
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables



Little dragon lovers will be all over this theme’s arts & crafts projects, unique decoration ideas, games, challenges, and learning fun!Little dragon lovers will be all over this theme’s arts & crafts

In the Educatall Club
Explore the magical world of dragons with our modeling dough activity placemats, word flashcards, activity sheets, and many games!

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule


SPECIAL TOOLInteractive group identification-Dragons


This tool was created in response to a special request received. (Open interactive group identification-Dragons) Open the document, type children’s names, print, and laminate the items. Use them to identify cubbyholes, naptime mattresses, and other personal belongings.




Animated discussion-Dragons

(Open picture game-Dragons) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with your group. Ask children questions about the theme.


A treasure hunt to discover the theme

(Open educa-decorate-Dragons) Print, laminate, and cut out the items. Hide them throughout your daycare and encourage children to search for them. Name the items and invite children to guess the theme.


Illustrated circle time boardPicture game-Dragons-1

(Open picture game-Dragons) Print several pictures related to the theme and glue them on a large piece of colorful cardboard. Laminate your board. During circle time, use your board to present various items associated with your theme to your group. You can hand each child a dry-erase marker and have them circle the items as they identify them. This will help younger children understand what you are talking about.




Thematic poster-Dragons

(Open thematic poster-Dragons) Print, laminate, and display where children are sure to see it.



(Open educa-theme-Dragons) Print and laminate the different elements representing the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group (and children’s parents) while decorating your daycare.



(Open educa-decorate-Dragons) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.



(Open stickers-Dragons) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper and use them to create a collection of unique stickers. Use them to reward children throughout the theme.



(Open pennants-Dragons) Print and let children cut out the pennants. Hang them within your daycare to create a garland.


Castle doorPennants-Dragons

Glue black, gray, and brown construction paper horizontally around your daycare door, overlapping them to represent bricks. Hang a pennant cut out of colorful fabric over your door and write the name of your daycare or your group name on it.


Hanging dragons

With your group, cut large pieces of colorful paper into several strips. Use each strip to form a circle, gluing both ends together. (Open large dragon face) Print a dragon face on heavy paper. Color it and glue a long piece of green ribbon behind it. Thread the paper circles onto the ribbon, gluing them on the ribbon at regular intervals. They will become your dragon’s body. Next, cut several pieces of invisible thread (different lengths) and knot them around your ribbon. Use them to hang your dragon from the ceiling. The different lengths of thread will make shaping your dragon’s body possible. Use them to create an undulating Chinese dragon. If you wish, create several dragons using different colors.


Dragon décor

Hang paper flames from your daycare ceiling. On the walls, display pictures of dragons. Children will enjoy observing and admiring them throughout the theme.Large dragon face


My dragon garland

(Open models-Dragons) Print and let children decorate the items and use them to create a garland that can be hung near your daycare entrance.


My dragon floor

(Open models-Dragons) Print and have children color the dragons. Cut them out and press them on the floor using adhesive paper. The dragons can be used to delimit certain areas or create a path connecting different frequently visited areas.




(Open picture game-Dragons) Use the pictures to decorate your daycare or to spark a conversation with your group. Print, laminate, and store the pictures in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.



 Activity sheets-Dragons

Activity sheets-Dragons

(Open activity sheets-Dragons) Print and follow instructions.


Writing activities-D like dragon

(Open writing activities-D like dragon) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.



(Open stationery-Dragons) Use this thematic stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins. Print.



(Open educa-nuudles-Dragons) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet. Once they are done, they may use Magic Nuudles to turn the coloring pages into three-dimensional works of art.

Variation: If you do not have Magic Nuudles, ask children to fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers.

Writing activities-D like dragon

To order Magic Nuudles:




The flashcards may be used during circle time to spark a conversation with the group or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Dragons) (Open giant word flashcards-Dragons) dragon, fire, castle, prince, princess, dungeon, wings, armor, tail, cave, sky, volcano


Dragon horns

Purchase green paper party horns and give one to each child. Provide several pieces of red, orange, and yellow satin ribbon. Invite children to glue one end of several pieces of ribbon to the end of their horn to represent fire. Show children how they can blow into their horn to make the flames dance. Next, invite children to take turns saying a word as they blow into their horn. The other children try to guess the word. You may use the theme’s word flashcards for inspiration.

 Word flashcards-Dragons

Let’s chat

Print and laminate the theme’s word flashcards. Have each child pick a word. They can take turns presenting their word to the group (ex. a dungeon). Discuss each item and ask children questions to see what they know about the theme.



