that can be moved around within your daycare. Children take turns identifying a word.
Game-This is my spot-Exotic fruit
(Open game-This is my spot-Exotic fruit) Print two copies of each illustration. Stick one copy of each illustration on the table using adhesive paper. Set the copies in an opaque bag and have children take turns picking an illustration out of the bag to determine their spot at the table for the day. You may also use these illustrations to determine children’s naptime spots or for the task train.
My exotic fruit path
(Open my exotic fruit path) Print, laminate, and use the illustrations to create a path leading to various areas within your daycare. The path can lead to areas children regularly visit each day such as the bathroom, the cloakroom, etc. If you prefer, the illustrations can also be used to delimit workshops.
Lacing-Exotic fruit
(Open lacing-Exotic fruit) Print, laminate, and punch holes around the models. Children can thread ribbon, string, or shoelaces through the holes.
Bouncing exotic fruit
Search for colorful pieces of paper in your scrap paper bin. Crumple each piece of paper. A ball of brown paper can represent a kiwi, a ball of green paper can become a papaya, yellow paper can represent a banana, etc. Set the colorful paper fruit on a parachute. Have fun bouncing them up and down with your group. When they fall off, simply put them back on the parachute.
Fruit salad
Divide your group into two teams. Have each team stand on a line, on opposite sides of your daycare. Set a ball or other object in the centre, between both teams. Associate each child form the first team with a type of fruit. Associate each fruit with a child from the second team also. To play, every time you name a fruit, both players who were given this fruit (one from each team) must run to the centre and try to capture the ball and bring it back to their team. The child who succeeds earns a point for his team.
Fruit peek-a-boo
Hide fruit throughout your daycare. Every time a child finds a fruit, he must deposit it in a basket, on a table. Once all the fruit has been found, use them to prepare a fruit platter that children can enjoy at snack time.
Tropical forest obstacle course
Wrap a hula hoop in green crepe paper and use rope to hang it from a tree branch so children can climb through it. Set a play tunnel nearby and hang strips of tissue paper at each end to represent tropical plants or grass. Drape brown and green blankets over chairs to create obstacles children must walk around. Deposit pictures of exotic fruit along your obstacle course. Children can collect them as they move from one obstacle to the next.
Fruit salad
Divide your group into two teams. Have each team stand on a line, on opposite sides of your yard. Set a ball or other object in the centre, between both teams. Associate each child form the first team with a type of fruit. Associate each fruit with a child from the second team also. To play, every time you name a fruit, both players who were given this fruit (one from each team) must run to the centre and try to capture the ball and bring it back to their team. The child who succeeds earns a point for his team.
Coconuts in the coconut tree
(Open coconuts in the coconut tree) Print. Hang the coconut tree on an outdoor wall or fence. Blindfold one child at a time and let them try to stick a coconut as close to the correct spot as possible, like the traditional pin the tail on the donkey game.
Exotic fruit everywhere
Invite children to draw different types of exotic fruit they have discovered during this theme using sidewalk chalk. If you prefer, draw oversized fruit all over your driveway and let children color them in.
Oranges, lemons, limes
Children walk around the yard. Every time you say “oranges”, they must walk very quickly. Whenever you say “lemons”, they must walk very slowly. If they hear you say “limes”, they must stop moving. If you wish, you may choose a pre-determined start and finish line.
Fruit stand
Ask parents to join you on a trip to a nearby fruit stand or farmers’ market. Explore exotic fruit with your group.
Tropical fruit salad
Ask parents to send their child to daycare with a tropical fruit. With your group, cut up the fruit and prepare a tropical fruit salad.
Educa-duo-Exotic fruit
(Open educa-duo-Exotic fruit) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must draw a line between the items that go together using a dry-erase marker.
Educa-symmetry-Exotic fruit
(Open educa-symmetry-Exotic fruit) Print. Children must color the bottom picture using the same colors seen in the top picture.
Color by number-Exotic fruit
(Open color by number-Exotic fruit) Print for each child. Have children complete the picture per the color code.
Educ-trace-Exotic fruit
(Open educ-trace-Exotic fruit) Print for each child. Children must trace the lines using the correct color before coloring the items using the corresponding colors.
Educ-same and different-Fruit
(Open educ-same and different-Fruit) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the item that is different in each row.
Educ-big and small-Fruit
(Open educ-big and small-Fruit) Print and laminate. Children must arrange the illustration
s from smallest to biggest.
Hunt and seek-Fruit
(Open hunt and seek-Fruit) Print and laminate. Children pick a card and search for the item in the scene.
