For this theme, the educatall team suggests planning a great masquerade for Halloween. This special theme contains everything you need to organize a unique Halloween celebration. We’ve thought of all the details for you. Use the many printable documents that accompany this theme to add to the fun!
Perpetual calendar-Great masquerade
(Open perpetual calendar-Great masquerade) Print and laminate. Display the calendar close to your daycare entrance or on your door.
Thematic poster-Great masquerade
(Open thematic poster-Great masquerade) Print and display a variety of posters.
Educa-theme-Great masquerade
(Open educa-theme-Great masquerade) Print and laminate the items that represent the theme. Use them to present your theme to your group (and parents) while decorating a corner of your daycare.
Educa-decorate-Great masquerade
(Open educa-decorate-Great masquerade) Print, cut out, and laminate. Decorate the walls of your daycare to set the mood for the theme.
Garland-Great masquerade
(Open garland-Great masquerade) Print. Let children decorate the garland. Cut it out and hang it within your daycare or near your daycare entrance.
Placemats-Great masquerade
(Open placemats-Great masquerade) Print the model you prefer. Laminate the placemats for extra durability.
If you prefer using a tablecloth, simply purchase a paper tablecloth at your local dollar store and invite children to decorate it. In the weeks leading up to Halloween, Halloween-colored tablecloths are easy to find.
Decorate your daycare door by hanging a long black or orange curtain above it. If you wish, you can cut black and orange garbage bags into strips. Adding strips of metallic paper will make your décor even more magical.
Inflate several Halloween-colored balloons. Hang them from the ceiling in the room you will be using for your great masquerade.
Here, you will find a variety of invitations that can be used for your great masquerade. Pick the ones you prefer.
(Open invitations-pumpkin) Print the invitations in black and white and have children color them. A color version is also available.
(Open invitations-witch) Print the invitations in black and white and have children color them. A color version is also available.
(Open invitations-ghost) Print the invitations in black and white and have children color them. A color version is also available.
(Open invitations-candy) Print the invitations in black and white and have children color them. A color version is also available.
(Open invitations-mask) Print the invitations in black and white and have children color them. A color version is also available.
A wolf mask is an important masquerade element. Children love to wear it, but they like making their own mask even more. Here, you will find many different mask models that you can print. Of course, you can also create original masks if you don’t wish to use the suggested models. You can, for example, decorate paper plates. Have fun creating unique masks that children can wear for your great masquerade.
(Open masks-wolf) Print and glue a Popsicle stick or drinking straw behind the mask so that children can easily “wear” it.
(Open masks-pumpkin) Print and glue a Popsicle stick or drinking straw behind the mask so that children can easily “wear” it.
(Open masks-candy) Print and glue a Popsicle stick or drinking straw behind the mask so that children can easily “wear” it.
(Open masks-ghost) Print and glue a Popsicle stick or drinking straw behind the mask so that children can easily “wear” it.
(Open masks-bat) Print and glue a Popsicle stick or drinking straw behind the mask so that children can easily “wear” it.
(Open masks-princess) Print and glue a Popsicle stick or drinking straw behind the mask so that children can easily “wear” it.
(Open masks-prince) Print and glue a Popsicle stick or drinking straw behind the mask so that children can easily “wear” it.
Throughout the week, invite children to decorate the masks. Send undecorated masks home with parents and encourage them to decorate them. They can wear a mask when they drop their child off at daycare the morning of the great masquerade.
If you wish to go beyond masks for your great masquerade, we have prepared a list of costumes that are easy to create with simple accessories.
Cut a pirate eyepatch out of black construction paper (there is a model in the educatall club). Punch a small hole out of either side so you can thread a piece of string or elastic through them to hold the eyepatch in place. The child can wear a bandana on his head. You can find a sword at your local dollar store or, if you prefer, simply cut a sword shape out of heavy cardboard (model in the pirate theme in the educatall club). Use black makeup pencils to draw a beard on the child’s chin. Have the child wear an oversized white t-shirt over a pair of black or dark-colored pants. Roll one pant leg up to the child’s knee. A belt worn at waist level over the t-shirt can complete the costume.
Simply wrap the child in toilet paper, leaving his eyes, nose, and mouth uncovered. There couldn’t possibly be a simpler costume!
For this costume, you will need a white bedsheet. Cut holes out of the bedsheet for the eyes, nose, and mouth and simply drape it over the child’s head.
