Tooth brushing coloring chart
This tool was created in response to a special request. (Open tooth brushing coloring chart) Print for each child. Use the chart daily to encourage children to brush their teeth. After each meal, invite them to color a box once they finish brushing their teeth. At the end of the week, discuss the results shown on their chart.
Certificates-Dental health
(Open interactive certificates-I lost my first tooth) and (Open interactive certificates-I brush my teeth well) Print the certificates and use them to reward children.
You will find three visual tools within the club which will make children aware of the importance of dental health. There is also a poster which may be used to inform parents their child needs a new toothbrush (Open the following three posters: New Toothbrush - Toothbrushing Poster - Toothbrushing Chart) The challenge of the week is to use the toothbrushing chart. Every time children brush their teeth adequately, they may add a symbol. Invite parents to become members of the Educatall Club to benefit from the same motivational tools for their children.
This week, we will discuss dental health. What better assistant could we possibly have than the tooth fairy herself? We suggest an imaginary game you may play with your group. (Open game - Tooth fairy letter) Print the letter. Prepare a special envelope. Place the envelope in an easy to find place in the daycare. During circle time, have the children find the letter and read portions of it to them each day.
I can speak about dental health…using a puppet
Use a toothbrush as a puppet to encourage children to discuss various subjects surrounding dental health. The puppet may help children who are shy to actively participate in the conversation. What’s more, it may help children who require language support. One thing is certain, the puppet will make your discussion period fun!
Animated discussion-Dental health
(Open picture game-Dental health) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with your group and ask children questions about dental health.
Illustrated circle time chart
(Open picture game-Dental health) Print several pictures related to the theme and glue them on a colorful piece of cardboard. Laminate your circle time chart. During circle time, use it to present various items associated with the theme to your group. You can give each child a dry-erase marker. During your discussion, whenever a child identifies an item represented on your chart, have him circle it. This will help younger children understand what you are talking about.
A treasure hunt to discover the theme
(Open educa-decorate-Dental health) Print and laminate. Set the illustrations on items throughout your daycare. Have children search for them and collect them. As a group, name the illustrated items. Encourage children to guess which theme you will be exploring.
Thematic poster-Dental health
(Open thematic poster-Dental health) Print, laminate, and display on a wall to announce the theme.
Dental health decor
Use dental floss to hang colorful toothbrushes from your daycare ceiling. Purchase glitter Fun Foam sheets. With the children in your group, cut teeth out of these sheets and press them on your daycare walls to decorate your space for the duration of the theme.

Dental health garland
With the children in your group, unravel a long piece of colored dental floss. At regular intervals, wrap the dental floss around toothbrush handles, letting the toothbrushes hang down to create a garland that can be hung within your daycare.
Interactive nametags-Dental health
(Open interactive nametags-Dental health) Write each child’s name on an identification card, save the document, and print the cards. You can print them on adhesive paper and press them on children’s clothing items or, if you prefer, punch a hole at the top of each card and thread a ribbon through the holes so that children can wear their card around their neck. What’s more, the nametags can be used to identify children’s items and personal spaces.
Illustrated tooth brushing routine
(Open illustrated tooth brushing routine) Print and laminate the different images. By displaying them on a wall, for example next to the sink where children brush their teeth, you can help children respect and successfully complete this routine. If you prefer, use the illustrations to create a book that children can consult as needed.

Poster-New toothbrush
In the Educatall Club, you will find many visual tools that can be used to increase children’s awareness of the importance of oral hygiene along with a poster that can be used to inform parents that their child needs a new daycare toothbrush. (Open poster-New toothbrush) Print.
Homemade stickers
(Open stickers-Dental health) Print on adhesive paper and use the illustrations to create a collection of original stickers for your group.
Educa-theme-Dental health
(Open educa-theme-Dental health) Print and laminate the elements representing the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group while decorating your daycare.
Educa-decorate-Dental health
(Open educa-decorate-Dental health) Print, cut out, and laminate. Use the illustrations to decorate the walls of your daycare and set the mood for the theme.
Garland-Dental health
(Open models-Dental health) Print the models and invite children to decorate them. Cut them out and hang them within your daycare to form a garland.
Who do these mouths belong to?
