This tool was created in response to a special request received. (Open poster-Universal Children’s Day-November 20th) Print and display.
A treasure hunt to discover the theme
(Open educa-decorate-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate. Hide the items throughout your daycare. Invite children to search for them. Together, name the items they find. Encourage your group to guess which theme you will be exploring.
Circle time bell
Use a small bell to invite the children in your group to gather around you when necessary during the day. Tell children to listen closely and explain that every time they hear the bell, they must join you as quickly as possible.
Circle time coronation
During your morning circle time, set a crown on a child’s head. Select a privilege for each child, one they can enjoy when they are crowned king or queen of the day (ex. skip naptime, no need to clean up, a special toy to play with, etc.). You will find a crown model in the Arts & crafts section.
Surprise discussion box
Before children arrive, fill a box with ribbon, yarn, balloons, party horns, and colorful pennants. Seal the box with heavy tape. Use a shiny marker to draw question marks and stars all over it. Ask an accomplice to deliver the box. He or she can ring your doorbell or knock on your door. Collect the special delivery with the children in your group. Let children manipulate the box and shake it. They can try to guess what is inside. Open it together and use the contents to create a special garland you can hang within your daycare.
Animated discussion-Universal Children’s Day
(Open picture game-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation and ask children questions about the theme.
Spotlight on children
Encourage each child to bring a bag or box filled with his favorite objects as well as a few family photos. Invite each child to present the contents of his bag or box to the group (ask parents to send in pictures that do not have to be returned since they will be used for crafts or activities). If you wish, you may invite one child to present his items in the morning, whereas a second child can present his objects in the afternoon. Parents can be invited to attend their child’s presentation.
Flipogram-Universal Children’s Day
(Open picture game-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use a hole-punch to make a hole in the upper right and left corner of each picture. Stack the pictures and insert a ring through each set of holes. The flipogram is easy to manipulate. Simply show children how they can lift a picture and flip it under the stack. Name each item with your group. Use the flipogram to encourage children to talk during circle time and to ask them questions about the theme.

Thematic poster-Universal Children’s Day
(Open thematic poster-Universal Children’s Day) Print and display within your daycare.
Educa-theme-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educa-theme-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate the different elements representing the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group (and parents) while decorating your daycare.
Educa-decorate-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educa-decorate-Universal Children’s Day) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.
Stickers-Universal Children’s Day
(Open stickers-Universal Children’s Day) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper and use them to create unique stickers.
A scrapbook on the wall
Sort through pictures you have taken of the children in your group during various activities throughout the year. Chances are, you have quite the collection. Hang a large piece of cardboard on a wall and invite children to cut pictures using craft scissors (different edges) and glue them on your cardboard for an oversized scrapbooking activity. Encourage them to include pictures that represent their favorite daycare activities. Write their comments below the pictures they choose. Provide stickers and Fun Foam shapes children can press among the pictures. This giant scrapbook page will create a special décor for the duration of the theme.
Pennants-Universal Children’s Day
(Open pennants-Universal Children’s Day) Print and let children decorate the pennants. Cut them out and hang them within your daycare or over your daycare entrance, forming a garland.
Balloon path
Inflate several colorful balloons and glue them around your circle time area to delimit it. If you prefer, use the balloons to create a colorful path in front of your daycare entrance. Simply use adhesive tape to arrange them in 2 parallel lines, like a sidewalk.
Collective garland-Universal Children’s Day
Hang an indoor clothesline in your daycare. Before children arrive, cut different party streamers into pieces, each measuring approximately 50 cm. Hide them throughout your daycare. Invite children to search for them. Every time a child finds one, name the color and help him knot it on your clothesline. In the end, you will have a colorful garland.
Fun ceiling-Children from around the world
Create a mobile by hanging pictures of the children in your group from the ceiling. Add pictures of children from around the world that you have cut out of magazines.
