
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


I am learning scissor skills

Snip, snip! Challenges, games, activities, and creative projects will test and build children’s cutting skills!

In the Educatall Club
Coloring pages, word flashcards, picture game, and activity sheets to complement your theme

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule


This week, the team has prepared a wide range of games and activities that will help children learn how to use scissors. These games can be enjoyed indoors or outdoors, per your needs. This theme contains numerous ideas that can be used to keep children busy throughout the day, when it’s cold or rainy outside, or simply during transitions.Word flashcards-I am learning scissor skills




Illustrated circle time poster

(Open word flashcards-I am learning scissor skills) (Open picture game-I am learning scissor skills) Print several images linked to the theme and glue them on a large piece of colorful cardboard. Laminate you newly created poster and use it during circle time to present various thematic items to your group. Hand each child a dry-erase marker. During circle time, when a child identifies an item illustrated on your poster, let him circle it using his marker. This activity will help younger children visualize what you are talking about.


Animated discussion

(Open picture game-I am learning scissor skills) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with your group.


Puppets-Mr. ScissorsPicture game-I am learning scissor skills-1

(Open puppets-Mr. Scissors) Print and laminate. Use the puppet to introduce cutting skills and discuss different ways you can use scissors with children.


Let’s chat

(Open word flashcards-I am learning scissor skills) (Open giant word flashcards-I am learning scissor skills) Print and laminate the word flashcards. Have each child pick a word flashcard. Children take turns presenting the word they picked (ex. decorative-edged scissors) to the rest of the group. Ask children questions and talk about each item.





Thematic poster-I am learning scissor skills

(Open thematic poster-I am learning scissor skills) Print, laminate, and display the poster where everyone can see it.

 Puppets Mr Scissors

Educa-theme-I am learning scissor skills

(Open educa-theme-I am learning scissor skills) Print, cut out, and laminate. Use the items to decorate the walls of your daycare to set the mood for the theme.


Educa-decorate-I am learning scissor skills

(Open educa-decorate-I am learning scissor skills) Print, cut out, and laminate. Decorate the walls of your daycare and hang decorations from the ceiling to set the mood for the theme.


Educational poster-Scissor skills

(Open educational poster-Scissor skills) Print and display where parents and children will see it. Use the poster to encourage children to practice different cutting skills.


Scissors everywhere

Find several different pictures of scissors and press them on items throughout your daycare. Children will enjoy seeing scissors on cupboards, walls, the floor, etc.Educa-decorate-I am learning scissors skills-1


A few ideas to integrate the theme

Provide cookie cutters, stencils, and geometry compasses and encourage children to use them to draw a variety of shapes. Have them cut these shapes out and press them on walls, the floor, the ceiling, under tables, in your various workshops, on toys, etc.


A clothesline for cutouts

Hang a clothesline within your daycare. Have children cut shapes, pictures, and pieces of fabric that can then be hung on their clothesline.  


Interactive diploma-I am learning scissor skills

(Open interactive diploma-I am learning scissor skills) Type each child’s name where indicated. Print the diplomas and use them to reward children at the end of the theme.


Cut garlands 

Cut several pool noodles (various colors) into pieces. Slide the foam pieces on a long string, alternating colors. If you wish, create several garlands. Hang them within your daycare or outside. Since pool noodles are water resistant, they can withstand rain and snow. Interactive diploma-I am learning scissor skills




The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group. Use them to decorate your daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-I am learning scissor skills) Print, laminate, and store in a “Ziploc” bag or in your thematic bins.


Memory game-I am learning scissor skills

(Open picture game-I am learning scissor skills) Print the pictures twice and use them for a traditional memory game.