Here is a fun thematic game that parents will enjoy. Photograph the mouth of each child in your group, making sure that only their mouth can be seen. Print the pictures and use them to create a poster. At the top of your poster, write: Who do these mouths belong to? Display your poster next to your daycare door. Encourage parents to guess who each mouth belongs to. Will they recognize their child’s mouth?
Dental decor
Press pictures of teeth on your daycare table, floor, and walls at children’s level.
Dentist’s office
Transform your relaxation corner to make it look like a dentist's office. Remember to place chairs in the waiting room along with toys. For the examination room, use a long lawn chair or two chairs placed close together that children can lie back on. One at a time, children play the role of the dentist. Suggestions for your thematic bin: toothbrushes, dental floss, empty mouthwash bottles, paper masks, mirrors, white shirts, paper bibs or towels, empty toothpaste tubes, plastic gloves, tiny light or flashlight, eyedropper, empty medicine bottles, pillows, dolls, notebooks, glasses, platters for tools, syringes without needles, dental health posters, etc. Prepare a collective chart with your group. Photograph each child's smile and have them guess who each smile belongs to.

The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group. Use them to decorate the daycare or a specific thematic corner.(Open picture game - dental health) Print, laminate, and store in a "Ziploc" bag or in your thematic bins.
Activity sheets are suggested for each theme. Print and follow instructions. (Open activity sheets - dental health)
Each week, writing activities are suggested. Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker. (Open writing activities-T like tooth)
Have fun with these great workshop ideas provided by Caroline Allard.
Construction or building blocks:
- Pieces of aluminum paper to resemble dental fillings.
- This is the perfect time to explore items used less often, even if they don't necessarily apply to the theme. Ask the group what they would like to play with in this area.
Arts & crafts:
- Spray paint using old toothbrushes on a large piece of white paper. With or without stencils, the results are beautiful!
- Paint with different colors (flavours) of toothpaste. It produces a shiny effect once dry and it smells delicious!
- Pieces of aluminum paper for a dental filling craft.
- Use evaporated milk to paint pictures of teeth. When they dry, they will have a glittery finish.
- Teeth and/or smile coloring pages.
- Teeth shapes that can be covered with square pieces of gum.
- Have a friend draw your mouth, just like an X-ray.
Role play:
- Set up a dentist's office in the role play area. Hang a "Dr. White Smile" sign on the door or wall along with different sizes and shapes of teeth. A long lawn chair, a flashlight, and a few pictures will do the trick. You can also add gloves, masks, and a white smock (shirt). Take a chance and ask your dentist for a few posters and x-rays. Include accessories such as empty mouthwash bottles, mirrors, towels, eyedroppers, empty medicine bottles, syringes without needles, signs, etc.
- Purchase a few Mr. Mouths (moving jaws) and leave them in this corner along with toothbrushes. Add a few dolls and children will practice their brushing techniques.
- Decorate the wall with pictures of children's mouths wide open to show their teeth (just like at the dentist's office). They will love seeing their mouths and showing them to others...I've tried it!
- Include a waiting room if you have enough available space.
- Tooth memory game using Educatall pictures.
- Association game using pictures of food that is good/bad for dental health.
- The Mr. Mouths may be used here too...for manipulation activities.
- Place toothpaste in a "Ziploc" bag. Allow children to manipulate the unique texture.
- Classification game using animals with and without teeth.
- Toothpaste modeling dough or white modeling dough.

- A box filled with toothbrushes, different sizes and colors.
- Books about teeth, dentists... My group particularly enjoyed Show me your smile (Dora).
- Books about fairies.
- Teeth outlines that can be traced.
- Various activity sheets related to teeth and dental health.
- Games with Educatall word flashcards.
Motor Skills:
- A simple game involving movement invented on the spur of the moment...the tooth piercing the gum (ouch!), the tooth growing, the tooth wiggling, the tooth falling out, etc. With four and five year olds, use the activity to explain what they will experience soon: losing their baby teeth!
- Stand tall like the bristles of a new toothbrush or crouch down to represent the bristles of an old toothbrush.
Sensory bins:
- To the sink to explore brushing your teeth!

- Rinse your mouth. Children love spitting!
- Wash toys with toothbrushes.
Select a child to play the role of a dental hygienist who will inspect the teeth of his or her peers after brushing.