Children’s word wall
Create a special wall to display the funny and adorable things children say. Write their words, expressions, or even anecdotes on colorful pieces of paper. Be sure to write the name and age of the child that spoke the words and include the date or context.
Children’s décor
Collect several pictures of the children in your group and display them throughout the daycare. You may also ask parents to provide pictures of their child when he was an infant. Children (and parents) will enjoy making associations. You can even add pictures of yourself as a baby to see if anyone will recognize you.
Star Boulevard
(Open movie star) Print a star for each child. Display children’s artwork on a wall. Use adhesive paper to set each child’s star on the floor. Make sure you set up your Star Boulevard where everyone is sure to see it. If you prefer, hang the stars on an indoor clothesline along with children’s creations.
Universal Children’s Day in November
Hang a large piece of paper in a hallway and ask parents to write a message for their child. You could also create a special mail system for this special day. Decorate your daycare walls with pictures of the children in your group. Hang additional pictures from the ceiling. Plan a special breakfast to celebrate Universal Children’s Day. Let each child bring one toy from home for the occasion.
Star of the day
Cut a large star out of yellow cardboard (or a giant model of your daycare logo) and display it on your daycare door. Each morning, display the picture of the child who shall be the star of the day. Determine special privileges for the star of the day. Variation: (Open poster-star of the day) Print and use the document to display a different child’s picture each day.
Garland-Universal Children’s Day
(Open models-Universal Children’s Day) Print and let children decorate the items. Hang them to create a garland that can be hung within your daycare or over your daycare entrance.
The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group. Use them to decorate the daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Universal Children’s Day) Print, laminate, and store in a “Ziploc” bag or in your thematic bins.
Memory game-Universal Children’s Day
(Open picture game-Universal Children’s Day) Print the pictures twice and use them for a memory game.
Activity sheets are provided for each theme. Print and follow instructions. (Open activity sheets-Universal Children’s Day)
Creating your own activity binder
Laminate several activity sheets and writing activities and arrange them in a binder along with dry-erase markers. Leave the binder in your writing area and let children complete the pages as they wish. At the end of the day, simply wipe off their work so the activity binder can be reused.
Writing activities-C like child
(Open writing activities-C like child) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Educa-spots-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educa-spots-Universal Children’s Day) Print for each child. Use bingo markers to color the circles. If you don’t have bingo markers, simply have children set dry cereal or press a sticker in each circle.
Tracing words-Universal Children’s Day
(Open word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) Print several word flashcards. Glue them on pieces of paper, laminate them, and arrange them in a binder. Show children how they can trace the words using dry-erase markers. If you wish, leave room under each word so children can try to write the words without tracing the letters.
Educa-nuudles-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educa-nuudles-Universal Children’s Day) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet and use Magic Nuudles to give it a three-dimensional look.
Variation: You don’t have Magic Nuudles? Have children fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers. To order Magic Nuudles:
Stationery-Universal Children’s Day
(Open stationery-Universal Children’s Day) Print. The stationery can be used to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins.
Word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day
Use the cards to spark a conversation with your group or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) child, parent, right, global, November, joy, surprise, to grow, to protect, peace, family, planet
Reinvented scrabble
(Open word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) Print many copies of the word flashcards and encourage children to use scrabble tiles to write the words. Manipulating the small tiles represents a great fine motor skill exercise. At the same time, children will notice which letters make up the different words.
Word association-Universal Children’s Day
(Open word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) Print two copies of several different word flashcards. On a large piece of cardboard, stick one copy of each flashcard vertically to create a word column. Cut the second copy of each word flashcard so you have the word on one side and the illustration on the other side. Attach Velcro behind each part as well as to the right of the uncut flashcards (on the cardboard). Arrange the cut flashcards on the table and encourage children to look at your flashcard board to identify a matching word and illustration. When they succeed, they may stick them next to the corresponding flashcard, on your board. This exercise will help children associate words with pictures.
