
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Halloween decorations

Give your cloakroom, ceiling, floor, and bathroom a special Halloween look with this theme's craft suggestions.

In the Educatall Club
Coloring pages, word flashcards, picture game, and activity sheets to complement your theme

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule



Picture frame for group photo

(Open picture frame-Halloween group of 6 or 9) Print and add a picture of each child. Laminate and display or give a copy to each child on the day of your Halloween party.


Identification memo-Halloween
(Open identification cards-Halloween) Print and write the name of each child in your group on a card. Use the identification cards to identify lockers, cubby holes, personal belongings, etc.

Halloween posters
(Open room identification posters-Halloween) Use this series of posters to identify the various rooms within the daycare with a Halloween twist.


Circle time area
For Halloween, use orange electrical tape to transform your circle time area so it looks like a pumpkin. Let children stick Halloween stickers on the floor. Add tiny orange lights. Make a Halloween garland with your group using orange and black construction paper and hang it from the ceiling. Also hang Picture-frame-Halloween-group-of-6-or-9-1plastic or paper pumpkins, witches, ghosts, bats, etc.

Halloween tree
Make a variety of Halloween decorations with your group. Give each child a tree branch and an empty metal can. Have each child decorate his can. Fill the cans with sand and have children place their branch inside. If you prefer, you may turn this into a collective project by filling a bucket with sand and using one large tree branch. You may paint the branch and add sparkles. Children will love hanging their decorations in their tree.

Halloween tablecloth
Purchase a paper tablecloth. Have children cut Halloween items out of magazines and flyers. Let them glue these pictures onto the tablecloth. They will love eating on their unique tablecloth during your Halloween party.

Lit up doorway
Hang Halloween lights around your doorway. Lights shaped like pumpkins, skeletons, or ghosts are easy to find in stores. Orange lights can also do the trick.Room-identification-posters-Halloween

Special window
If you are lucky enough to have a large window or patio door within your daycare, let children paint Halloween-related objects on it using poster paint. This can be somewhat messy, but it is easy to clean afterwards. Variation: A large piece of white paper can be used instead of the window.

Construction-Toy car area
Use orange and black electrical tape to outline streets on the floor and walls. Decorate the streets with Halloween stickers. Cover the stickers with adhesive paper and add small figurines.

Arts & crafts area

Use large pieces of white paper to cover your area entirely. Let children decorate the walls as they wish using Halloween-related materials.

identification-cards-HalloweenReading corner
Set up a haunted reading corner in a large electrical appliance box. Add curtains made out of black and orange garbage bags you have cut into strips. Add lights and Halloween puppets. Let children paint the outside of the box as they wish or cover it with a plastic Halloween tablecloth.

Halloween workshops
(Open Halloween workshops) Print and display to identify your various workshops during the weeks leading up to Halloween.


Spider web
Weave your own spider web on the ceiling using string or white ribbon. Attach one end in a corner then continue tying it here and there. The string will intertwine to create a web.

Silly ghosts
Hang funny ghosts from the ceiling. Blow up white plastic gloves (surgeon gloves) and draw faces on them.

Halloween lights
Hang tiny Halloween-colored lights from the ceiling throughout the daycare. Use string and clothespins to attach the lights.

Halloween ceiling
Hang an old bed sheet or a square piece of fabric from the ceiling. Make several holes and hang construction paper spiders from your very original spider web.

Miniature ghosts
Crumple one tissue to form a ball. Place it in the center of a second tissue to represent a ghost head. Tie with ribbon or string and hang from the ceiling. Children will enjoy making several of these. A simple yet adorable way to decorate, just hang them from the ceiling!

Halloween garland
Cut several strips of orange and black construction paper. Link the strips together, alternating colors. Hang the garland from the ceiling.

Tie four pipe cleaners together, attaching them in the center to create eight spider legs. Attach a piece of elastic string to the middle of the spider's body. Hang from the ceiling. Children will enjoy bouncing their spider up and down.

Make a pumpkin-shaped piñata with your group and fill it with candy or other Halloween surprises. Hang it from the ceiling and empty it during your Halloween party.


Halloween floor
Cut a large piece of adhesive paper. Remove the backing and deposit it on the floor so the sticky side is on the top. Visually divide the paper in two. On one side, add a few tablespoons of orange, black, and white poster paint. The quantity depends on the size of your paper. Next, fold the paper in two. Secure this paint-filled envelope to the floor by adding tape on all sides. Invite children to walk on the envelope to mix the paint. You may also make several envelopes. Check regularly to make sure there are no leaks.