The flashcards may be used during circle time to spark a conversation or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-dental health) Tooth, dentist, filling, chair, smile, toothpaste, dental floss, toothbrush, mirror, light, cavity, denture
My dental book
(Open my dental book) Print for each child. Encourage them to illustrate the pages of their book. Laminate each child’s dental book pages and assemble them. Simply make a hole in the upper lefthand corner of each page and thread a long piece of dental floss through the stacked holes. Tie a knot. Practice reading the dental book with your group. Children will love taking it home to share it with family members.
Let’s chat
(Open word flashcards-Dental health) Print and laminate the theme’s word flashcards. Have each child pick a word. They can take turns presenting their word to the group (ex. dental floss). Discuss each item and ask children questions to see what they know about the theme.
Words on a wire
(Open word flashcards-Dental health) (Open giant word flashcards-Dental health) Print two copies of several word flashcards. Hang one copy of each flashcard on a clothesline using colourful clothespins. Arrange the other word flashcards in a pile. Let children take turns picking a word flashcard. Help them read their word before inviting them to find the corresponding word flashcard on the clothesline. When they find it, they can place the word flashcard they picked over the word flashcard on the clothesline using the same clothespin. Help younger children manipulate the clothespins if necessary.
Word race
(Open word flashcards-Dental health) (Open giant word flashcards-Dental health) Print several word flashcards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into two teams. When you give them the signal, children must search for the flashcards for a pre-determined period, for example three minutes. When the time is up, children must be able to “read” their flashcards to earn a point for their team. If they are unable to find the correct word, the other team can earn the point if they succeed.
Sequential story
(Open sequential story-Dental health) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Children must place the illustrations in the correct order to recreate the story.
Scene-At the dentist
(Open scene-At the dentist) Print, laminate, and cut out the pieces. Children use them to decorate the scene.
Toothbrush stories
Fill a box with a variety of toothbrushes. Encourage children to use them to invent toothbrush stories.
The guessing game basket
Fill a large basket with a series of objects related to the theme (toothpaste, dental floss, plastic teeth, cardboard teeth, toothbrush, etc.). Children take turns feeling the contents of the bag without looking inside. They must try to name an object that is in the bag. If needed, each child may ask 2 questions. If a child is unable to name an object that is in the bag, his turn is over. Every time a child names an object that is in the bag, he can play the role of the leader of the game and answer a peer’s questions.
Jump for teeth
(Open models-Teeth) Print, laminate, and press the images on your daycare floor using adhesive paper. Play music. When the music stops, children must quickly jump on a tooth and sit down (variation of musical chairs). For an added challenge, you can include one decayed tooth that children must avoid.
Fine motor skills-Crumpled teeth
(Open models-Teeth) Print for each child and trace a tooth outline on a piece of black construction paper. Children must fill a tooth outline with crumpled pieces of tissue paper. Display children’s artwork within your daycare.
Modeling dough activity placemats-Dental health
(Open modeling dough activity placemats-Dental health) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.
String activities-Dental health
(Open string activities-Dental health) Print for each child. Children trace the outlines with white glue before covering them with colorful string.
Let’s measure dental floss
Purchase different types of dental floss so that you have a variety of colors and flavors. Pull a short piece of each type of dental floss out of the container and encourage children to touch them. Help them notice the different textures: waxed, unwaxed, ribbon, synthetic, tape, etc. Show children how they can pull on the dental floss and cut a piece off. (Open let’s measure dental floss) Print for each child or, if you prefer, print several copies of the document and laminate them for durability. Children must color the dental floss containers and then measure out and cut a piece of dental floss corresponding to each illustrated length.
Variation: If you have printed the document for each child, have them glue a piece of dental floss corresponding to each length directly on their sheet.
Baby teeth
Set a bin filled with building blocks on the floor. (Open baby teeth) Print and laminate the document so that you have a playing card for each child. When you give the signal, children must race to go collect one white building block at a time and run back to set it iniside their printed mouth. The first child who sets 20 “teeth” in his mouth wins. If you don’t have enough white building blocks, you can cut each mouth in half so that children are required to collect fewer blocks. Another option is to allow children to use gray or black building blocks to complete their mouth. The latter will represent cavities or dental fillings.