Word tree-Universal Children’s Day
(Open word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) Print several word flashcards. Use a hole-punch to make a hole at the top of each flashcard. Thread a ribbon through each hole and tie a knot. Bring the word flashcards outside and encourage children to use them to decorate a tree. Every time a child adds a flashcard, invite him/her to “read” the corresponding word. Children will be happy to repeat this activity many times. Eventually, they will learn to recognize the words.
Word clothesline
(Open word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) Print two copies of several word flashcards. Hang one copy of each word on an indoor clothesline with colourful clothespins. Arrange the copies in a pile on a table. Let children take turns picking a word and finding the matching word on the clothesline. When they find a match, they can place the flashcard on top of the one that was already hanging on the clothesline. Help younger children manipulate the clothespins if necessary.
Word race
(Open word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) (Open giant word flashcards-Universal Children’s Day) Print several word flashcards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into two teams. When you give them the signal, children must search for the flashcards for a pre-determined period, for example three minutes. When the time is up, children must be able to “read” their flashcards to earn a point for their team. If they are unable to find the correct word, the other team can earn the point if they succeed.
Let’s chat
Print and laminate the word flashcards. Have each child pick a flashcard and take turns presenting the item to the group. Discuss each item to see what children know about the theme.
Scene-Universal Children’s Day
(Open scene-Universal Children’s Day) Print, laminate, and cut out the items. Children use them to decorate the scene.
Educa-chatterbox-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educa-chatterbox-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate the cards. To create your chatterbox, you will need an empty shoebox or a small bin that you can decorate as you see fit. Fill it with tiny objects, illustrations, pictures, and accessories related to your theme. To help you, we have created a series of cards that you may use. During circle time or, for example, when children are waiting for their lunch, have them take turns picking a card or object out of your chatterbox and naming the corresponding item.
Leave it to the children
Plan more activities that provide children with the opportunity to express themselves and make decisions. Ask them what they think of certain activities and at the end of each day, encourage them to share what they enjoyed most and least.
Bouncing circle time
Just for fun, set a colorful ball in your circle time area for each child. Let children sit on the balls during your discussion period. If they are big enough, you may even let children sit on the balls at the table during lunch time.
I am the chief
Throughout the theme, encourage children to take turns deciding how you shall move from one daycare area to the next. For example, children can decide that you shall walk like little mice, backwards, like a giant, sing a song as you walk, etc.
My very own transition box
With their child, ask parents to decorate a shoebox to create a special transition box. Identify each child’s box, fill them with small items and toys and store them with children’s blankets and naptime accessories. Children can explore the contents of their transition box before naptime, as they wait for lunch to be served, or once they are dressed or undressed in the cloakroom.
My very own spot
Photograph each child and print the pictures. Use adhesive paper to set a picture in front of each spot at the table. After a few days, invite children to trade places. You can, for example, have each child pick a picture and sit at the photographed child’s place. You may also hide the pictures with a tablecloth and see if children will still be able to find their spot.
It’s me!
Display pictures of the children in your group throughout your daycare so they can recognize themselves as they move around. During the day, invite little ones to admire pictures of themselves and pictures of their friends. Use the pictures to help them recognize their friends and pronounce their name.
My family
Ask parents to provide several pictures of family members. Be sure to specify that the pictures will be used for different activities and crafts and therefore won’t be returned. Use the pictures to create a poster representing each family. Display the posters on your daycare floor. Use adhesive paper to protect them.
I have 2 eyes…
Hold a mirror in front of one child at a time so they can admire their reflection. Point to different parts of their face as you name them. Encourage children to point to them too. This activity is great to occupy little ones during transitions.
Mr. Potato Head
Provide several accessories and encourage children to insert them in the correct places.
Every day during the theme, pick a child who will be the star of the day. Grant him privileges. Inform the group and parents so everyone can help you make the star of the day feel extra special.
Perpetual calendar
(Open perpetual calendar-Universal Children’s Day) Print and display.
