
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables



This theme will help you create a special restaurant within your daycare!

In the Educatall Club
Coloring pages, word flashcards, picture game, and activity sheets to complement your theme

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule



(Open thematic poster-Restaurant) Print, laminate, and decorate the walls of your daycare with all kinds of posters.



(Open educa-decorate-Restaurant) Print, laminate, and cut out. Use the illustrations to decorate the walls of your daycare and to set the mood for the theme.



(Open educa-numbers-Restaurant) Print and laminate the posters. Display them on a wall to decorate your daycare for the duration of the theme.



(Open educa-letters-Restaurant) Print and laminate the posters. Display them on a wall to decorate your daycare for the duration of the theme. (Open garland-Restaurant) Print. Let children decorate the garland. Cut out the shapes and hang the garland in your daycare or near the daycare entrance.



This special tool was created in response to a special request received. (Open models-Menu of the day) Print, laminate, and display to let parents know what you will be serving for lunch and snacks.



Use the following questions to spark a conversation with your group:

  • Have you ever been to the restaurant?Educa-numbers-Restaurant
  • Who did you go to the restaurant with?
  • What is your favourite restaurant? Why?
  • What do you like to eat most at the restaurant?
  • What is a menu?
  • What can we see in a restaurant?
  • Have you ever eaten food from a restaurant at home?
  • Is food served at a restaurant free? Who pays when you go to the restaurant?


Educ-chat is a game which includes several illustrations which represent subjects, verbs, and complements. These illustrations can be used to encourage children to make complete sentences and to build their vocabulary. (Open educ-chat-Restaurant) Print, cut out, and laminate the cards. Make three piles (subjects, verbs, and complements). Have children pick one card from each pile. Encourage them to "read" the sentence. The sentences may sometimes be silly, but you are sure to have plenty of fun. If you prefer, you may place the cards yourself and then invite a child to "read" the sentence.


PICTURE GAMEGarland-Restaurant

The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with your group. Use them to decorate your daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Restaurant) Print, laminate, and store in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.



Activity sheets are suggested for each theme. Print and follow instructions. (Open activity sheets-Restaurant)



(Open writing activities-R like restaurant) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.



(Open stationery-Restaurant) Print. Use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins.


Educa-nuudles-RestaurantModels-Menu of the day

(Open educa-nuudles-Restaurant) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet and use Magic nuudles to give it a three-dimensional look. Variation: You don't have Magic Nuudles? Have children fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers.



Word flashcards

The flashcards may be used to spark a conversation with your group, in your reading and writing area, or to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Restaurant) (Open giant word flashcards-Restaurant) Print. Menu, placemat, waiter, cash register, tab, utensil, money, debit card, table, chair, tray, deep fryer, oven.


Felt board-Restaurant

(Open felt board-Restaurant) Print the different pieces and glue them on felt. Cut them out. Glue four pieces of black felt on a piece of cardboard. The felt shapes will stick to the felt board. Children will enjoy moving them around to create different scenes.


Kitchen accessoriesEduca-letters-Restaurant

Provide several different kitchen accessories such as measuring spoons, measuring cups, pots, pans, spatulas, can openers, oven mitts, etc. Deposit the items in a large bag and invite children to take turns picking an item. Have them name the items they pick. They can ask a friend for help if needed.


Picture clue story-Food

(Open picture clue story-Food) Sit in a circle with your group. Begin reading the story. When you reach an illustration, pause and let children identify the missing word which is represented by the picture.


Story and memory game-Food

(Open story and memory game-Food) Print, cut out, and laminate the cards. Set them face down on a table. Invite children to pick three cards and invent a story using the illustrations. Trick: To solidify the cards, glue each illustration to the top of a frozen juice can. Variation: If you prefer, print two copies and use the cards for a memory game.


Let's talkEduc-chat-Restaurant

Print and laminate the word flashcards. Children take turns picking a word flashcard and presenting it to the group. You may discuss each item with your group, allowing them to share what they know about it, etc. Ask questions to encourage children to talk.



Have fun with these wonderful workshop ideas provided by Caroline Allard.


Construction/building blocks:

  • Use plastic or paper cups to make all kinds of constructions.
  • Drinking straws can represent fences, pillars, or simple decorations.
  • Different sizes of aluminum pie plates will add a shiny touch to children's projects.
  • Use individual yogurt or apple sauce containers instead of blocks. Ask parents to collect them for you and you will have an impressive collection in no time.

Arts & crafts:Picture game-Restaurant

  • Pasta, rice, or cereal can be used for all kinds of collages.
  • Food items can be cut out of grocery store flyers and glued in paper plates to create a variety of meals.
  • Pour poster paint in muffin tins and let children paint with pastry brushes.
  • Make prints with a variety of cookie cutters.
  • Use food items to make prints (cut peppers, apples, potatoes, carrots, etc.).
  • Make maracas using containers with lids. Simply add pasta or rice.
  • Use a variety of containers to create your own miniature city.
  • All crafts which involve food items are perfect for this theme.