You will need a cardboard box (consider the child’s size). Cut a hole out of the top of the box for the child’s head and one hole out of each side of the box for his arms. Wrap the box with aluminum paper or paint it using gray metallic paint. Purchase a dollar store headband and wrap it in aluminum paper. Glue small aluminum plates (for tarts) on either side of the headband. Paint the child’s face with gray makeup.
Have the child wear pyjamas or a nightshirt. For a girl, you can comb her hair into pigtails. Tie a pacifier around the child’s neck. Use makeup pencils to draw freckles on the child’s cheeks. A blanket or stuffed animal will be the perfect accessory.
Have the child wear her prettiest dress. Purchase a dollar store tiara she can wear in her hair along with plastic rings and necklaces. Use makeup pencils to draw stars on her cheeks.
Have the child wear her favorite dress. Purchase a dollar store magic wand. Together, roll a large piece of cardboard to form a cone and glue a long piece of pretty ribbon on the tip to create a fairy hat. Press adhesive gems on her cheeks.
Have the child wear her prettiest dress and fanciest shoes. Use blush to color her cheeks and apply lipstick. Apply makeup to her eyes in an exaggerated fashion. Curl her hair or tie it in pigtails. Encourage the child to walk around saying, “Mama, mama…”
Cut a hole out of the bottom of a black garbage bag so the child can wear it over his shoulders. Cut slits on either side too. Make a graduation hat using black construction paper. Attach a curtain tassel to the hat and simply roll up a piece of paper to represent a diploma and tie a red ribbon around it. The possibilities are endless! Have fun creating new costumes and characters with your group.
For the great masquerade, invite children to wear their fanciest clothing to daycare or, if you have prepared costumes, they can wear their favorite one.
Greet children with a special cocktail (you can serve both the children in your group and parents). Use small plastic wine glasses.
Paint each child’s face by drawing a special design on their cheeks or simply press glitter on their face for a festive touch.
For the morning snack, serve fruit and cheese skewers with yogurt or chocolate dip. Add a few drops of food coloring to each child’s glass of milk and decorate the rim of each glass (like a Bloody Cesar) by moistening them and pressing them in colorful sugar crystals.
Organize a parade so that children can show off their costumes or masks. If the weather is nice, why not take your parade along the streets of your neighborhood or even take it to a nearby nursing home to prolong your activity and spread some joy…
Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures. Print them and insert them in the frames we have created for you. (Open individual frame-Great masquerade) (Open group frame-Great masquerade) You can send a picture frame home with each child at the end of the day.
Serve lunch in colorful plastic plates (or Halloween-themed paper plates). Use cookie cutters to cut your sandwiches into Halloween shapes. Prepare bowtie pasta salad with diced cucumbers and cubed orange cheddar cheese. Add as many festive touches to your meal as possible!
For the afternoon nap, purchase glow sticks and build a Halloween-themed cabin with your group. Children will enjoy sleeping in their special construction together. The glow sticks will provide a faint glow.
As an afternoon snack, prepare colorful Halloween cupcakes that children can decorate with Halloween candy pieces.
If you are going outside at the end of the day, let children bring their mask. They will love integrating them in a variety of invented games.
Educ-trace-Great masquerade
(Open educ-trace-Great masquerade) Print for each child. Children must trace the lines with the correct colors and then color the corresponding items using the same colors.
Educa-symmetry-Great masquerade
(Open educa-symmetry-Great masquerade) Print. Children must color the bottom picture (black & white) to make it look exactly like the top picture (in color).
Educ-pairs-Great masquerade
(Open educ-pairs-Great masquerade) Print. Children must draw a line between identical items or color identical items using the same color. For durable, eco-friendly use, laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Color by number-Great masquerade
(Open color by number-Great masquerade) Print for each child. Children must color the picture per the color code.
Complete the drawing-Great masquerade
(Open complete the drawing-Great masquerade) Print for each child. Children must draw the missing details.
Coloring pages
(Open coloring pages theme-Great masquerade) Print for each child.
(Open songs & rhymes-Great masquerade) Print.
Great masquerade
By: Patricia Morrison - Sung to: It’s a small world after all
Time for masks and costumes
It’s Halloween
Time for tricks or treats
Come let’s celebrate
Let’s dance and have fun
It’s the great masquerade
Happy Halloween to all
Have fun!
The educatall team