Schedule of activities
(Open schedule-thematic day-Universal Children’s Day) Print, add the activities you have selected for your group, and display the schedule for everyone to see.
Invite the star of the day to dress up (encourage parents to let their child pick his outfit independently). Set a crown on the child’s head upon his arrival in the morning and present him to the group. Inform him of the privileges he is entitled to. Sing a special song for your star of the day and offer him several standing ovations throughout the day.
Children can make a special crown and a cereal necklace. They can take turns wearing their crown and requesting the rest of the group give them a standing ovation.

Snacks and lunch
Let children decide what you shall serve as snacks and at lunch time. Of course, you can plan a special dessert, such as a cake.
Souvenir photo-Thematic day-Universal Children’s Day
(Open picture frame-Thematic day-Universal Children’s Day) Print and use the frame to display pictures of your celebrations or to send a souvenir home with each child.
Modeling dough activity placemats-Universal Children’s Day
(Open modeling dough activity placemats-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.
Spotlight on children obstacle course
Build a maze and add obstacles such as a rope hung between two chairs that children must crawl under (or jump over) without touching it. Incorporate items you have on hand. You can, for example, have children wear a crown to complete the course, encourage them to hop, spin around, walk backwards, etc. Use your imagination.
The crown
Have children sit in a circle. Set a crown on one child’s head at the start of the game. When the music starts, the crown is passed from one child to the next. The child who is wearing the crown when the music stops picks a song tha

t the group shall sing together. Note that each child must set the crown on his head before handing it to the child sitting next to him.
Mystery bag
Set a series of objects of different shapes in a bag. Children take turns inserting their hand in the bag to feel the objects. The goal is for them to successfully identify an object. Each child may ask two questions. If, despite these questions being answered, they are unsuccessful, their turn is over. Every time a child identifies an object, he becomes the one who answers the questions asked by his peers.
Pyramid-Universal Children’s Day
(Open large stickers-Universal Children’s Day) Print on adhesive paper and use the stickers to create games. Collect empty metal cans (different sizes). Decorate them using the stickers and stack them to form a pyramid on a table. Children toss a frisbee towards the pyramid, attempting to make all the cans fall. Give each child 3 tries.
Surprise fishing-Universal Children’s Day
Hang a rope from one end of an old broomstick to create a simple fishing rod. Attach a clothespin to the other end of the rope. Children take turns fishing for a surprise. Position yourself behind a large piece of furniture so you can attach a treat using the clothespin.
Playing cards-Universal Children’s Day
(Open playing cards-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate. Give each child the same number of cards. Children take turns hiding the cards within your daycare. Children race to find them.
Race to find the Universal Children’s Day cards
(Open playing cards-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate several cards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into 2 teams. When you give the signal, children race to find as many cards as possible for a pre-determined period, for example 3 minutes.

My secret Universal Children’s Day friend
During circle time or another period of the day at the very start of your theme, have each child pick the picture of a child from your daycare group out of a bag to determine who shall be their secret friend. Children must perform various acts of kindness to spoil their secret friend during the entire theme. At the end of the week, invite children to guess who picked their picture.
Giant puzzle-Children around the world
(Open pieces children around the world) Print, laminate, and cut out each piece. Children sit on the floor and work together to assemble the puzzle.
Parade-Universal Children’s Day
Organize a parade within your daycare so children can show off their Universal Children’s Day mask or crown. If the weather is nice, parade around your neighbourhood or visit a local nursing home. Be sure to photograph your group. Print and display the pictures.
Roll & color-Universal Children’s Day
(Open roll & color-Universal Children’s Day) Print for each child. This game can be enjoyed individually or as a group. Children take turns rolling a die, counting the dots, and coloring the corresponding part. The first child who finishes coloring the picture wins.
String activities-Universal Children’s Day
(Open string activities-Universal Children’s Day) Print for each child. Children trace the lines with white glue and then press string or ribbon in the glue.