(Open educa-chatterbox-Dragons) Print and laminate the cards. To create your chatterbox, you will need an empty shoebox or a small bin that you can decorate as you see fit. Fill it with tiny objects, illustrations, pictures, and accessories related to your theme. To help you, we have created a series of cards that you may use. During circle time or, for example, when children are waiting for their lunch, have them take turns picking a card or object out of your chatterbox and naming the corresponding item.


Modeling dough activity placemats-Dragons

(Open modeling dough activity placemats-Dragons) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.



(Open dragon faces) Print and use the stickers to create pyramid games by gluing them on green paper or plastic drinking glasses. Stack them on a table to form a pyramid. Children attempt to make them fall by tossing a frisbee towards the dragons. Give each child 3 tries.


Giant homemade memory game

(Open dragon faces) Use 12 paper plates to create 6 pairs of dragon faces. Arrange all the plates face down on the floor or table. Children take turns turning 2 plates. If they match, they keep the plates and play again.


String activities-Dragons

(Open string activities-Dragons) Print for each child. Children trace the outlines with white glue before covering them with colourful string.


Beware of the dragon

Play tag with your group. Give the child who is “it” a swimming pool noodle. You can draw eyes on it to represent a dragon. The child must touch his peers with the “dragon”. Every time he succeeds, the child he touched must remain perfectly still, with his arms stretched out until another child frees him by running under his arms.


Balls of fireModeling dough activity placemats-Dragons

Inflate 4 or 5 red, yellow, and orange balloons. They must never touch the floor! If you wish, you can challenge children with more difficult instructions. For example, you can tell them that they mustn’t touch red balloons with their hands, that they must blow on the orange balloons, etc.


Where is my dragon hiding?

Draw tiny dragons on pieces of green paper (Post-it notes). Press them on items throughout your daycare. Children will love finding them in the bathroom, on their toothbrush, under their plate, etc.


Capture a dragon

Cut dragon shapes out of cardboard and attach a paperclip to each one. Children use a homemade fishing rod with a magnet attached to the end to capture a dragon.


Dragon hunt

(Open tiny dragons) Print, cut out, and laminate the dragons. Set them here and there throughout your daycare. You could also organize an outdoor dragon hunt if you wish. Children collect the dragons in a butterfly net.


Fire pathTiny dragons

Close curtains and turn off the lights. Create an obstacle course and hand red, yellow, and orange glow sticks from your various obstacles. At the end of the course, children connect the glow sticks to create a ring of fire. Use bracelet glow sticks for this activity.



(Open lacing-Dragon) Print, laminate, and cut out the shapes. Punch holes around the contour of each one. Children can thread a string, a shoelace, or ribbon through the holes.


Flying dragon

(Open dragon wings) Print a pair of wings for each child. Let children color and decorate their wings as they wish. Glue each wing on a Popsicle stick. Create an obstacle course that includes a balance beam, hula hoops, an adhesive tape ladder on the floor, etc. Children must complete the course, flapping their dragon wings throughout.


Knights’ obstacle course

Build a maze. Add obstacles such as a rope hung between two chairs that children must crawl under, a bucket of water that they must hop over, etc. Incorporate items that you have on hand. Older children can help you create your obstacle course. Maximize the ways that children shall move (crawl, jump, run, spin, etc.).





(Open educa-dots-Dragons) Print for each child. Provide a small bowl filled with poster paint and give each child a cotton swab that they can press in the paint and then on the dots to trace letters or shapes. Let dry and display children’s work on a bulletin board.


Game-Four dragons

(Open game-Four dragons) Print, glue the cards on opaque cardboard, and cut them out. Arrange all the cards upside down on the floor or table (so you can’t see the illustrations). Children take turns rolling a die. Every time a child rolls a “1”, he can turn a card. If he doesn’t already have this dragon in front of him, he keeps the card and places it in front of him for everyone to see. The first child who has collected all four dragons wins.


Counting cards-Dragons

(Open counting cards-Dragons) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.


I create unique dragonsGame-Four-dragons

(Open I create unique dragons) Print, laminate, and cut each dragon on the dotted lines. Hand the pieces to your group and let them create unique dragons by mixing and matching the pieces.


Color by number-Dragons

(Open color by number-Dragons) Print for each child. Children must color the picture per the color code.


Snakes & ladders-Dragons

(Open snakes & ladders-Dragons) Print and laminate. Use a die and tiny dragon figurines as playing pieces. The object of the game is for every child to reach the final square.


Dragon shapes

(Open dragon shapes) Print for each child. Children cut out the tiny shapes and use them to reproduce the illustrated dragons. They can glue them directly on the model after having colored them.