I have 10 teeth
(Open miniature teeth) Print and laminate. Hide 10 small teeth throughout your daycare. Set a bowl on a table. Every time a child finds a tooth, he must set in the bowl before setting off to search for more. The game continues until all the teeth have been found.
Mouth game
(Open mouth game) Print and laminate. Display the game on a wall, at children’s level. Press a piece of adhesive putty behind each laminated mouth. Give each child a mouth. Blindfold one child at a time and invite them to try to press the mouth as close to the correct spot as possible. The child whose mouth is the closest wins.
(Open lacing-Teeth) Print, laminate, and punch holes around the outline of each model. Children can thread a string, a ribbon, or a shoelace through the holes.
Dental floss necklace
Have children thread dry pasta or necklace beads on a long piece of dental floss. If you wish, use mint-flavored dental floss to provide children with a sensory experience.

Sparkling smile
(Open sparkling smile game) Print and laminate. Hide the pictures of healthy teeth and decayed teeth throughout the daycare. Glue the mouth onto a piece of cardboard and hold it. You are the dentist. Place a large chair beside you. Children search for the healthy teeth and place them inside the mouth. Be careful! If they bring a decayed tooth, they must sit in the dentist's chair for one minute. The object of the game is to collect all the healthy teeth to have a beautiful sparkling smile.
The tooth fairy
(Open PDF teeth) Print and laminate. Place tiny pictures of teeth throughout the daycare. When you give the signal, children become tooth fairies and search for teeth. There is no winner, the object of the game is to have fun. At the end of the game, give each child a tooth to bring home.
Dental floss
Provide each child with a long piece of dental floss. They move about the daycare sliding the floss between toys.
Great brushing
Children practice their brushing technique while cleaning toys.
In need of a filling
Leave different sized pieces of aluminum paper in your construction area. Children can use them to make fillings over toys.
Have children observe their teeth with mirrors and small flashlights before lunch. Repeat the exercise after lunch. Once they have noticed the food on their teeth, it is time for brushing.
Dental floss
Stand single file to represent germs stuck on dental floss. Move about, following the leader.
The germ
Ask children "Who wants to be the germ?" The other children are teeth. The "germ" tries to touch the teeth. When he does, the teeth must sit down, they have cavities. The game continues until all the teeth have cavities. Choose another child to play the role of the germ.
(Open PDF teeth) Print, laminate, and cut out. On a large piece of cardboard, draw a face with a big open mouth. Give each child one laminated tooth. One at a time, blindfold children and have them attempt to place their tooth as close to the mouth as possible.
Cleaning with toothbrushes
Use your water table (or a bin filled with water) and toothbrushes. Have children clean toys with the brushes.
Dental floss
String various objects onto dental floss.
Dentist in training
Place miniature marshmallows in an empty Kleenex box. Include one marshmallow with small black spots (cavity). Children insert tongs through the opening and pull out marshmallows, one at a time. The game ends when the tooth with the cavity is removed. Put the marshmallows back in the box and start over.
Hippopotamus at the dentist's office
On a large piece of cardboard, draw a hippopotamus' open mouth. Deposit miniature marshmallows around the contour of its mouth. A few marshmallows should be black underneath. Using clean clothespins, children take turns removing teeth to find the cavities. Variation: When a cavity is found, children put a tooth back in its place.
Tooth or toothpaste
Fill an empty pillowcase with objects related to teeth (empty tube of toothpaste, empty mouthwash bottle, toothbrush, etc.) Children feel the objects and try to guess what they are.
Dentist's mask
Use napkins to make masks like the ones dentists use. Fold them in two and punch a hole on either side. Attach a string. Children may use them for role play.
A hole in a tooth
Cut the tooth out of white cardboard (Open tooth with holes). Perforate the contour using a hole-punch. Thread dental floss or ribbon through the holes.
Trace teeth with sidewalk chalk.
Sand teeth
Trace a large mouth shape in the sandbox. Have children fill the mouth with sand teeth created using various sizes of containers.
I am learning to count-The tooth fairy
(Open I am learning to count-The tooth fairy) Print and laminate a tooth fairy with a bag for each child. Print and laminate the teeth. Cut them out and set them in the center of the table. Children take turns picking a tooth. Per the number printed on it, they must set white pompoms representing teeth on their bag. The first child who covers all the dots on his bag wins the game.