Halloween walk
Print several Halloween illustrations and glue them on the floor throughout your daycare to create paths which lead to your various corners and rooms.

No monster

Trace a pair of monster feet on sponges and cut out the shapes so you have one left foot and one right foot. Dip the monster feet in washable paint and use them to make prints on the floor, walls, etc. Variation: You can cut black cat, ghost, witch, or spider shapes out of construction paper and glue them on the floor or walls. If you prefer, you could dip the sponges in flour instead of paint, the prints will of course last for a shorter period of time.


Halloween cubby holes
(Open frame-Halloween) Print for each child. Use the picture frames to decorate children's cubby holes. You may also transform each child's picture to represent a Halloween character. For example, print a ghost and glue the child's picture on the ghost face. Let children decorate as they please.

Decoration for your entrance

Purchase two plastic tablecloths, a black one and an orange one. Cut them so they are the same size as your door. Cut 10 cm strips across the entire width of the tablecloths, from bottom to top, leaving approximately 20-30 cm at the top (portion which will be attached to the door). Glue one tablecloth inside your door and the other tablecloth on the outside of the door. To enter or exit the daycare, children will have to walk through the black and orange strips.

Candy wreath
Cut a wreath shape out of a piece of cardboard. Children can paint it and then decorate it by gluing candy on it. Hang the wreath in your entrance.


Fluorescent bathroom
Purchase several fluorescent Halloween shapes and glue them throughout the bathroom. When children enter the bathroom, the shapes will light up the bathroom somewhat. They may help some children get used to the dark.

Halloween bathroom
Stick tiny Halloween stickers on any furniture and accessories found in the bathroom (stepping stool, toothbrush holder, changing table, shelves, container for wipes, etc.)

Climbing spiders
Glue spiders in several different spots on the walls, on the ceiling, in windows, etc. Use cotton balls to make a spider web and attach spiders to it.


Halloween trees
Disguise your trees to give them a Halloween look. Glue eyes, a nose, and a mouth on them.

Giant scarecrow
Make your own giant scarecrow with your group and deposit it next to the daycare entrance.

The scarecrow

Gather clothing (shirt, pants, shoes, hat) and fill them with fabric scraps or other clothing items. Use a pumpkin to represent the head. If you wish, you could use items from your costume box. Sit your scarecrow on a chair. He will make the perfect decoration, indoors or outdoors.

Haunted bottles

Line the walkway leading up to the daycare with bottles filled with tiny Halloween items (erasers, plastic insects, food coloring, etc.) If you prefer, fill them with sand and wrap them with Halloween illustrations.



Cat plate
You will need paper plates, black poster paint, wiggly eyes, pipe cleaners, and two black construction paper triangles. Have children paint the plates black and then invite them to add eyes, a nose, a mouth, and ears to their cat. Don't forget moustaches!


Cat garland
(Open model-Halloween cat) Print. Let children decorate the cats with glitter. Cut out and hang in your daycare.



Popcorn pumpkins
(Open model-Pumpkin) Print or trace the pumpkin models on cardboard. Have children fill the pumpkin shape with popcorn (or pumpkin seeds). You can also use cheddar-flavored popcorn so that your pumpkins will be orange. Display within the daycare.


Pumpkin faces
(Open pumpkin faces) Print. Staple two paper plates together and have children paint their pumpkin orange. Once dry, let them add the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. Hang from the ceiling.


3D pumpkins
Give each child a brown paper lunch bag. Have them fill their bag with recycled paper. Once they have filled their bag, tie the bag shut with string. This part will represent the pumpkin's stem. Let children paint their pumpkin orange (or any other color if they wish!) Add a green construction paper leaf to the stem and hang the pumpkins from the ceiling or in a hallway.


Miniature pumpkins
Purchase several small miniature squashes and let children decorate them as they please. Provide poster paint, glue, glitter, feathers, etc. You may hang them from the ceiling or deposit them in a basket for a unique centerpiece.

Pumpkin-manPumpkin man
(Open pumpkin man) Print. Have children color and cut out the various pieces. The pumpkin represents the head and body. Fold four strips of orange construction paper accordion-style to represent the arms and legs. Glue the smaller pumpkins to the end of the orange strips to create hands and feet.