 Counting cards-Dragons-1

Assemble a numerical dragon

For this activity, you will need 20 green paper drinking glasses. Children can help you prepare for this activity by pressing colorful adhesive circles on the glasses to represent a dragon’s skin. You can also have them help you glue Fun Foam triangles vertically on one side of each glass to represent the spikes on a dragon’s tail. On one glass, draw dragon eyes and a dragon mouth. Number the glasses from 1 to 20, making sure that “20” is written on the dragon’s head. Mix all the glasses in a bin. Children must stack them in numerical order to build their dragon.


Homemade wooden puzzles

Print pictures of dragons. Color them if needed. For each picture, arrange Popsicle sticks in a row so that you can glue the picture on top of the wooden surface. Cut around each Popsicle stick and set these puzzle pieces in a bag. Repeat for each picture. Children can arrange the Popsicle sticks to recreate each picture.

 I create unique dragons


(Open educ-ascending-descending-Dragons) Print and laminate the cards. Children must place identical items in ascending or descending order.



(Open educ-shadows-Dragons) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must find draw a line between each item on the left and its shadow on the right.



(Open educ-math-Dragons) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must count the items in each rectangle and circle the corresponding number.


Educ-same and different-Dragons

(Open educ-same and different-Dragons) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the item that is different in each row.


Hunt and seek-Knights and princesses

(Open hunt and seek-Knights and princesses) Print and laminate. Children search for the items in the scene.

 Educ-same and different-Dragons

Story and memory game-Knights and princesses

(Open stories and memory games-Knights and princesses) Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Place them face down on the floor. Children take turns picking three cards and using the illustrated items to invent a story. If you prefer, print twice and use the cards for a memory game.


Colorful castle

(Open colorful castle) Print for each child. Children color the castle per the color code.




Giant dragon board game

With your group, assemble large foam puzzle pieces to create a giant board game. (Open giant dragon die) Print and laminate the items and glue each picture on one side of a square box that you have wrapped with dragon-themed wrapping paper. Invite each child to select a stuffed animal and set it in the first square. Children take turns rolling the die and moving forward or backwards per what is indicated on the die. For example, if a child rolls “+ 2 dragons” he moves his stuffed animal 2 squares ahead. If he rolls “-1 dragon”, he moves it back one square. The first child who reaches the final square wins.


Breathing fire

Cut large flame shapes out of yellow, red, and orange paper and glue them horizontally on a wall. Invite children to take turns standing just behind the flames and pretending to breathe fire like a dragon. Photograph children individually and print the pictures. Display them for everyone to see. Children can wear their dragon hat (see arts & crafts section below) for your thematic photo session.



(Open mandalas-Dragons) Print for each child. Encourage children to color the mandalas to help them enjoy a relaxing moment whenever needed during the day.


Group project-Dragons

Draw a simple dragon silhouette on a large piece of paper. Cut it out and press it on a wall, at children’s level. Provide arts & crafts materials and invite children to decorate their dragon.


My favorite dragon

Encourage children to look at books that contain pictures of different types of dragons for inspiration. Next, have them draw the dragon they like most. When they are done, invite them to present their drawing to the group, explaining their selection.


The battle of the castles

You will need 2 large appliance boxes. With your group, decorate them to represent castles. Divide your group into 2 teams. Use pieces of scrap paper to create several “balls of fire”. Children must throw balls at the other team’s castle. The winning team will be the team that has the least balls in its zone at the end of the game.




Dragon tail sandwiches

To prepare your dragon tail sandwiches, you will need green tortillas, lettuce, ham slices, cream cheese, and a cucumber. Give each child a tortilla that you have cut down the middle. Invite them to spread cream cheese on both pieces. Next, they can layer a ham slice and lettuce on one half and press the other half on top. Thinly slice your cucumber. Provide plastic knives that children can use to cut small triangles out of the cucumber slices. These triangles can be used to represent their dragon’s spine. They can slide them between their tortilla halves. Serve these dragon tail sandwiches with carrot soup (fire).Dragon foot


Snacks-Dragon’s fire

You will need a small green disposable drinking glass for each child. Invite them to draw a dragon’s mouth on their glass using a marker. The mouth must be open towards the top of their glass. Set a bowl filled with guacamole (or dip) in the center of the table and encourage children to spoon some in their glass. Next, have them insert strips of yellow, red, and orange peppers in their glass vertically. Their dragon will look like it is breathing fire.




Big dragon feet

(Open dragon foot) Print the model and trace it several times on green Fun Foam sheets. You will need 2 per child. Note that you must also cut the openings where children are to insert their feet. Before heading outside with your group, children color their dragon toes with a dark green marker or, if you prefer, they can press pieces of colorful adhesive paper on the tips of their dragon feet to represent claws. Children will love wearing their dragon feet over their boots or shoes on your walks around the neighborhood. Encourage them to step heavily, to run at the playground, to walk quickly or slowly, etc.


