Interactive certificates-I am growing
(Open interactive certificates-I am growing) Add text and a child’s name on each certificate. Print and distribute them.
Animated discussion-I am growing
(Open picture game-I am growing) Print and laminate the illustrations in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with the children in your group. Ask them questions about their special memories.
Circle time activity-I am growing
A few days prior to introducing this theme, ask parents for a picture of their child as a baby. Inform parents that this picture will not be returned to them. Arrange the pictures on the floor to delimit your circle time area. Encourage children to find their baby picture and sit on it. Present the theme to your group. Every morning, have fun hiding an object associated with a different child in your daycare. The object mustn’t be completely hidden, but finding it must represent a challenge. As soon as children finds it, photograph it. Print and display the picture on a special wall. Children will enjoy showing their parents what they found at the end of each day. Name a “child of the day” every morning and be sure to grant him privileges throughout the day.
A colorful “my turn to speak” hat
You can use a plain old hat and press pictures of the children in your group all over it. Hide additional pictures throughout your daycare and invite children to search for them and set them in a special basket. Look at the pictures and use them to explore the theme.
My book-I am growing
Print and laminate pictures of children of different ages in the format you prefer. Use a hole-punch to make holes in the top right and left corner of each picture. Stack them and insert a metal ring in each set of holes to create a book that is easy to manipulate. Show children how they can flip the pictures under the stack. Discuss each picture.
Surprise discussion box
Before children arrive, fill a box with ribbons, yarn, bright party balloons, party horns, streamers, and flags. Seal the box with heavy tape and use a bold marker to draw question marks all over it. To present the theme to your group, have an accomplice deliver the box by ringing the doorbell or knocking on your door. Collect the package with your group and invite children to guess what is inside. Open the box together and use the items it contains to create a garland that can be used to decorate your daycare.
Time flies
Ask children to bring pictures of themselves at different ages. Create a personalized timeline for each child in your group. Use the timelines to help children understand how quickly they are growing. Present old black and white pictures to your group and explain how when their grandparents were young, pictures had no color.
(Open thematic poster-I am growing) Print, laminate, and display all kinds of posters.
Educa-theme-I am growing
(Open educa-theme-I am growing) Print and laminate the different elements representing the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group (and children’s parents) while decorating your daycare.
Educa-decorate-I am growing
(Open educa-decorate-I am growing) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.
Stickers-I am growing
(Open stickers-I am growing) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper and use them to create a collection of unique stickers. Use them to reward children throughout the theme.
Poster-Here, I grow
Purchase several small houseplants that are safe for children (or plastic plants). Set them on a small table next to your daycare entrance. You can even hang some from the ceiling. (Open poster-Here I grow) Print the poster and display it on the wall, behind the plants.
Garland-Clothing that no longer fits
Ask parents to send in clothing items that no longer fit their child. Hang them on an indoor clothesline. Use this original garland to help children realize just how much they have grown.

Learning chart
Before children arrive, use bold colors to write each child’s name on a large piece of cardboard followed by “wants to learn to…” Ask children what they would like to learn and complete the sentence.
Fun ceiling
Create a mobile by hanging various shapes and items linked to different ages using colorful pieces of ribbon or press pictures directly on the ceiling.
Our mural-I am growing
(Open mural-I am growing) Print and cut out the stars, emojis, and symbols. Encourage children to use the items to decorate a wall. Write the name of each child at the top of the mural and write numbers 1 to 10 on one side, like a staircase. Press a piece of Velcro behind a picture of each child in your group. When children complete a challenge, have them move their picture up one step at a time.