Children illustrations
Collect several pictures and illustrations of children and press them on various items throughout your daycare, including the floor and walls. The children in your group will enjoy discovering them as they move around the daycare.
Confetti-filled balloons
Provide strips of colorful construction paper and hole-punches. Encourage children to use the hole-punches to create confetti. If the children in your group are very young, you may complete this step ahead of time. Give each child a clear uninflated balloon and show them how they can insert confetti in the opening. The more confetti they insert, the prettier the end result will be. Inflate the balloons and knot the opening of each one using a colorful piece of ribbon. Invite children to dance around the daycare, waving their confetti-filled balloon to the sound of music.
Inflated balloon pit
Here, make your traditional ball pit even more fun by filling it with colorful balloons instead of plastic balls. Invite a few children to sit in your balloon pit. Let them toss the balloons up in the air as they wish. The other children can stand around your balloon pit and toss any escaped balloons back into the pit.
Who am I?
Ask children to form a circle. Secretly select a child. Name various characteristics in order to eliminate the other children. For example, you may say, “If you are a girl, remain in a standing position. If you are a boy, sit down. If you have blond hair, remain in a standing position. If you have brown hair, sit down.”
Collect several empty soft drink bottles. Glue a picture of a child in your group on each bottle to create unique bowling pins. Provide a large ball that children can roll towards your bowling pins to make them fall.
Friendship race
Cut a picture of each child in your group in half. Laminate the cut pictures for durability. Give each child one half of his picture and hide the other half within your daycare. Children search for the pictures. Every time a child finds one, he must join hands with the child in the picture. The longest friendship chain at the end of the activity wins.
Play different parachute games with your group. Since they require collaboration, they are perfectly suited to this theme.
Every morning, begin your day with an aerobics session. The child who is the star of the day can lead the way and pick a succession of exercises for the group to perform.
Who is missing?
To the sound of music, encourage children to move around the daycare. When the music stops, they must lie down on the floor and hide their eyes with their hands. Set a blanket (or your parachute) over a child. When you give the signal, the others must identify the child who has disappeared under the blanket.
Body part path
(Open my body part path) Print, cut out, and laminate the pictures representing the different body parts. Set them here and there throughout an obstacle course. To the sound of music, children must complete the course, collecting a body part picture as they move along. At the end of the course, they must stick the body part they collected on a silhouette displayed on a wall using adhesive putty.

My home
Go for a walk with your group, passing in front of each child’s home (if possible). For those who live too far away, select a store or business they are familiar with or, if you prefer, the home of someone they know well. Children will be happy to show their home or a building they are familiar with to their friends.
My clothes
Before going outside with your group, set children’s clothing items in a pile, in the center of your daycare. They must take turns finding a clothing item that belongs to them. Once they have found all their items, invite them to get dressed.
I want to play…
Invite the star of the day to select an activity that he may lead for the group or a game the group can play together. If you prefer (and if you don’t foresee conflicts), you may also let the child pick one or two friends he may enjoy his chosen activity with.
Celebrate with kites
There is no simpler form of joy than playing with a kite. Give each child a brown paper lunch bag and invite them to draw on it. You can show them pictures of kites to inspire their designs. If you wish, you could also provide stickers and Fun Foam shapes that children can use to decorate their kite. Cut several long pieces of party streamers and glue one end of several pieces inside each child’s kite. Finally, make a hole in the bottom of each bag and thread a long piece of rope through. Knot the end that is inside the bag. Children will enjoy running with their kite in your yard…and watching it float behind them.
My genealogical tree
(Open genealogical tree) Print for each child. Send a copy home with each child and encourage parents to complete the genealogical tree with their child. Invite them to be creative and transform the basic tree model to represent their family in a unique way. Let each child present his genealogical tree to the group. Display the trees on a wall at the end of the activity.