Brush the words
(Open brush the words) Print and laminate the document. Cut out the teeth. Older children can rewrite the words over the printed words using dry-erase markers. You can complete this step for younger children. Next, hand each child a toothbrush and show them how they can erase the written words by brushing them, just like they brush their teeth. Name the letters with children as they erase them.
(Educ-association-Toothbrushes) Print and laminate the document. Cut out the toothbrushes and press a piece of male Velcro behind each one. Hide the toothbrushes in a manipulation bin filled with white cotton balls or pompoms. Cut out the teeth and press a piece of female Velcro on each one. Children take turns searching for a toothbrush, naming its color, and pressing it on the corresponding tooth.
Associating letters-Teeth
(Open associating letters-Teeth) Print, laminate, and cut out the puzzle pieces. Encourage children to associate upper and lower case letters.
Arranging teeth from smallest to biggest
(Open baby teeth) Print the image and use it to show children how smaller teeth are located in the center of the mouth (central incisors), the lateral incisors are located next to these, and then we find the canine teeth, first molars, and second molars. Help children notice that primary teeth include 10 lower teeth and 10 upper teeth. They must cut out the teeth and glue them in the correct places inside the mouth.
Counting cards-Dental health
(Open counting cards-Dental health) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of clothespins on which you can paint or write numbers 1 to 9 using a marker. Children must count the items on each card and press the clothespin with the corresponding number on it, where indicated.
Roll and color-3D-Dental health
(Open roll and color-3D-Dental health) Print for each child. Print and assemble a die. Children take turns rolling the die and coloring a part, per the number shown on the die. The first child who completely colors his drawing wins.
Sorting toothbrushes
Purchase several colorful toothbrushes. (Open colorful toothpaste tubes) Print, laminate, and cut out the tubes. Set your toothbrushes in a bin. Children take turns picking a toothbrush out of the bin and associating it with the toothpaste tube that is the same color. Variation: If you prefer, show children one tube of toothpaste at a time and encourage them to find the toothbrush of the corresponding color.
Educa-symmetry-Dental health
(Educa-symmetry-Dental health) Print. Children must color the picture on the bottom to make it look exactly like the picture at the top of the page.
Educ-pairs-Dental health
(Open educ-pairs-Dental health) Print. Children must draw a line between items that go together or color them using the same color.
Educ-trace-Dental health
(Open educ-trace-Dental health) Print for each child. Children must trace the dotted lines using a crayon of the corresponding color before coloring the item at the end of the line using the same color.
Educ-same and different-Dental health
(Open educ-same and different-Dental health) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the illustration which is different in each row.
Educ-ascending-descending-Dental health
(Open educ-ascending-descending-Dental health) Print the different cards. Invite children to arrange them from smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest.
Hunt and seek-Dental health
(Open hunt and seek-Dental health) Print and laminate. Children pick a card and search for the item in the scene.
Baby teeth, permanent teeth
(Open PDF teeth) Use different sizes of teeth. Children sort them form smallest to largest.
The missing tooth
Children stand in a circle to represent a mouth. Have them close their eyes and choose a child to be the missing tooth. Have this child sit in the center of the circle and cover him with a blanket. Instruct children to open their eyes and try to guess who the missing tooth is.
Good for our teeth
Cut various food items from grocery flyers. Hang two mouths on the wall, one with healthy white teeth, and one with decayed teeth. Children associate the food items which are good for our teeth to the white smile and the sweets to the mouth with decayed teeth.
Bingo-Dental health
(Open bingo-Dental health) Print and laminate the cards as well as the small teeth. Cut out the latter. Give each child a playing card along with a dry-erase marker. Children use their marker to draw tiny dots representing dental plaque on the teeth illustrated on their card. For example, for a tooth that has a “3” printed on it, they would draw 3 dots. Verify their work and help younger children complete this step. To play, each child will need a toothbrush. Pick a tooth and invite a child to help you count the spots representing dental plaque that are on it. Children all look at their card. Those who see the number erase the spots on the corresponding tooth. The first child who erases all the dental plaque that is on his card wins. 
