
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Introduction to mathematics

Learning all about numbers is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with our games, activities, early science fun, arts & crafts, and active learning ideas!

In the Educatall Club
Coloring pages, word flashcards, picture game, and activity sheets to complement your theme

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule



 Picture game-Introduction to mathematics-1

NEW! Animated discussion-Introduction to mathematics

(Open picture game-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with your group.


NEW! Illustrated circle time board

(Open picture game-Intorduction to mathematics) Print several pictures related to the theme. Glue them on a large piece of colorful cardboard. Laminate your board. During your morning circle time, use the board to present different items associated with the theme to your group. You can give each child a dry-erase marker. When a child identifies an item that is represented on your board, encourage him to use his marker to draw a circle around it. Doing so will help younger children visualize and understand what you are talking about.  


NEW! Let’s chatEduca-theme-Introduction to mathematics

(Open word flashcards-Introduction to mathematics) (Open picture game-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate the word flashcards. Have each child pick a flashcard. They can take turns presenting their item to the group (ex. calculator). Encourage them to share what they know about each item. Ask them questions to fuel the conversation.




NEW! Thematic poster-Introduction to mathematics

(Open thematic poster-Introduction to mathematics) Print, laminate, and display on a wall to announce the theme.


NEW! Educa-theme-Introduction to mathematics

(Open educa-theme-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate the elements representing the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group while decorating your daycare.


NEW! Educa-decorate-Introduction to mathematicsEduca-decorate-Introduction to mathematics-1
(Open educa-decorate-Introduction to mathematics) Print, cut out, and laminate. Use the illustrations to decorate the walls of your daycare and set the mood for the theme.


NEW! Educational poster-Introduction to mathematics

(Open educational poster-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate the poster. Display it where parents are sure to see it. This poster represents a great tool for informing parents about activities and projects.


NEW! Interactive diploma-Early mathematics awareness

(Open interactive diplomas-Early mathematics awareness) Type each child’s name on a diploma and print them. At the end of the theme, organize a special ceremony and reward each child with a diploma.




NEW! The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group. Use them to decorate the daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Introduction to mathematics) Print, laminate, and store in a "Ziploc" bag or in your thematic bins.Educational poster-Introduction to mathematics




NEW! Activity sheets-Introduction to mathematics

For each theme, one or more activity sheets are suggested. (Open activity sheets-Introduction to mathematics workbook) Print for each child and follow instructions.


NEW! Writing activity-Introduction to mathematics

For each theme, writing activities are suggested. Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker. (Open writing activities-M like Mathematics)




NEW! Word flashcards-Introduction to mathematicsInteractive diplomas-Early mathematics awareness

The flashcards may be used during circle time to spark a conversation or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Introduction to mathematics) (Open giant word flashcards-Introduction to mathematics) Print, laminate, and cut out the word flashcards.

Numeral, number, calculation, calculator, measure, price, dice, money, time, date, hopscotch, pair.




NEW! Ball and number box

Use a box that has a lid. Cut round holes out of the sides of the box. Have children insert balls through the holes. Count the balls as they insert them. Variation: You can write a number (1 to 3) next to each hole. Encourage children to name the corresponding number each time they insert a ball in the box.


NEW! Modeling dough activity placemats-Introduction to mathematics

(Open modeling dough activity placemats-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.

 Activity-sheets-Introduction to mathematics workbook

NEW! Adhesive numbers

(Open adhesive numbers) Print on adhesive paper. Children can cut out the elements and press them on a colorful piece of paper.


Somersault contest
(Open - Olympic scoring game) Print and laminate. Have children perform somersaults one at a time. The number cards can be used to judge their peers. Add up the total score.


Number Race
(Open numbers 0 to 9) Print and cut out the numbers. Hide them in the daycare. Following your signal, the children must collect all the numbers.