Pennants-I am growing
In the Educatall club, you will find a wide range of material that you can use to decorate your daycare. (Open pennants-I am growing)
Garland-I am growing
(Open educa-decorate-I am growing) Print and let children use them to create a garland. Hang it within your daycare or over your daycare entrance.
Photo booth-I am growing
(Open photo booth-I am growing) Print the various accessories, cut them out, and glue a drinking straw behind each one. Purchase glasses, school supplies, etc. at your local dollar store. Create a special décor using a large piece of cardboard or chalkboard. Invite children to pick the accessories they prefer and pose for you. You can take individual, group, or family photos. Print the pictures and display them on a wall for everyone to see.
My I am growing coloring chart
(Open my I am growing coloring chart) Print for each child. Use the chart throughout the month with your group. After each completed challenge, invite children to color a box. At the end of the month, discuss the results.
Mommy’s baby
Hang a variety of baby accessories from the ceiling in your daycare using colorful ribbon or fishing wire. Transform your role play area to make it look like a nursery. Set up a cradle, a high chair, a playpen, etc. Add several dolls and accessories.
Door decorations-I am growing
(Open door decorations-I am growing) Print the decorations and use them to decorate your hallway, a door, or your cloakroom. Cut large letters out of colorful cardboard and press them on your door to write : I AM GROWING. If you prefer, print the theme’s educa-theme document. Let children decorate the letters.
Educa-decorate-to the rhythm of my own story
(Open educa-decorate-To the rhythm of my own story) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.
Garland-To the rhythm of my own story
(Open educa-decorate-To the rhythm of my own story) Print and let children use them to create a garland. Hang it within your daycare or over your daycare entrance.
Game-This is my spot-To the rhythm of my own story
(Open game-This is my spot-To the rhythm of my own story) Print two copies. Laminate and cut out the cards. Glue one copy of each card on the table using adhesive paper. Drop the other copies in a bag. Children take turns picking a card to determine their spot at the table for the day. You may also use the cards to determine naptime spots or for your task train.

(Open picture game-I am growing) Use the pictures to decorate your daycare or to spark a conversation with your group. Print, laminate, and store the pictures in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.
Memory game-I am growing
(Open picture game-I am growing) Print the illustrations twice and use them for a memory game.
(Open activity sheets-I am growing) Print and follow instructions.
(Open writing activities-G like growing) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Educa-nuudles-I am growing
(Open educa-nuudles-I am growing) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet. Once they are done, they may use Magic Nuudles to turn the coloring pages into three-dimensional works of art.
Variation: If you do not have Magic Nuudles, ask children to fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers.
To order Magic Nuudles:
Stationery-I am growing
(Open stationery-I am growing) Print. The stationery can be used to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins.

Word flashcards
Use the flashcards to spark a conversation with your group, in your reading and writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-I am growing) (Open giant word flashcards-I am growing) Print. Small, big, baby, child, teenager, parent, grandparents, autonomous, growth chart, to succeed, birthday, to grow
Educa-chatterbox-I am growing
(Open educa-chatterbox-I am growing) Print and laminate the cards. To create your chatterbox, you will need an empty shoebox or a small bin that you can decorate as you see fit. Fill it with tiny objects, illustrations, pictures, and accessories related to your theme. To help you, we have created a series of cards that you may use. During circle time or, for example, when children are waiting for their lunch, have them take turns picking a card or object out of your chatterbox and naming the corresponding item.
Vocabulary game-I am growing
(Open vocabulary game-I am growing) Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Children form a circle and crouch down. Invite a child to pick a card and say a sentence linked to what is illustrated. For example, a child could say, “I am grass.” Since grass grows, children stand up and say, “I grow!” If, on the other hand, a child picks an inanimate object, children must remain low and say, “I don’t grow.”
When I grow up, I will be…
(Open when I grow up) Print and laminate the poster. You will need a small picture of each child in your group. Cut each child’s face out and press the pictures on plastic bottle caps. Children take turns setting their picture under the hat that best represents their future profession and explain their choice to the group. Children whose profession of choice is not represented can set their picture in the last circle and draw an accessory associated with it.
Let’s chat
Print and laminate the theme’s word flashcards. Have each child pick a word. They can take turns presenting their word to the group (ex. teenager). Discuss each item and ask children questions to see what they know about the theme.
Reinvented scrabble
(Open word flashcards-I am growing) (Open giant word flashcards-I am growing) Print many copies of the word flashcards and encourage children to use scrabble tiles to write the words. Manipulating the small tiles represents a great fine motor skill exercise. At the same time, children will notice which letters make up the different words.

Sequential story
(Open sequential story-I am growing) Print. Ask children to place the illustrations in the correct order to recreate the story.
Word race
(Open word flashcards-I am growing) (Open giant word flashcards-I am growing) Print several word flashcards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into two teams. When you give them the signal, children must search for the flashcards for a pre-determined period, for example three minutes. When the time is up, children must be able to “read” their flashcards to earn a point for their team. If they are unable to find the correct word, the other team can earn the point if they succeed.
Word clothesline
(Open word flashcards-I am growing) (Open giant word flashcards-I am growing) Print two copies of several word flashcards. Hang one copy of each word on an indoor clothesline with colourful clothespins. Arrange the copies in a pile on a table. Let children take turns picking a word and finding the matching word on the clothesline. When they find a match, they can place the flashcard on top of the one that was already hanging on the clothesline. Help younger children manipulate the clothespins if necessary.