Wall of fame
Invite parents, brothers, and sisters of the children in your group to press their hands in colourful poster paint and add their handprints to a large banner to represent a “wall of fame”. Let children decorate the banner with stars and other arts & crafts accessories.
Educ-ascending-descending-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educ-ascending-descending-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate the cards. Children must place identical cards in ascending or descending order.
Educ-math-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educ-math-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must count the items in each rectangle and circle the correct number.
Hunt and seek-Universal Children’s Day
(Open hunt and seek-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate. Children pick a card and search for the item in the scene.
Personalized memory game
Print two pictures of each child in your group. Glue them on heavy cardboard to create a unique memory game.
Magnifying glass game
(Open magnifying glass game-Star of the day) Print and laminate the board game and the cards. Store them in a Ziploc bag or in a box. Children pick a card and use a magnifying glass to find the matching illustration on the board game. When they find a match, they deposit the card in the corresponding square, on the board game.

Educ-same and different
(Open educ-same and different-Star of the day) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the illustration that is different in each row.
Educ-big and small-Star of the day
(Open educ-big and small-Star of the day) Print and laminate the game. Children must place the cards in the correct order, from smallest to biggest. Use Velcro or adhesive putty to stick the cards in the squares.
Educ-pattern-Star of the day
(Open educ-pattern-Star of the day) Print and laminate. Children use the cards to complete the patterns. Use Velcro or adhesive putty to stick the cards in the squares.
Educ-association-Star of the day
(Open educ-association-Star of the day) Print and arrange the pages in a file folder. Children must associate the cards to the items in the file folder and set them in the correct boxes using adhesive putty.
Counting cards-Universal Children’s Day
(Open counting cards-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.
Scrapbook-Universal Children’s Day
(Open scrapbook-Universal Children’s Day) Print this new page for each child. Insert it in their scrapbook once it is completed.
Before children arrive, set a cardboard crown (dollar store) at each child’s circle time spot. Write their name on their crown. Use the crowns to make children feel special. Drape a piece of red fabric over a chair to represent a throne. Hang tulle over the chair and set vases filled with flowers and bowls filled with plastic fruit on either side of it. Children can take turns sitting on your throne.

Star of the day
Cut a large star shape out of yellow cardboard (or a model of your group’s logo) and display it in your daycare entrance. Every morning, use the star to display a child’s picture. Determine a few privileges and use pictograms to represent them. Children will anticipate their turn to be the star of the day. Variation: (Open poster-star of the day) Print and add a picture of the star of the day every morning.
Kindness cards
(Open kindness cards) Print and laminate so you can hand them out to the children in your group.
Privilege cards
(Open privilege cards) Print and laminate so you can distribute them to the children in your group.
Privilege chart
(Open privilege chart-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate the chart and display it on a wall so that children can pick a privilege. For the duration of this theme, focus on privileges instead of tasks.
Photo booth-Universal Children’s Day
(Open photo booth-Universal Children’s Day) Print the various accessories, cut them out, and glue a drinking straw behind each one. Purchase hats, scarves, glasses, etc. at your local dollar store. Create an autumn décor using a large piece of cardboard or curtain. Invite children to pick the accessories they prefer and pose for you. You can take individual, group, or family photos. Print the pictures and display them on a wall for everyone to see.
My self-portrait
Invite each child to prepare a poster using a different color. The goal is for each child to illustrate how they add a touch of individual color to your group. Add a picture of each child to his poster as well as a few sentences describing his favorite games or toys, the name of his pet, his favorite color, etc.
Observe closely
Invite children to sit together. Pick a child and have him sit facing the rest of the group. Help children notice different characteristics of the child sitting in front of them: hair and eye color, freckles, clothing details, etc. When they are done, have the child turn around. The group must draw the child, adding as many details as possible.
Through a child’s eyes
Purchase a toy digital camera (or borrow one). Let each child use it for one day. When it’s their turn, children must use the camera to take pictures of their friends, of things they like, etc. Once everyone has had a turn, print the pictures and use them to create a mural that can spark a circle time discussion.