Photo booth-Dental health
(Open photo booth-Dental health) Print the various accessories, cut them out, and glue a drinking straw behind each one. Purchase hats, scarves, glasses, etc. at your local dollar store. Create a special decor using a large piece of cardboard or curtain. Invite children to pick the accessories they prefer and pose for you. You can take individual, group, or family photos. Print the pictures and display them on a wall for everyone to see.
Scrapbook-Dental health
Print this new scrapbook page for each child. (Open scrapbook-Dental health) Insert it in each child’s scrapbook.
Demystified dentist’s office
If there is a dentist’s office nearby, visit it with your group. Ask a dentist or dental hygienist to present the different types of tools and equipment they use daily: chair, light, X-ray machine, spatula, mirror, probe, etc. If possible, give each child the opportunity to sit in the dentist’s chair. Have the dental hygienist recline the chair and turn the light on. You can provide fun sunglasses that the children can wear to avoid them being blinded by the light.
My gorgeous smile
Take pictures of children's smiles and hang them on the wall. Make a game of it: cut out only the smiles and try to guess who the smiles belong to.
A visit
Invite a dental hygienist or better yet, a dentist to visit the daycare. You may know someone or your local clinic may provide references.
Smell a variety of toothpastes.
Soak hardboiled eggs overnight in tea or brown soda. They will turn brown. Brush the eggs with toothpaste. Discuss the results.
White tooth
Draw the shape of a tooth onto cardboard or print and glue the picture to the cardboard (Open PDF teeth). Melt marshmallows in the microwave for 30 seconds and give each child a chance to stir. Next, melt for 10 more seconds. Place the melted marshmallows in the center of the table. Using popsicle sticks, children spread the preparation onto the cardboard tooth.
Homemade toothpaste
4 teaspoons of baking soda
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of your favourite extract flavour (vanilla, almond, strawberry, mint, etc.)
Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container.

Precious teeth
(Open models-Tooth) Print the model and invite children to trace it on a piece of white Fun Foam. Next, have them cut out their foam tooth. Provide tiny precious stones or rhinestones that children can glue all over their tooth. Use this craft to help children realize just how precious their teeth are.
My mouth crunches and munches
(Open mouth) Print on pink paper for each child. Invite them to cut out the shape. Next, have them cut a tongue shape out of red felt and glue it in the center of the mouth, under the line drawn in the center. Provide salt dough that children can use to represent teeth. Have them glue one tooth on each printed tooth. Let dry. Help children fold their mouth and show them how they can press and release it to represent a mouth that is chewing or speaking.

My dental crown
(Open my dental crown) Print several copies. First, each child must cut out a large tooth. Give each child a strip of construction paper in the color of their choice. Measure the circumference of each child’s head and staple both ends together. Children must glue the bottom part of their large tooth on the top of their headband. Write each child’s name on the front of their dental crown using a wooden pencil. Children cut out the teeth that contain the letters of their name and glue them on their handwritten name. They will wear their dental crown proudly.
Models-Dental health
(Open models-Dental health) Print the various models and use them for different activities and projects throughout the theme.
My hat-Dental health
(Open educa-decorate-Dental health) Print and cut out the items. Have children glue them on a strip of construction paper or a paper hat.
Cut and smile
Cut smiles out of magazines and prepare a collective collage.
White tooth
Draw teeth on a black piece of construction paper using white chalk.
Yellow tooth
Cut teeth out of yellow construction paper and glue them on white paper. Paint the teeth using a paintbrush and white tempera paint.
Toothbrush painting
Provide children with old toothbrushes and different colors of toothpaste. Children explore painting with toothbrushes. This activity can be messy, it may be good idea to lay down plastic tablecloths before you begin.
(Open PDF sparkling smile) Cut tiny pieces of aluminum paper. Glue the fillings on the teeth.
Dental impression
Make dental impressions by having children gently bite (under your supervision) Styrofoam plates. Observe the differences between the children's impressions.
(Open coloring pages theme-Dental health)
Do you know?
Sung to: The Muffin Man
By: Patricia Morrison
Oh, do you know to brush your teeth
To brush your teeth, to brush your teeth
Oh do you know to brush your teeth
At least two times a day
Oh, yes I know to brush my teeth
To brush my teeth, to brush my teeth
Oh, yes I know to brush my teeth
Every morning and night
Have fun!
The Educatall team