I can talk about how I am growing…with a puppet
Use a puppet to encourage children to discuss the theme. The puppet may help children who are shy to participate in the conversation. It may also be helpful for children with language difficulties. One thing is certain: a puppet will make children want to communicate.
Growth charts here, growth charts there
Purchase or print various growth charts and display them on a wall, but also on the floor. You can, for example, use them to delimit workshops or draw paths linking various areas within your daycare. Use adhesive paper to protect them. Children will enjoy walking on the growth charts to reach the kitchen, the bathroom, or the cloakroom.
Game-This is my spot-I am growing
(Open game-This is my spot-I am growing) Print two copies. Laminate and cut out the cards. Glue one copy of each card on the table using adhesive paper. Drop the other copies in a bag. Children take turns picking a card to determine their spot at the table for the day. You may also use the cards to determine naptime spots or for your task train.

My children path
(Open my children path) Print, laminate, and secure the illustrations on the floor, creating a path that leads to various areas within your daycare. The path can lead to areas children visit regularly throughout the day, such as the cloakroom and bathroom or, if you prefer, they can delimit different corners.
Babies at the table
Press pictures of babies on the table, making sure you have a copy of each one in your hands. Children take turns picking a picture to determine where they are to sit at the table.
I can move…like a baby
Encourage children to crawl around the daycare…and even suck their thumb to represent babies.
Daily chart for infants
(Open infant daily chart) Print and use the chart for the children in your group.
Modeling dough activity placemats-I am growing
(Open modeling dough activity placemats-I am growing) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.
Educ-clothespins-I am growing
(Open educ-clothespins-I am growing) Print and laminate. Children must find and identify the matching illustration using a clothespin.
I am growing like a giraffe
Find several pictures or illustrations of giraffes and press them on items throughout your daycare. Children will have fun discovering the giraffes as they play.

Tall like you
Provide a large quantity of blocks. With your group, stack blocks to represent how tall each child in your group is.
Big and small-I am growing
(Open big and small-I am growing) Print and laminate the game. Attach Velcro behind each card. Children must press them in the squares in order, from smallest to biggest.
Giant homemade memory game-I am growing
Use 12 paper plates to create 6 pairs of identical faces. Simply press eyes, arms, etc. on the plates. Arrange all the plates upside down on the table or floor. Children take turns turning 2 plates. If a child turns matching plates, he may play again.
Coloring hunt and seek-I am growing
(Open coloring hunt and seek-I am growing) Print and laminate. Children must find and color the items listed at the bottom of the page.
Construction challenge-Big like me
Slice several pool noodles. Encourage children to stack them to represent their height. This activity can be done in front of a mirror so that children can verify that the stacked noodle pieces are as tall as they are. Repeat this exercise with empty tissue boxes, foam blocks, metal cans, etc.
Birthday cake decorating
This is both a sensory and educational activity that puts tiny fingers to work. Constant supervision is necessary. Give each child a block of floral foam. Tell them that the foam block represents a birthday cake. Provide foam shaving cream and encourage children to press a small quantity on their cake to represent icing. They can use a plastic knife to spread the icing and completely cover the block. Next, have them press tiny Fun Foam shapes all over their cake to decorate it. Encourage each child to add a certain number of candles. They could, for example, add the same number of candles as their age.
The pacifier game
(Open game-pacifier) Print and assemble the various parts of the game. Display the baby on a wall and ask children to try to press the pacifier as close to the correct spot as possible while blindfolded.
Playing cards-I am growing
(Open playing cards-I am growing) Print and laminate. Give each child the same number of cards. They can take turns hiding them throughout the daycare. Each child then tries to find as many cards as possible.
Active die
(Open active die) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Press them on the faces of a cardboard box. Children take turns rolling the die and performing the illustrated action.
I move my body
Create an exercise routine to help children recognize different body parts. Next, present a guided relaxation activity and invite children to relax one part of their body at a time.