Who does this number belong to?Modeling dough activity placemats-Introduction to mathematics
(Open picture game - numbers) Print and laminate. Place the large numbers in a circle on the floor. Be sure to have one number per child. Hold the small numbers in your hand. To begin the game, each child stands behind a number. When the music begins, the children walk around the circle. When the music stops, they must quickly sit on a number. Pick a card from the stack in your hands. The child sitting on that number must sit in the center of the circle. The game ends when there is only one child left.


Play Store

(Open pretend money) Print and laminate several copies. Set up a cash register and have children take turns operating it. The other children each have a bag to "shop" in the store (daycare) and purchase items of their choice (toys in the daycare). You may prefer to give them specific items to look for (ex. Egg cartons). When they have found what they wish to purchase, they must proceed to checkout. Hide the egg cartons throughout the daycare to make it more difficult for them. This game is ideal for tidying up the daycare. Explain that a good store must have organized shelves. Shelves can even be dusted. Most importantly, have them take inventory of the various toys (ex. the number of puzzles on the shelves).

 Picture game-Introduction to mathematics-2

Number Necklace
Use fun foam numbers. Make holes in the numbers with a hole-punch. Provide each child with a string long enough to be tied safely around their neck. Have them thread numbers to make a necklace.


Perforated Numbers
(Open models of perforated numbers) Print, laminate, and perforate the numbers. Place laces with knotted ends on a table. Have children lace the numbers.


Giant Pyramid
Collect twelve rolls of toilet paper. Have children pile them one on top of the other counting out loud every time they add one. One roll, two rolls, three rolls, etc. Keep going until they fall over and then....start again!




NEW! Rice bin-Introduction to mathematicsColoring pages theme-Introduction to mathematics
(Open miniature numbers) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Hide the laminated numbers, Fun Foam numbers, or magnetic numbers in a rice bin or a bin filled with dry pasta. Children dig the numbers out.


NEW! Coloring hunt and seek-Introduction to numbers

(Open coloring hunt and seek-Introduction to numbers) Print and laminate. Children must find and color the items listed at the bottom of the page.


NEW! Word game-Introduction to mathematics

(Open word game-Introduction to mathematics) Print, laminate, and cut out several letters. Give each child a small shovel. You will also need several word flashcards. Using adhesive putty, press a word on each child’s shovel. Invite children to find and collect the letters that are required to write their word and arrange them in the correct order. Once they have succeeded, read their word.


NEW! Educ-association-Introduction to mathematics 

(Open educ-association-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate for each child. Children must associate the elements that go together, per the numbers.

 Educ-association-Introduction to mathematics

NEW! Count and color cards-Introduction to mathematics

(Open count and color cards-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate. Children must count the objects on each card and color the die showing the corresponding number.


NEW! I am learning to measure

(Open measuring cards-I am learning to measure) Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Gather jellybeans as well as the other elements represented on the cards (paper clip, crayon, eraser, scissors, spoon, napkin, carrot, flower, book, toothbrush, figurine, building block). Pick a card and read the question for your group. Invite children to suggest answers. Next, line up the number of jellybeans mentioned on the card and set the corresponding object next to the jellybeans to determine who was correct.


NEW! I am counting pompoms-Introduction to mathematicsCounting cards-Introduction to mathematics-1

(Open I am counting pompoms-Introduction to mathematics) Print for each child. Children must glue the correct number of pompoms on each number, where indicated.


NEW! Counting cards-Introduction to mathematics

(Open counting cards-Introduction to mathematics) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of clothespins on which you can paint or write numbers 1 to 9 using a marker. Children must count the items on each card and press the clothespin with the corresponding number on the correct answer.


NEW! Let’s count the building blocks

(Open let’s count the building blocks) Print and laminate a sheet for each child. Set a bowl filled with tiny building blocks in the center of the table. Children take turns rolling the die. If, for example, they roll a “2”, they can set 2 blocks on the corresponding square. If a child rolls a number of blocks that has already been covered, he must skip his turn. The first child who fills every square on his sheet wins.

