
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Capillarity - Science - Educatall

Globule wonders...Globule

How does water travel from dirt all the way up to flowers' petal?


Experiment: Capillarity


Hypotheses: Ask children if they know how water gets to flowers' petals. Do they simply soak up the raindrops which fall on them or do they really get water from the ground? Ask them what happens to flowers which do not get enough water.



  • A sheet of paper
  • A pencil
  • Scissors
  • Water in a container


  1. Draw a flower with four petals on your sheet of paper. You may use our model if you wish. You can use coloured paper or pencils. (Open flower model)

  2. Using scissors with rounded tips cut out the outline of the flower. Ask your daycare worker for help if it is too difficult.

  3. Fold your flower's petals upwards as if they are unopened.

  4. Deposit your flower on the surface of the water and observe.

Explanations: Paper seems smooth but it is really made of miniscule fibres which are intertwined much like a knitted sweater. The fibres are so tiny they are invisible to the naked eye. A powerful microscope is required to see them. Furthermore, paper is attracted by water. When paper and water meet, they latch on to each other.


When you deposit your flower on the water it climbs onto the paper's fibres right to the top of the paper petals. The water fills the fibres and makes them heavier. This causes the petals to unfold and open!


Real flowers are also made of tiny fibres which we cannot see. Water from the ground travels up through the roots, then the stem, and then the petals according to the same phenomenon called capillarity.



Angélique Boissonneault

has a Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science. She has worked in a laboratory and tested her knowledge. She has taught Math, Chemistry, and Physics. She has also developed a simplistic and innovative approach designed to introduce young children to scientific experiments, old and new. She created her friend Globule. This character is sometimes red, and sometimes white. He guides little ones through their scientific experiments and discoveries. It is clear to see Angélique is passionate about children and science. Globule's Approach.


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