Jump to grow
Hang various soft items (such as stuffed animals) from the ceiling using invisible string. Invite children to jump to touch them.
Fine motor skills-I am growing shapes
(Open shapes-I am growing) Print for each child. Have them tear tissue paper into tiny pieces that they can crumple into balls and use to fill the shape of their choice.
Yoga pose die
(Open yoga pose die) Print, cut out, and assemble the die. Children take turns rolling the die and executing the illustrated pose. Variation: Use a second die with numbers on it to determine how many breaths children shall take while holding each pose.
My beating heart
(Open picture-heart) Print. Help children understand how their heart is their motor. Have them jump up and down to the sound of fast-paced music. Next, have them listen to a partner’s heartbeat so that they can see how physical activity makes their heart beat faster. Tell them that, for this reason, they must slow down after a period of high activity to allow their heart to rest.
I am strong
Invite children to carry as many items as possible from one point to another.
I am growing
Touch a child with a magic wand to transform him into a baby, a child, a parent, or a grandparent. Children will have fun acting out various actions associated with each life stage.
A mountain of clothing
Create a large pile of clothing at one end of your daycare. Children must run to the pile, put a clothing item on, and race back to the start line. If a child selects an item that has a zipper or buttons, have him tie it as best he can. This activity is great for helping children learn to dress themselves.
Like the big kids
Pick a child who will be the leader of the game. He must perform actions associated with older children or adults. Others must mimic his every move.

Trampoline jumping
Encourage children to jump on a small trampoline (hold their hands) to instantly “grow”.
Babies and moms
Divide your group into pairs. One child from each pair will be the baby and the other will be the mother (or father). The parent cares for the baby. Of course, the babies must crawl around.
Baby die
(Open baby actions) Print the various cards representing actions associated with babies. Glue them on a cardboard or Fun Foam die. Children take turns rolling the die and executing or miming the different actions.
Baby hops
(Open educa-decorate-Babies) Trace, cut out, and glue the items on the floor. Children must hop on the items to move around the daycare.

Coloring hunt and seek-I am growing
(Open coloring hunt and seek-I am growing) Print and laminate. Children must find and color the items listed at the bottom of the page.
Complete the pompoms-I am growing
(Open complete the pompoms-I am growing) Print for each child. Provide several short pieces of yarn. Children add the correct number of pieces to complete the pompoms. For example, on the card showing a “6”, the pompom shall be made up of 6 pieces of yarn that children glue at the tip of the string.
Clothing sort
Gather a variety of clothing items in different sizes. Make sure you have clothing for babies, children, and adults. Invite children to sort them according to their size. They can, for example, set a baby pyjama, a little girl dress, a child’s jeans, a teenager’s t-shirt, and a father’s shirt in a row on the floor. What’s more, you could have them set all the baby clothes in one corner of your daycare, the children’s clothes in another corner, and so on.

Hands and feet
(Open hands and feet) Print for each child and, if necessary, help children trace the contour of one of their feet on the left side and one of their hands on the right side. Next, have them cut out the tiny colorful squares that are on the second page. Invite them to glue squares from their heel to their toes and from the palm of their hand to the tip of their fingers on the paper. Explain how each square represents 1 cm. Have them count the squares to measure the length of their hand and foot. Help them write the results at the bottom of the page.
Pattern challenge
(Open pattern challenge) Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Each child picks a card. They must find the items that are illustrated and set them on a table or on the floor, from smallest to biggest. For example, if a child sees a spoon and the number “5”, he will have to collect 5 spoons and arrange them from smallest to largest.

Counting cards-I am growing
(Open counting cards-I am growing) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.
Educa-symmetry-I am growing
(Open educa-symmetry-I am growing) Print. Children must color the bottom picture (black and white) to make it look exactly like the top one (color).
Game-Four kids
(Open game-Four kids) Print, stick the cards on opaque cardboard, and cut them out. Set all the cards face down on the floor. Children take turns rolling the die. Every time the die lands on “1”, they pick a card and look at it without showing it to the other children. If they don’t already have the child they picked, they set it on the floor in front of them for everyone to see. The game continues. The first child who has all four children wins.
Educ-pairs-I am growing
(Open educ-pairs-I am growing) Print. Children must color identical pictures using the same color or draw a line between them. For durable, eco-friendly use, laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Educ-trace-I am growing
(Open educ-trace-I am growing) Print for each child. Children must trace each line using a crayon of the corresponding color and then color the object at the end of the line using the same color.
Educ-same and different-Babies
(Open educ-same and different-Babies) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the item that is different in each row.
Wooden homemade puzzles
Print pictures of children. Color them if necessary. Next, glue Popsicle sticks vertically behind each picture and cut around each one. Children place the sticks to complete each picture.
Magnifying glass game-Babies
(Open magnifying glass game-Babies) Print, laminate the board game and the cards, and cut them out. Children pick a card and use a magnifying glass to find the matching item on the board. When they find it, they set the card in the corresponding box, on the board.
(Open educ-math-Babies) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must count the items in each rectangle and circle the correct number.
Big and small-Babies
(Open big and small-Babies) Print and laminate the game. Attach Velcro behind each card. Children must press them in the squares in order, from smallest to biggest.
(Open educ-association-Babies) Print the pages and assemble the game in a file folder. Children must associate the illustrations.