 Picture game-I am learning scissor skills-2

Use the flashcards to spark a conversation with your group, in your reading and writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-I am learning scissor skills) (Open giant word flashcards-I am learning scissor skills) scissors, paper, paper cutter, hand, finger, pointed scissors, round-tipped scissors, decorative-edged scissors, wood chisels, kitchen scissors, right-handed scissors, left-handed scissors


Educa-chatterbox-I am learning scissor skills

(Open educa-chatterbox-I am learning scissor skills) Print and laminate the cards. To create your chatterbox, you will need an empty shoebox or a small bin that you can decorate as you see fit. Fill it with tiny objects, illustrations, pictures, and accessories related to your theme. To help you, we have created a series of cards that you may use. During circle time or, for example, when children are waiting for their lunch, have them take turns picking a card or object out of your chatterbox and naming the corresponding item.


ACTIVITY SHEETSActivity workbook-I am learning scissor skills


Activity sheets are provided for each theme.  Print and follow instructions. (Open activity workbook-I am learning scissor skills)


Writing activity

(Open writing activities-C like cut) Print for each child or laminate and use with a dry-erase marker.




Game-I am learning numbers as I cut

(Open I am learning numbers as I cut) Print. Encourage children to cut along the lines. They can later assemble the pieces they created to explore numbers.  

 I am learning scissors skills-Shapes

Coloring hunt and seek-Scissor skills

(Open coloring hunt and seek-Scissor skills) Print and laminate. Children must find and color the items.


Fine motor skills-I am learning scissor skills

(Open models-I am learning scissor skills) Print for each child. Have children tear and crumple pieces of tissue paper. Next, children use the tiny balls of paper to fill a shape. Display their artwork.


I associate and cut

(Open I associate and cut) Print the various cards. Set different colors of construction paper and types of scissors in the center of your table. Children pick a card to determine which type of cutting they must perform.


Tracing and cutting wordsImage-I associate and cut

(Open tracing words) Print several words. Glue them on paper and laminate them. Arrange the pages in a binder. Show children how they can trace the words using dry-erase markers. If you wish, you can leave a space under each word. Older children will enjoy trying to write the words on their own. At the end of the activity, let children cut the words out to provide them with the opportunity to practice their scissor skills.


I am cutting from one end to the other

Glue 2 crayons end to end. Draw paths on a large sheet of paper. Have one child trace one path using the first color before rotating it and crawling his fingers towards the other end to trace a second path using the other color. Have fun sticking paths that children must trace on the floor, on walls, under tables, etc. When all the paths have been traced, let children cut them out by cutting along the lines. 

 Tracing words

I am cutting words

Provide pens, pencils, writing notebooks, stationery, alphabet stencils, and envelopes. Children must trace words that they can later cut out.





(Open educa-cut) Print different models. Children must cut the pieces and then glue them on a piece of paper to recreate the shapes and designs.


Scissor skills game

(Open scissor skills game) Print several copies and cut the strips containing small scissors. Give each child one strip along with a pair of scissors. Children take turns rolling a die, counting the dots, and cutting the corresponding number of scissors off their strip. For example, if a child rolls a 3, he can either cut 3 scissors separately or cut off one section containing 3 scissors. The first child who has cut all his scissors wins.


Educa-shape and cut

(Open educa-shape and cut) Print. Provide scissors, crayons, glue, and construction paper. Have children trace and cut out the shapes so that they can glue them on the colorful paper.


I am learning scissors skills-Shapes

(Open I am learning scissor skills-Shapes) Print for each child. To begin, press a sticker on each child’s thumb, on their dominant hand. Using safety scissors, encourage children to cut out the shapes or to cut along the dotted lines. If you prefer, use a washable marker to draw a shape on each child’s thumb.


Modeling dough activity placemats-I am learning scissor skills

(Open modeling dough activity placemats-I am learning scissor skills) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.

 Modeling dough activity placemats-I am learning scissor skills-1

Rice bin

(Open miniature scissors) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Hide the tiny scissors, Fun Foam shapes, or magnetic shapes in a rice or pasta bin. Let children dig them out.


From smallest to biggest-I am learning scissor skills

(Open big and small-I am learning scissor skills) Print and laminate the game. Children must arrange the cards in the squares in the correct order, from smallest to biggest. Use Velcro or adhesive putty to press them in the squares.


Counting cards-I am learning scissor skills

(Open counting cards-I am learning scissor skills) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.


