Animated discussion-Crossing guards
(Open picture game-Crossing guards) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a discussion with your group and to ask children questions related to the theme.
(Open thematic poster-Crossing guards) Print, laminate, and display all kinds of posters.
Educa-theme-Crossing guards
(Open educa-theme-Crossing guards) Print and laminate the items that represent the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group (and parents) while decorating a corner of your daycare.
Educa-decorate-Crossing guards
(Open educa-decorate-Crossing guards) Print, laminate, and cut out the various items. Use them to decorate your daycare and set the mood for the theme.
Stickers-Crossing guards
(Open stickers-Crossing guards) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper. Cut out the items and use the stickers to reward children.
Decorate your daycare walls with pictures of crossing guards and intersections, traffic signs, and illustrations linked to road safety. You can also hang a traffic light in one corner along with red, yellow, and green party streamers.
Pedestrian crosswalks
To connect various areas within your daycare, use adhesive paper to draw a series of wide white lines to represent pedestrian crosswalks. Children will enjoy practicing crossing the street as they move from one area to the next.
(Open picture game-Crossing guards) Use the pictures to decorate your daycare or to spark a conversation with your group. Print, laminate, and store the pictures in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.
Memory game-Crossing guards
(Open picture game-Crossing guards) Print the pictures twice and use them for a traditional memory game.
(Open activity sheets-Crossing guards) Print and follow instructions.
Educa-spots-Crossing guards
(Open educa-spots-Crossing guards) Print for each child. Use bingo markers to color the circles. If you don’t have bingo markers, simply have children set dry cereal or press a sticker in each circle.
String activities-Crossing guards
(Open string activities-Crossing guards) Print for each child. Children trace the lines with white glue and then press string or ribbon in the glue.
(Open writing activities-C like crossing guard) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Homemade activity sheet binder
Laminate the activity sheets and writing activities and insert them in a binder. Provide dry-erase markers and set the binder on a table. Children can complete the pages as they wish. At the end of the day, simply wipe their work away so the activity sheets can be used again.
Educa-nuudles-Crossing guards
(Open educa-nuudles-Crossing guards) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet. Once they are done, they may use Magic Nuudles to turn the coloring pages into three-dimensional works of art.
Variation: If you do not have Magic Nuudles, ask children to fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers.
To order Magic Nuudles:
Word flashcards-Crossing guards
Use the flashcards to spark a conversation with your group, in your reading and writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Crossing guards) (Open giant word flashcards-Crossing guards) Print. crossing guard, crossing guard, pedestrian, pedestrian crosswalk, fluorescent vest, stop sign, student, bus, whistle, intersection, traffic light, sign
Let’s chat
(Open word flashcards-Crossing guards) Print and laminate the word flashcards. Have each child pick a flashcard. They can take turns presenting the word they picked to the group. With your group, talk about each item. Ask children questions to encourage them to share what they know about each one.
Word race
(Open word flashcards-Crossing guards) (Open giant word flashcards-Crossing guards) Print several word flashcards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into two teams. When you give them the signal, children must search for the flashcards for a pre-determined period, for example three minutes. When the time is up, children must be able to “read” their flashcards to earn a point for their team. If they are unable to find the correct word, the other team can earn the point if they succeed.
Associating words and pictures
(Open giant word flashcards-Crossing guards) (Open word flashcards-Crossing guards) Print, laminate, and display the word flashcards on a wall or a large piece of cardboard that can be moved around. Name a word and have children identify the corresponding word flashcard.
Words on a wire
(Open word flashcards-Crossing guards) (Open giant word flashcards-Crossing guards) Print two copies of several word flashcards. Hang one copy of each flashcard on a clothesline using colourful clothespins. Arrange the other word flashcards in a pile. Let children take turns picking a word flashcard. Help them read their word before inviting them to find the corresponding word flashcard on the clothesline. When they find it, they can place the word flashcard they picked over the word flashcard on the clothesline using the same clothespin. Help younger children manipulate the clothespin if necessary.
Scene-Pedestrian crosswalk
(Open scene-Pedestrian crosswalk) Print, laminate, and cut out the items. Encourage children to use them to decorate the scene.
Point to (or name) the pictures
(Open word flashcards-Crossing guards) (Open giant word flashcards-Crossing guards) Print, laminate, and display the word flashcards on a wall next to your circle time area or on a piece of cardboard that can easily be moved around. Name a word and encourage children to take turns pointing to the correct word flashcard.
Special activity-Greg the crossing guard
(Open thematic letter-Road safety) Print the daily letters and prepare a vibrant envelope. Set it within your daycare, where children are sure to find it each day. Read the letters and complete the suggested activities.
(Open models-Crossing guards) Print several crossing guards. Stick them on your daycare floor to create a path. Children can walk on the illustrations throughout the theme.