My little story
(Open album about me) Print for each child. Have children draw themselves. You could set a mirror on the table to help them recognize certain details. Throughout the theme, complete each child’s album.
Our song box
Ask each child to name his favorite song. Have them draw a picture representing their song on a small card. Obviously, to help you remember the different songs, write the song titles behind the cards. Pick a time of day when you will pick a card out of your song box and sing the corresponding song. Children will be happy to sing their favorite song with their friends.

For your song box, decorate a box or gift bag with your group. If there are six children in your group, you could also stick each child’s drawing on one face of a die. When it’s time to pick a song, simply roll the die to determine which song shall be sung. Variation 1: The songs included in your song box can vary per the time of year and per your themes. For example, you can add Halloween song titles to your song box in October, Christmas song titles to your song box in December, etc. Variation 2: You can also have children draw items representing each song from a CD and pick cards to determine the order in which they shall be played.
Purchase cheerleader pompoms at the dollar store or make your own with the children in your group by cutting several pieces of curling ribbon and wrapping one end with electrical tape to create handles. Invent a simple routine throughout which children will enjoy waving their pompoms in the air. Here is a short song you can sing during your routine (Open cheerleader song).
Let’s go! Let’s go!
Let’s celebrate
You, me, all our group
We are great
Woop! Woop!
Musical National Child’s Day
(Open picture game-Universal Children’s Day) Print and laminate the pictures. Set them on your daycare floor. To the sound of music, children walk around the daycare. When the music stops, they must quickly find a picture to stand on. Variation: You can remove one picture after each round. Eventually, children will have to stand on the pictures together.
My favorite recipe
Ask children to name their favorite foods or meals and serve them, if possible, during the theme. If you wish, you could even use their suggestions to create a special recipe book.
My edible face
In a plate, let children use food items to represent a face they can eat at snack time. Provide orange or apple slices for ears or a mouth, baby carrots or pepper strips for the nose, banana slices or raisins for the eyes, etc.
Children cake
With your group, prepare a simple cake recipe and bake the batter in a round pan. While the cake is in the oven, prepare sugar cookie dough (or use store-bought cookie dough) and use cookie cutters to cut character shapes out of the dough to represent children. Bake the cookies. Once the cake and the cookies have cooled, spread chocolate icing over the cake. Press cookies around the cake, as if the children were holding hands in a circle around it. Cut the cake so that each piece contains one “child”.
Mandalas-Universal Children’s Day
(Open mandalas-Universal Children’s Day) Print for each child. Encourage children to color the mandalas to help them relax.
Models-Universal Children’s Day
(Open models-Universal Children’s Day) Print the models and use them for your various projects and needs throughout the theme.
My hat-Universal Children’s Day
(Open educa-decorate-Universal Children’s Day) Print and cut out. Glue the shapes on a construction paper headband for each child.
My mobile
Give each child a metal clothing hanger he can use as a base for his mobile. Have children cut various things they like out of catalogues (or draw them). Hang each item from children’s hangers with string or ribbon. Add a picture of each child to his mobile to identify it. Hang the mobiles within your daycare.
Human puppets
Ask parents to provide pictures of their child (or photograph children during activities and print the pictures). Let children turn them into puppets by gluing them on Popsicle sticks. Set the puppets in your construction area and let children use them to create different scenarios.
My puzzle
Ask each child to draw himself on a piece of cardboard. Cover each child’s self-portrait with adhesive paper and cut the portraits into pieces using scissors to create puzzles. Each child will have his own personalized puzzle to play with during the theme.
My crafty portrait
(Open face outline) Print for each child. Encourage children to add details to represent their face using scissors or torn pieces of construction paper. They may also use markers to add certain details. If you prefer, use paper plates instead of the face outline.