Cutting stickersBig and small I am learning scissor skills

Provide stickers and invite children to press them on a long line drawn on a piece of paper. Once this is done, have them cut along this “sticker line”.


I can cut lines

Trace parallel lines to draw paths. Have children cut right down the center of each path.


I am learning to trace and cut

Give children scissors and strips of paper that are approximately 2 to 3 cm wide. Have them cut the strips of paper into pieces. Once their strips are completely cut into pieces, have them glue the pieces on parallel lines or dotted lines that you have previously drawn on a paper banner. 


I can trace and cut linesEduca-cut-Fun shapes

Use a wide range of tools to draw lines with your group: chalk, fingerpaints, glitter glue, bingo markers, etc. Have children cut along the lines they have drawn. 


Cut-out educ-trace

In the Educatall Club, you will find several educ-trace documents. Print an activity sheet for each child and encourage them to trace the lines using a crayon or marker of the correct color. Once all the lines have been traced, invite them to cut along the lines. 


Educa-cut-Fun shapes

(Open educa-cut-Fun shapes) Print various models and have children cut out the pieces. Once this is done, they can glue them in place to complete the items.


Path cuttingMasks-I am learning scissor skills

Give children small pieces of cardboard and have them use scissors to create different shapes that can later be assembled to draw paths on the floor. 


I cut on a line

Give each child a piece of paper. Have them draw a flower, a kite, a balloon, etc. They can then draw a straight line to represent a stem or a string. Have them cut along these lines. 


Homemade puzzle cutting 

Give each child a coloring page. Once they have colored the scene, have them cut it into pieces to turn it into a puzzle.



 Glasses-I am learning scissor skills

Masks-I am learning scissor skills

(Open masks-I am learning scissor skills) Print and set the items in the center of your arts & crafts table. Let children create their own unique mask using various materials and crayons. Simply add a string to each child’s mask so that it can be tied behind their head.


Glasses-I am learning scissor skills

(Open glasses-I am learning scissor skills) Print the model for each child. Invite them to cut out and color their glasses. Provide adhesive glitter they can press on the sides of their glasses. They will love wearing their special glasses when you are out and about in your neighborhood.


My hat-I am learning scissor skillsHat-I am learning scissor skills

(Open hat-I am learning scissor skills) Print and cut out. Have children cut out the shapes and press them on their hat. Help them assemble it so they can wear it.


Mobile-I am learning scissor skills

(Open mobile-I am learning scissor skills) Print for each child. Have them cut out the shapes and assemble them to create a mobile. Children can add glitter, cotton balls, confetti, ribbon, etc. Hang each child’s mobile from the ceiling within your daycare.


Tissue paper cutting

(Open models-I am learning scissor skills) Print one page for each child. Children must simply cut tissue paper into tiny pieces, crumple them, and glue them inside the shape they prefer.

 Mobile-I am learning scissor skills

Picture cutting

Encourage children to cut pictures they like out of magazines, catalogues, and old books. Press a large piece of adhesive paper on a wall and have children stick the pictures they cut out on it. Name the items that you see in the pictures with your group. 


Stained glass cutting

Cut 2 pieces of adhesive paper of the same size. Have children cut small pieces of tissue paper. They can crumple them and press them on one sheet of adhesive paper. When it is full, press the second piece of adhesive paper on top. Draw shapes and cut them out. Hang them in front of a sunny window using invisible thread. 

 Models-I am learning scissor skills

Cutting my silhouette

Set a large white paper banner on the floor for each child. Trace the contour of their body and have them cut it out. Press each child’s silhouette on a wall and have them decorate it as they see fit using markers, wooden pencils, fabric scraps, etc. 


Hands and feet mobile

Draw several hands and feet on a piece of paper. Have children decorate them with glitter, ribbon, cotton balls, confetti, etc. before cutting them out. Use ribbon to hang the hands and feet from a clothing hanger to create a mobile.  




(Open coloring pages theme-I am learning scissor skills) Print for each child.



Pub bottom page theme

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