From smallest to biggest
Collect a wide range of items: feathers, pasta, buttons, scraps of paper, blocks, etc. Have children arrange them from smallest to biggest.
What big feet you have!
Sit in a circle with your group. Ask children to remove their shoes. Compare the size of children’s shoes. Who has the smallest feet? The biggest feet?
Every day, I am growing
(Open every day I am growing) Print for each child. Invite children to color their poster. Laminate the posters and give children a small clear plastic Ziploc bag (snack size) that they can glue where indicated. Next, help children write the date on their poster using a washable marker. Children take turns lying down on the floor so that you can roll out a piece of yarn from the top of their head to their feet to represent their height. Cut the yarn and let children insert it in their plastic bag. Encourage them to notice how the oldest child’s bag is most likely fuller than that of the youngest child in your group, simply because he is probably taller. Repeat this activity monthly throughout the year and compare the length of each child’s yarn from month to month to help them visualize just how much they have grown.

Bath time
Fill a bin with water and add bubble bath, soap, facecloths, and a few plastic dolls. Children will enjoy washing them.
My very own baby
Let children bring a doll from home to daycare for the duration of the theme. They will enjoy caring for it at daycare, sleeping with their doll at naptime, etc.
Baby bin
Create a baby-themed bin that includes the following items: bibs, baby bottles, sippy cups, rattles, spoons, bowls, sun hats, blankets, baby product containers, dolls, diapers, pyjamas, baby shoes, empty baby food jars, etc.
My scrapbook
(Open scrapbook 2022) Print the different pages and have children color them. Take pictures of the children in your group and add them to their scrapbook. Add personalized comments. Glue the cover page on heavy cardboard and use ribbon to hold the pages together.
(Open interactive scrapbook-My measurements) Measure and weigh each child and type their measurements in the document before printing it. Add this page to each child’s scrapbook.
Sensory bin-I am growing
Fill a bin with figurines of different sizes and representing different life stages. You can add different sizes of containers to the bin. Children will enjoy sorting the figurines.
Traffic lights-I am growing
Invite your group to help you paint a rectangular box with gray poster paint. Let dry. Print the circles containing various foods. (Open traffic lights-I am growing) Laminate them and cut them out. Glue 3 large paper plates on your traffic light (a red one, a yellow one, and a green one). Explain to your group how, to grow up healthy, they must eat certain foods, for example fruits and vegetables and milk products. These are “green light” foods. Other foods should be consumed moderately, for example breads and juice. They are “yellow light” items. Finally, “red light” foods correspond to candy and soft drinks, among other things. They must be consumed only very rarely. As a group, glue each circle on the appropriate traffic light, considering if they represent red, yellow, or green light food items. Hang your traffic light above the table where children eat. At each snack or meal, use it to determine which light the foods you serve can be associated with. If you prefer, print a traffic light for each child. Laminate them to create placemats and let children set the foods you serve on the appropriate color.

Playing with my shadow
On a sunny day, go outside with your group and encourage children to observe their shadow. Is it taller or shorter than they are? Invite children to try to outrun their shadow.
Crawling obstacle course
Set up an obstacle course in your yard. Use balance beams, tunnels, hula hoops, etc. Ask children to crawl like a baby to complete the course.
Stroller race
Line two rows of cones up in your yard and set 2 doll strollers at the start of the playing area. Have 2 children race in and out of the cones while pushing a stroller.