My family
Ask parents to provide pictures of different family members. Cut several squares out of different types of fabric and stick a picture of a family member on each one. Let children decorate the squares with arts & crafts materials. When they are done sew or glue the squares together to form a chain of family members.

(Open faces, arms, legs) Print the various parts and let children stick them on a brown paper bag to create a puppet that looks like them. Encourage them to use the correct eye and hair color, etc.
My mirror
Set an acetate sheet on a mirror and let children use markers to draw themselves (or paint to paint themselves) using their reflection as a guide. The results will surprise you!
My silhouette
Trace the contour of each child’s body on a large piece of paper. Display the silhouettes on a wall within your daycare. Let children color and decorate their silhouette throughout the theme.
My home
Set a variety of pre-cut shapes in the centre of your arts & crafts table. Ask children to use them to represent their house or their dream house. Depending on their age, you may use this activity to teach them their address by adding their address above the door.
Masks-Universal Children’s Day
(Open masks-Universal Children’s Day) Print. Provide colorful arts & crafts materials that children can use to decorate their mask. Attach string to either side of each child’s mask so you can tie them behind their head.
My party balloons
(Open party balloons-Universal Children’s Day) Print, laminate, and decorate your daycare walls with the balloons. If you prefer, you can inflate actual balloons.
Garland-Universal Children’s Day
To create your garland, you will need several pages of scrapbooking paper with colorful designs. Draw a large triangle on each one and cut them out. If you prefer, you may also cut triangles out of burlap. Let children draw on the triangles or decorate them with arts & crafts materials and recycled items. Once you have enough decorated triangles, hang them on a long ribbon to create a garland.
Let’s honor children mural
Provide store flyers, magazines, and catalogues. On a wall, hang a large piece of cardboard. Invite children to cut pictures of children and have them press them on the cardboard. You can encourage them to add to your mural throughout the theme.
The world belongs to children
Cut a large circle out of white posterboard. Set it on a plastic tablecloth. Pour blue poster paint in a pie plate. Invite children to press their hands in the paint and make impressions here and there on your circle to represent oceans on what will become your globe. Let dry. Pour green poster paint in a pie plate and repeat the exercise, this time representing land. Glue your painted globe on a large piece of cardboard and write this above it: The world belongs to children. Display your masterpiece.
Wooden characters
Create a few characters ahead of time to inspire the children in your group. On wooden tongue depressors, draw simple characters that will represent children. Simply color the bottom section of each stick using one color to represent shoes and then a longer section above the shoes to represent pants. Draw a dark vertical line to create two legs. Over the pants, color another small section that will become a sweater and, to complete each character, draw a head and hair at the top of the stick. Children will love creating unique characters and playing with them as they would with store-bought figurines.
(Open coloring pages theme-Universal Children’s Day) Print for each child.
Identical coloring pages-Universal Children’s Day
Print the same coloring page for each child and an additional copy for your model. Color only certain parts of your picture. Present the model to your group and ask them to color their picture to make it look exactly like yours.
Coloring binder-Universal Children’s Day
Print and laminate several coloring pages and arrange them in a binder with a few dry-erase markers. Leave everything on a table for children to explore.
Musical drawing-Universal Children’s Day
Play musical drawing with your group. Give each child a coloring page. Have children sit around a table. When the music starts, they must pass the coloring pages around the table. Every time the music stops, they must color the picture in front of them until the music starts again.
Homemade puzzles-Universal Children’s Day
Give each child a picture to color. When they are done, cut each picture into pieces to create unique puzzles.
Creative coloring-Universal Children’s Day
(Open creative coloring-Universal Children’s Day) Print for each child. Have children complete the drawing as they see fit.
(Open songs & rhymes-Universal Children’s Day)
Sung to: Santa Claus is coming to town By: Patricia Morrison
Universal Children’s Day
You better have fun
You better not cry
Better not miss it
Let me tell you why
It’s Universal Children’s Day
Have fun!
The educatall team