Pumpkin mobile
(Open models-colored pumpkins) Trace and cut out various sizes of pumpkins. Decorate them with sparkles, lace, ribbon, cotton balls, etc. Glue the pumpkins back to back on either side of a ribbon or string. Hang from the ceiling.

Pumpkin magnet
You will need the top of a frozen juice can. Cut a circle the same size as the lid out of orange felt. Glue the felt circle on the lid. Use various shapes cut out of black felt to create a Jack-o'-lantern face. Glue a magnet on the other side of the lid and display on your refrigerator.

Models-colored-pumpkinsWhat's inside?
Provide each child with a pumpkin outline traced on orange construction paper. Using white glue, children add pieces of string (pulp) and pumpkin seeds to represent the inside of the pumpkin. Display on a wall.


Pumpkin decorating contest
Along with parents, organize a pumpkin decorating contest. The only guideline is that they mustn't empty their pumpkin because it would decay too rapidly. Use the pumpkins to decorate the daycare entrance or to line a stairway. Of course, each child can take his pumpkin home after your Halloween party.


Suncatcher pumpkin
Cut a pumpkin shape out of adhesive paper and invite children to fill the shape with fun Halloween items (confetti, sparkles, orange feathers, pieces of tissue paper, etc.) When they are done, add a second pumpkin shape on top and hang them in a window.

Pumpkin garland

(Open models-colored pumpkins) Print and let children decorate the pumpkins. Cut them out and hang them in your daycare entrance.



(Open craft-Bats) Print and trace on cardboard. This will be your model. Children can trace this model on black construction paper. Then, have them cut out the wings and glue them on an empty toilet paper roll they previously wrapped with black construction paper. Add a piece of black thread and hang the bats on a clothesline. Remember, the bats' heads should be at the bottom since that is how bats sleep during the day.


Bat garland
(Open models-Colored bats) Print and let children decorate the garland. When they are done, cut it out and hang it within the daycare.


Hanging bat
Cut out three egg carton cavities per child. Cut out a half circle on either side to represent the wings. Paint and let dry. Make a hole at the top and hang using fishing wire.


My ghost
(Open model-Ghost) Print a ghost model for each child. Have them color their ghost and glue it on a Popsicle stick. Set the ghosts along the edge of a counter or on a windowsill.

A ghost at my feet
You will need black construction paper and white poster paint. Print children's feet on the black paper and you will have adorable little ghosts. Just add wiggly eyes or use a black marker to draw tiny eyes. Hang these ghosts in front of each child's cubby hole.


Purchase cheese cloth. Prepare a mixture made up of equal parts of white glue and water. Shape a ghost outline on a soft drink bottle by dipping the cheese cloth in the glue mixture. Let dry completely. Remove the ghost shape from the bottle and glue eyes on your ghost.


Ghost mobile
Trace and cut out different sizes of ghosts. (Open model-Ghost) Decorate them with sparkles, lace, ribbon, cotton balls, etc. Glue the ghosts back to back on either side of a string or ribbon. Hang from the ceiling.


Sticky ghost
Cut a ghost shape out of a piece of adhesive paper. Have children fill the sticky side of the shape with cotton balls or white tissue paper.


Tissue ghost
Cover a Styrofoam ball with a tissue. Add eyes and a string so you can hang the ghost. Children can decorate their ghost. This is so simple to make, why not make several?



A spider
Have children paint a Styrofoam ball black. Give them black pipe cleaners they can insert in the ball to represent the spider's legs. Glue wiggly eyes on the spider or use poster paint to create them. Hang from the ceiling.


Models-Colored-spidersMy spider
(Open model-Spider) Trace the model on black construction paper. Have children cut it out. Let them decorate their spider. Show them how to curl the spider's legs by rolling them around a pencil.


Spider plate
You will need paper plates, black poster paint, tiny wiggly eyes, and pipe cleaners. Have children paint their paper plate black and let them add the eyes, a nose, a mouth, and legs. Hang them from the ceiling.


Bean spider
(Open model-Spider) Print a model for each child. Have children apply white glue inside the spider outline and add dry black beans. You can use red beans for the eyes to give your spiders a scary look!


Spider garland
(Open models-Colored spiders) Print and let children decorate the garland. Cut it out and hang it within the daycare or at the daycare entrance.


Spider mobile
Trace and cut out different sizes of spiders. (Open model-Spider) Decorate the spiders with glitter, Halloween items, poster paint, etc. Glue the spiders back to back on either side of a string or ribbon. Hang from the ceiling.



Have fun!

The Educatall team


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