Musical poses
(Open illustrated poses) Print. Arrange the illustrated poses in a circle on the floor. Each child positions himself behind a pose and executes it. To the sound of music, children turn around the outside of the circle. When the music stops, children stop behind another pose and execute it, and so on.
Explore different baby rattles with your group and encourage them to shake them to create various rhythms, as if they were maracas. Shake them slowly and quickly. Shake one or several at the same time. Listen to Mexican music throughout this activity.
Make your own rattles
You will need empty plastic bottles (or old plastic baby bottles). Transform them to create fun and colorful rattles. Fill them with a variety of small objects that will produce different sounds.

Big or small, that’s me
Lay 2 large pieces of paper one on top of the other for each child. Staple them together. Lay them flat on the floor. Invite children to lie down on the paper and trace the contour of their body. Next, cut the drawn outline out of both layers of paper. Give each child his 2 silhouettes. Encourage them to cut around the contour of the first silhouette, removing a few centimeters all the way around to represent when they were smaller. Help younger children with this step. Have children color and decorate their smaller silhouette to represent what they looked like when they were a baby. Next, have them color and decorate their larger silhouette to represent how they seem themselves today. Display all the silhouettes on a wall.
My hat-I am growing
You will need a large cardboard circle for each child. The bigger the circles are, the more impressive the end result will be. Cut a small triangle out of each circle. Roll the circles and press the ends together to create pointy hats. (Open teenager face) Print a face for each child and encourage them to draw what they think they will look like in a few years. They can glue their teenager face on the tip of their hat to represent how tall they will be.

My book-I am growing
Ask parents to provide several pictures of their child at different ages. Glue them on 10 cm x 13 cm pieces of paper and slide 2 pictures placed back-to-back in several Ziploc bags. Staple them together to create a book and press colorful adhesive tape over the staples.
Puppets-I am growing
(Open puppets-I am growing) Print the puppet models on heavy cardboard. Invite children to cut them out and decorate them with various materials. Attach a Popsicle stick to the back of each model to create a puppet.
Models-I am growing
(Open models-I am growing) Print the models per your needs and use them for various projects and activities throughout the theme.
When I am big, I will be…
Provide rulers (different lengths) and let children use them to draw and measure lines. Ask parents to provide a picture of their child as a baby and encourage each child to draw himself as a baby and today. Invite them to draw what they want to be when they grow up. Create a personalized growth chart for your group. Let children decorate it as they see fit. Each child can also create a symbol to represent his height on the chart.
Tangrams-I am growing
(Open tangrams-I am growing) Print for each child. Children must color the shapes that make up their tangram.
Diploma-I am growing
(Open diploma-I am growing) Print for each child. These diplomas can be used to celebrate children’s accomplishments.

Our footprints
(Open footprint frame) Print for each child. Explain how when a child is born, prints of his feet are often taken. Show children an example. Have children press their feet in paint and then inside their frame.
Oil-based paint
Give each child a piece of dark cardboard. Encourage them to dip a paintbrush in baby oil and paint on the surface.
My hand, my foot
Mix 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of salt, water, and food coloring together. For each child, pour approximately a ½ cup of this preparation in a greased margarine tub. Invite them to press their hand or their foot in the preparation. Remove the print from the container and leave it out to harden for several days or, if you prefer, bake the prints in a 225°F oven for 2-4 hours.

Powdered paint
Simply add baby powder to poster paint to create textured (and scented) paint.
I am a big kid now
Trace each child’s body on a large piece of paper. Provide felt, tissue paper, glitter, yarn, paint, glue, markers, etc. Children decorate their silhouette before cutting it out. Display them on a wall, from smallest to biggest.
My growing mobile
Each month, have children draw on a paper plate. Assemble each child’s plates to create a mobile. They will love seeing their drawing abilities improve month by month.

(Open coloring pages theme-I am growing) Print for each child.
Identical coloring pages-I am growing
Print the same coloring page for each child and an additional copy for your model. Color only certain parts of your picture. Present the model to your group and ask them to color their picture to make it look exactly like yours.
Coloring binder-I am growing
Print and laminate several coloring pages and arrange them in a binder with a few dry-erase markers. Leave everything on a table for children to explore.
Musical drawing-I am growing
Play musical drawing with your group. Give each child a coloring page. Have children sit around a table. When the music starts, they must pass the coloring pages around the table. Every time the music stops, they must color the picture in front of them until the music starts again.

Homemade puzzles-I am growing
Give each child a picture to color. When they are done, cut each picture into pieces to create unique puzzles.
Complete the drawing-I am growing
(Open complete the drawing-I am growing) Print for each child. Have them draw the missing elements.