(Open educ-pattern-Fruit) Print and laminate the game. Children must complete each pattern by pressing the missing items in the squares using Velcro or adhesive putty.
(Open puzzles-Fruit) Print, laminate, and cut out. Children place the pieces to complete each puzzle.
Seeds and pits
Collect several seeds and pits from a variety of types of fruit. Using magnifying glasses, encourage children to observe the seeds and pits and name differences and similarities. You may even try to plant them in soil to see if they will grow.
Dried fruit
Cut several different types of fruit (kiwi, banana, pineapple, papaya, etc.) into thin rounds and set them out to dry on paper towels for a few days. Observe the results with your group. If you wish, you may also purchase different types of dried fruit at your local grocery store.
Pineapple juice, kiwi juice, etc.
Use a juice extractor to prepare different types of fruit juices with your group.
Variation: Give each child half of an orgnge in a Ziploc bag. Make sure the bags are sealed. Let children squish their orange with their hands to extract its juice. Insert a drinking straw in each child’s bag and let them drink their freshly squeezed orange juice.
Fruit salad
Prepare a special fruit salad using as many types of exotic fruit as possible with your group. Let each child participate. Depending on their age, children can cut fruit using plastic knives, mix the fruit, pour fruit juice…or just eat it!
Chocolate fondue
Prepare a traditional chocolate fondue by melting chocolate in the microwave or, if you prefer, use chocolate pudding. Let children dip pieces of exotic fruit in the preparation.
Fruit brochettes
Have older children cut exotic fruit into bite-sized pieces (or do this step for them if they are very young). Let them slide the fruit pieces on wooden skewers (cut the pointed tip off first).
Fruit pie
Ask children to cut different types of fruit using plastic knives. Fill a cooked pie crust with vanilla pudding (or spread it over a cake) and let children press the fruit pieces all over. Enjoy for dessert!
Exotic fruit taste test
Purchase several types of fruit children may not be familiar with. Cut and prepare them. Have fun introducing your group to them.
Puppets-Exotic fruit
(Open puppets-Exotic fruit) Print the various models on cardboard. Ask children to cut them out and decorate them with arts & crafts materials. Glue a Popsicle stick behind each one to complete the puppets.
Exotic fruit models
(Open models-Exotic fruit) Print several models and use them for your crafts and activities throughout the theme.
Stencils-Exotic fruit
(Open stencils-Exotic fruit) Print and cut out the stencils. Children can use them to trace or paint items related to the theme.
Fruity mobile
(Open fruity mobile) Print for each child. Have children color the fruit and assemble them to create a mobile. Each child can hang the items from a hanger, a perforated margarine tub, or a paper plate.
My printed coconut tree
Draw a tree trunk and let children paint it. Have children press their hands in different shades of green and yellow poster paint and print their open hands above the tree trunk to represent leaves. This is a great group project, but if you prefer, each child can create his own coconut tree.
Crumpled exotic fruit
Trace or draw the outline of an exotic fruit. Ask children to fill the outline with crumpled pieces of tissue paper.
Salt dough exotic fruit
Provide colorful salt dough (or modeling dough) children can use to sculpt different types of exotic fruit. Set their creations out to dry. If you wish, you may add Kool-Aid powder or fruit essences to your dough for a scented twist.
Giant exotic fruit
Trace the outline of different types of exotic fruit on large pieces of cardboard (two of each). Cut them out and staple identical shapes together, leaving an opening at the top. Have children stuff the shapes with newspaper. When they are done, staple the opening and let children paint your giant exotic fruit.
Fruity suncatcher
Cut a variety of exotic fruit shapes out of adhesive paper and ask children to stick pieces of tissue paper, confetti, scraps of construction paper, etc. all over the shapes. Cover them with a second layer of adhesive paper and hang them in a window.
Coloring pages-Exotic fruit
(Open coloring pages theme-Exotic fruit) Print for each child.
Complete the drawing-Exotic fruit
(Open complete the drawing-Exotic fruit) Print for each child. Children must draw the missing details and parts.
I am learning to draw-A pineapple
(Open I am learning to draw-A pineapple) Print and laminate the practice sheet. Invite children to practice their drawing technique on the practice sheet before trying to draw a pineapple on their own.
(Open songs & rhymes-Exotic fruit)
By: Patricia Morrison - Sung to: Mary had a little lamb
Exotic fruit
When I went to the supermarket
Supermarket, supermarket
When I went to the supermarket
I saw bite-sized orange-colored fruit
It had a really silly name
Silly name, silly name
Have you ever heard of kumquats
They’re really good for you
Have fun!
The educatall team