 I am counting pompoms-Introduction to mathematics

I'm counting worms
(Open I'm counting worms) Print, laminate and attach an action to mime behind each apple. A child chooses an apple and counts the worms on the apple. If he is correct, read the corresponding mime and have the group act it out. Have another child choose an apple.


I know my phone number
(Open I know my phone number game) Print, laminate and cut out. With Velcro, children inscribe their phone number at the bottom of the page.


The shaking box
Use an empty egg carton. Write the numbers 1, 2, and 3, three times each in different sections of the egg carton. In the remaining sections, glue pictures of a dog, a mouse, and a rooster (or other animal pictures on hand). Children place a button in the egg carton and close it. They shake the box before opening it to see in which section the button landed. If it fell on a number, the children must name the number. If it fell in a section containing the picture of an animal, they must reproduce the sound associated with that animal (barking for the dog, squeak, squeak for the mouse, or cock-a-doodle-doo for the rooster).Let’s count the building blocks


Number bingo
(Open number Bingo) Print and laminate. Play number bingo with the group.


Giant Die
Make a giant die with an empty cardboard box or foam puzzle pieces assembled as a cube. On each side, glue a number and an object. For example, 4 trucks, 2 dolls, 4 blocks...One at a time, children roll the die. They must then gather the correct quantity of the object obtained.


In my basket...
Children sit in a circle with various objects placed in the center. A basket circulates around the circle. When children have the basket in their hands, they must count the objects it contains, name them, and add one before passing it to the next player. The game continues until the basket contains all the objects.

 Educa-decorate-Introduction to mathematics-2



Children form groups of two. Lay one or more card games on the ground so that they can be seen by all. The object of the game is to group together like cards as quickly as possible (example : the four cards bearing number 2, the four cards bearing number 5, etc.). Children all begin simultaneously at your command. The team who finishes first, wins.


I am number...
Assign yourself a number and do the same for each child in the group (all numbers must be different). Begin by saying, for example: "I am calling number 2". Number 2 must then say "I am calling number 3"...


I am a builder
For this activity, children can work alone or as teams. Distribute a different number of wooden blocks to each. Children must create a structure with the number of blocks they are given.




MeasuringGiant word flashcards-Introduction to mathematics-1
Prepare a water table for the children (or any other exploration bin). Include measuring cups, measuring spoons, etc. Children must measure liquid and attempt to name the numbers.


Pour liquid into two different containers and ask children which one contains more and/or less. This activity may also be done with objects which can be counted (Smarties, grapes, dried fruit, etc.) and divided into two groups. Children can then count them to confirm which contained more or less.


I count while I eat
At snack time, place an apple in front of each child. Cut each child's apple into four pieces. Have them count how many pieces they obtain. Cut again and count one more time. At lunch time, serve small green peas and have children count them....what fun!


MeasuringEduca-decorate-Introduction to mathematics-3
Prepare muffins, cookies, or another type of recipe. Have children help you measure the various ingredients. Explain how important this is for the success of recipes.




Sand Numbers
Hand out one square of sand paper to each child. Trace the number of their choice onto it. Have them cut out the number you traced (or they traced on their own). Fill a container with water. Have them dip pieces of chalk (sidewalk chalk or other) into the water and color their number with them.


Funny Number
Children choose a specific number and create a character, animal, or object with it.


Number MobileGiant word flashcards-Introduction to mathematics-3
(Open-number mobile) Print. Trace the number eight onto a piece of cardboard. Cut it out. Next, cut out the remaining numbers and insert strings of different lengths to hang them from the number eight shape. Add three strings in the predetermined holes on the number eight to hang the mobile from the ceiling.




NEW! Coloring pages theme-Introduction to mathematics

(Open coloring pages theme-Introduction to mathematics) Print for each child.  




One, two, buckle my shoe 

One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, shut the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, start again


I caught a fish 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I caught a fish alive
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
I let it go again


Have fun!

The educatall team


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