Your cloakroom becomes a pedestrian crosswalk
For the duration of the theme, transform your cloakroom to make it look like a pedestrian crosswalk. Show children pictures to explain why it is important for crossing guards to always be positioned at the same places. (Open nametags-Crossing guards) Give each child a nametag and let them decorate it as they wish. Help them stick their nametag over their hook. Add traffic signs and use adhesive tape to draw a succession of lines like the ones that can be seen at most intersections. Press a traffic light on your cloakroom wall. Wear a hat and a fluorescent vest to welcome children.
Single file
Glue a stop sign on a stick. Every time you move from one area to another, have a different child hold the stop sign up, like a crossing guard who helps children cross the street. The other children walk behind him single file.
Crossing guard of the day
(Open crossing guard of the day) Print, laminate, and display near your daycare entrance. Each morning, use the poster to display a picture of the child who will be the crossing guard of the day.
Miniature stop signs
(Open miniature stop signs) Print and laminate. Hide the miniature stop signs throughout your daycare and invite children to search for them. The child who finds the most stop signs can hide them for the next round.
Magnetic crossing guards
(Open models-Crossing guards) Print, color, and laminate the models. Glue them on magnetic paper. Let children press them on a metal baking sheet.
Pyrmaid-Traffic light
(Open stickers-Traffic light) Print and use the stickers to create games. Collect different sizes of empty metal cans. Decorate them with the stickers. Use the cans to build a pyramid and encourage children to try to make them fall with a frisbee. Give each child three tries.
Modeling dough activity placemats-Crossing guards
(Open modeling dough activity placemats-Crossing guards) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.
Follow the crossing guard
Have children hold hands. They must follow the lead of the first child in line. The child at the front of the line can walk quickly or slowly, take large or small steps, tiptoe, walk with his back against a wall, etc.
Crossing guard-themed pictures
Collect several different pictures of crossing guards and display them throughout your daycare on walls, furniture, toys, the floor, etc. Children will explore the pictures as they move within their environment.
Fine motor skills-Models-Crossing guards
(Open models-Crossing guards) Print for each child. Have children tear pieces of tissue paper and use the balls of paper to fill a crossing guard outline. Display their artwork within your daycare.
Watch out for the crossing guard
Select a child who will play the role of the crossing guard. He tries to tag one of his peers. When he succeeds, the child who was tagged becomes the crossing guard for the next round.
Lacing-Crossing guards
(Open lacing-Crossing guards) Print, trace the models on heavy cardboard, and cut them out. Punch holes around the contour of each model using a hole-punch. Children thread ribbon or yarn through the holes.
Traffic lights
Ask children to form a line at one end of your playing area. Use red, green, and yellow circles to represent traffic lights and indicate how children are to move towards you. When you show the red light, they must stop in their tracks. When you show the green light, they may run towards you, but if you show the yellow light, they must walk instead of run. The first child who reaches you becomes the leader for the next round.
Pedestrian path
Invite children to stand one behind the other. Go on an imaginary walk around your daycare and describe the things you “see” along the way. For example, you can see a stop sign, a school bus, a sign stating that you must go right, etc. Ask children what you must do when they meet each imaginary obstacle.
Crossing guard in training
Each day, name a child who will be your crossing guard trainee. He will be responsible for ensuring his peers respect rules whenever you move from one area to the next or from one activity to the next. The goal is to help children realize the importance of following rules for their safety. If a child forgets a rule, the crossing guard trainee can kindly remind him or inform an adult if necessary.
Red light, yellow light, green light…
(Open traffic lights and signs) With your group, draw a giant village on a paved area in your yard using sidewalk chalk. Depending on the size of the area, include roads, a grocery store, a bank, a playground, a daycare, a school, etc. Add traffic signs. Children will have fun riding around your village on tricycles or in push cars. Use red, green, and yellow circles to represent traffic lights. When the green light is shown, children can drive around your village as fast as they wish. However, when the yellow light is displayed, they must slow down. When you hold the red light up, they must stop where they are. If a child moves while the red light is displayed, blow a whistle and hand him a speeding ticket. You can, for example, have him sing a song to “pay his fine”.
Intersection construction
Using building blocks, represent streets, intersections, and pedestrian crosswalks with your group. To begin, have them arrange blocks on the floor, forming 2 parallel lines that will become streets. Help them create street corners. At each corner, children can use white or yellow blocks to connect both sides and represent a pedestrian crosswalk. (Open small stop signs) Print this miniature traffic sign for each child. They can color it and glue it to one end of a toothpick. Using clear adhesive tape or putty, they can press it on a figurine. Children will love playing with their miniature crossing guard in their building block streets. Add other figurines that they can help cross the street at different intersections.
Counting cards-Crossing guards
(Open counting cards-Crossing guards) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.
Color by number-Crossing guards
(Open color by number-Crossing guards) Print for each child. Have children color the picture per the color code.