Who will conquer the dragon?

Draw a large square on the ground using colorful adhesive tape. Ask 2 children to stand inside the square and give each of them a swimming pool noodle that shall represent a sword. Invite children to battle it out by tapping their swords. Give clear instructions and supervise closely.


Dragon hunt

Hide a dragon puppet or picture in your yard and have children (knights) search for it. The knight who finds the dragon can hide it for the next round.


Dragons and knights

Divide your group into 2 teams: dragons and knights. Have the dragons stand at one end of the yard and turn their back to the knights. The knights slowly move towards the dragons. When you shout, “Beware of the knights!”, the dragons turn around and run away to avoid being captured by the knights.


Colorful sandcastle

Pour 30 ml of sand in a paper plate. Grate a piece of colorful chalk over the sand. The sand will slowly change color. Use your colorful sand to build a sandcastle.

 Clothespin dragons




(Open masks-Dragons) Print and set the masks in the center of the table. Children use arts & crafts materials and markers to decorate a mask. Attach a string on either side of each child’s mask so they can be tied behind their head.


Clothespin dragons

(Open clothespin dragons) Print for each child. If you choose to use the black and white dragons, have children color them. Next, they will have to cut out both dragon pieces and glue each on one part of a clothespin. Children will have fun opening and closing their dragon’s mouth.


Dragon glasses

(Open glasses-Dragons) Print for each child. Invite children to color and cut out their glasses. Provide arts & crafts accessories that children can use to decorate their glasses. They will love to wear them when you are out and about.


My dragon hat

(Open educa-decorate-Dragons) Print and cut out the items. Children glue them on a paper hat or headband.


My dragon tail hat

Cut a strip of green paper for each child. Measure the circumference of their head to create a headband they can wear. Cut a second, much longer strip of heavy green paper for each child. Glue it on the front and on the back of their headband (over their head), letting it hang down their back. Children cut several diamond shapes out of green paper, fold them in half, and wrap them around their dragon tail to represent their dragon’s spine.


Foam dragon

Cut a few green swimming pool noodles into 3 pieces. Be sure to use noodles that are hollow in the center. Give each child one piece. (Open dragon ears and wings) Print the model and invite each child to trace the parts on a green Fun Foam sheet. Have them glue the wings at one end of their noodle before adding the ears at the other end. Have them glue 2 wiggly eyes and 2 green pompoms to represent nostrils. They can insert yellow, orange, and red crepe paper garlands in the opening at the tip of their noodle to represent fire. Finally, provide green pipe cleaners (different shades) that they can cut into pieces and prick in their noodle to represent their dragon’s spine.Educa-decorate-Dragons-2


Dragon balloons

For each child, inflate a balloon. (Open dragon balloons) Print the pieces on foam sheets or heavy paper. Children cut out the wings, feet, spots, tail, and head and glue them on their balloon using double-sided tape to make it look like a dragon.



(Open models-Dragons) Print the models and use them for various activities and projects throughout the theme.


Puppets-Mr. Dragon

(Open puppets-Mr. Dragon) Print the various models on cardboard. Ask children to cut them out and decorate them with arts & crafts materials. Glue a Popsicle stick behind each one to complete the puppets.

 Dragon head and tail

Dragon’s fire

(Open models-Dragons) Print and cut out the models. Children glue a dragon on construction paper or cardboard. Using red, yellow, and orange paint, have them paint flames coming out of its mouth.


Dragon fan

(Open dragon head and tail) Print on heavy paper for each child. Have children fold a rectangular piece of paper (approx. 24 inches x 8 inches) accordion-style. Help them glue their dragon’s head at one end of their fan and their dragon’s tail at the other end. Glue a Popsicle stick at either end so that children can make their dragon dance.


My moving dragon

(Open moving dragon) Print for each child. Ask children to cut out the pieces and color them. Next, help children assemble their dragon using fasteners.


Dragon paper bag puppets

Cut dragon ears and eyes as well as a dragon mouth and tongue out of colorful construction paper and glue them on brown paper lunch bags to create puppets.

 Coloring pages theme-Dragons

Gold! Gold!

(Open gold pieces) Print. Add gold glitter to yellow paint. Cut out the gold pieces and have children paint them with your sparkly paint. Use them for a treasure hunt.


Dragon head

Connect 2 egg cartons using pipe cleaners. The egg carton sections will represent the spikes on the dragon’s head. Paint your dragon head and let children decorate it as they see fit.


Knight mask

Cut an oval shape out of a cardboard box (cereal box). Cut 2 holes for eyes as well as a nose and a mouth. Wrap your knight mask in aluminum paper.




(Open coloring pages theme-Dragons) Print for each child.


Have fun!

The educatall team


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