Hunt and seek-Road safety
(Open hunt and seek-Road safety) Print and laminate. Children pick a card and search for the illustrated item in the scene.
Puzzles-Crossing guards
(Open puzzles-Crossing guards) Print, laminate, and cut out. Children must place the pieces to complete the scenes.
Game-Four crossing guards
(Open game-Four crossing guards) Print, glue the cards on opaque cardboard, and cut them out. Arrange all the cards upside down on the floor or table (so you can’t see the illustrations). Children take turns rolling a die. Every time a child rolls a “1”, he can turn a card. If he doesn’t already have this crossing guard in front of him, he keeps the card and places it in front of him for everyone to see. The first child who has collected all four crossing guards wins.
Sorting pedestrian crosswalk lights
(Open sorting pedestrian crosswalk lights) Print for each child. Children cut out the lights and glue them in the rectangles in ascending order.
Let’s count with pedestrian crosswalk lights
(Open counting pedestrian crosswalk lights) Print and laminate the lights. Use a hole-punch to make a hole in the upper right and upper left corner of each pedestrian crosswalk light, where indicated. Set the lights one on top of the other in numerical order and insert a ring in each set of holes. Use the lights to count with your group. To increase the level of difficulty, count backwards. Explain how the numbers on pedestrian crosswalk lights indicate how much time they have to get to the other side of the street.
Giant tic-tac-toe
On a large piece of white cardboard, draw a tic-tac-toe grid. (Open tic-tac-toe-Road safety) Two players take turns setting a symbol in a square. The first child who arranges 3 identical symbols in a straight line up, down, or diagonally wins.
Dress-up dolls-Crossing guards
(Open dress-up dolls-Crossing guards) Print and laminate. Children will have fun dressing the crossing guard as they see fit.
Say hello to the crossing guards
Go for a walk with your group around the time when crossing guards are present on street corners around your daycare. Encourage children to wave to them and practice listening to their instructions. With their help, cross the street with your group.
Searching for pedestrian lights
If possible, visit different intersections where pedestrian lights are present. Show children the appropriate way to use these important tools. Use them to practice counting with your group by naming the displayed numbers. Help children understand how many seconds they need to cross the street safely.
Crossing guard treasure hunt
(Open crossing guard treasure hunt) Print and laminate. Set the printed list of items to search for on a clipboard that you can take on your daily walk. Every time a child sees a stop sign, a pedestrian light, a sign indicating a pedestrian crosswalk, or a traffic light, he can use a dry-erase marker to draw a checkmark or an “X” next to the corresponding illustration. When you get back to your daycare, count how many signs and lights of each kind you saw. The next day, select a different route and repeat the exercise.
Pedestrian lights
Instead of using traffic lights to encourage children to run, walk, or remain still, use pedestrian lights. (Open pedestrian lights) Print and glue each light on a piece of cardboard. Present them to your group and explain how when the white silhouette is displayed, they may walk (not run!) to cross the street. When they see the flashing orange hand, they must walk somewhat faster to get to the other side of the street as quickly as possible, but safely and without running. Finally, when the non-flashing orange hand is shown, they mustn’t cross. Invite children to stand on a line at one end of your yard or daycare. Stand at the opposite end of your “street”, holding the lights. Display the white silhouette. Children start walking towards you. Next, show the flashing orange hand. Children must walk faster. As soon as they see the non-flashing light, they must stop walking and remain perfectly still. Of course, make sure children understand this is a game and that, in reality, the non-flashing light means they should not cross the street.
Red, yellow, and green Jell-O
Prepare a dessert using red, yellow, and green Jell-O. Let children manipulate the Jell-O powder and add water. Pour the preparation in Styrofoam glasses and place them in the refrigerator to set. Children can tear the Styrofoam off the Jell-O and use the red, yellow, and green circles to represent a traffic light.
Crossing guard stop sign
(Open crossing guard stop sign) Print for each child. Have them color, cut out, and glue their sign on heavy cardboard before gluing a wooden stick behind it so they can use it to pretend they are crossing guards.
Traffic lights
Give each child three paper plates. Have them paint each one a different color (red, green, and yellow). Let dry. They can glue them vertically on black poster board to represent a traffic light.
Crossing guard vests
For each child, you will need a brown paper grocery bag. Set the bags in front of your group, with the opening on the floor. Cut a collar (half-circle) out of the bottom of each child’s bag, leaving a few inches intact on each side so that children can wear their vest. Also cut a hole on each side for children’s arms. Have them paint both sides of their vest with orange poster paint. Let dry. Next, help children add a strip of gray duct tape around their vest, horizontally under the arm openings. Add two vertical strips of tape on each child’s vest.
Crafts-Crossing guards
(Open models-Crossing guards) Print the models and use them for various activities and projects throughout the theme.
(Open coloring pages theme-Crossing guards) Print for each child.
Have fun!
The educatall team