Role play:

  • RESTAURANT-Create your own thematic bin. Children will enjoy pretending they are working or eating at the restaurant. Your bin should include: bowls, plates, plastic utensils, tablecloths, placemats, napkins, a pitcher, baskets, plastic food items, recipe books, takeout menus, a cash register, notebooks, pencils, pretend money, trays, fabric flowers, candlesticks, etc. Set up one or two tables with chairs. Display children's paintings on the walls. Organize one area for food preparation. Use this activity to show older children how to set the table. Simply draw a plan on a placemat. (Open placemat-Set the table)
  • BAKERY-Create your own thematic bin. You can include: a cash register, pretend money, an invoice booklet, pencils, measuring cups, measuring spoons, rolling pins, cookie sheets, paper muffin cups, aluminum pie plates, cookie cutters, pastry bags, large plastic bowls, wooden spoons, egg beaters, plastic food items, transparent plastic containers which contain flour, sugar, etc. (sealed with hot glue), empty pie boxes and bread bags, homemade modeling dough, aprons, oven mitts, etc. A large box can be used to represent an oven (simply lay it on its side). A table can be used as a work surface. Activity sheets - Restaurant
  • GROCERY STORE-Create your own thematic bin using the following items: cash register, pretend money, unopened cans and containers (cereal, pasta, etc.), baskets, reusable bags, plastic food items, signs which can be used to identify products, grocery store flyers, uniforms or shirts, hair nets, utensils, etc. Set the cash register on a table and add another table next to it to represent the counter customers deposit products on. Set up shelves or containers for food items. Children can take turns working in your grocery store and being customers.


  • Memory game involving food items, store-bought or a homemade version.
  • Puzzles related to the theme.
  • Bright modeling dough with fruity scents.
  • Food-related lacing activities.
  • Pots and pans, kitchen utensils, and other items which can be observed and manipulated.
  • Dyed pasta pieces can be used to make necklaces or bracelets.
  • Plastic fruits and/or vegetables can be sorted according to size, color, etc.
  • Small containers filled with a variety of scents (fruits, spices, coffee, etc.).

Pre-reading:Writing activities-R like restaurant

  • Books about food and professions related to the food industry.
  • Picture books.
  • Recipe books.
  • Recipe cards can be laminated and manipulated by children.
  • Sequential story (for example a recipe).


  • Maze activities.
  • Hunt and seek activities.
  • Activity sheets related to the theme.
  • Games with's word flashcards.
  • Tracing and connect the dots activities.

Motor skills:

  • Obstacle courses children must complete while carrying a carrot, a banana, or another food item.
  • A relay race involving a spoon and an egg (real or plastic).
  • Treasure hunt. Children search for a recipe's ingredients.

Sensory bins:Stationery Restaurant

  • A container filled with cereal, measuring spoons, kitchen utensils, measuring cups, etc.
  • A container filled with dyed pasta or rice along with kitchen utensils.
  • A container filled with water and dishwashing liquid... dishes must be washed after cooking!
  • A container filled with dried legumes... they are so colourful!
  • There are endless possibilities for this theme. Try to offer children the chance to manipulate food items they have never seen before.


  • A wide range of fun recipes can be explored: cakes, cookies, fruit salad, etc. Try to use recipes which involve a long list of ingredients to offer each child the opportunity to add ingredients.
  • Present new and unknown food items and let children taste them.
  • Explore a variety of tastes (sweet, sour, salty, spicy, etc.).

Early science:Educa-nuudles-Restaurant

  • Pour a variety of seeds and food items in small, transparent containers. Offer magnifying glasses and encourage children to explore the contents.
  • A variety of vegetable seeds which can be explored, associated to the correct vegetables, and grown.
  • A kitchen scale and a variety of food items. Explore whether, for example, an apple is heavier than a banana, if flour is heavier than sugar, etc.
  • Explore hot (oven) and cold (refrigerator).
  • Drop a celery branch in a glass of water and add food coloring.
  • Offer fresh and dried fruit as a snack and discuss the differences.
  • Use food items as natural dyes (blueberry juice, mustard seeds, beets, etc.) for white cotton.


Game-This is my spot-Restaurant

(Open game-This is my spot-Restaurant) Print two copies. Laminate and cut out the cards. Glue one copy of each card on the table using adhesive paper. Drop the other copies in a bag. Children take turns picking a card to determine their spot at the table for the day. You may also use the cards to determine naptime spots or for your task train.


My restaurant path

(Open My restaurant path) Print, laminate, and secure the illustrations on the floor using Mac-Tac to create a path leading to various areas within your daycare. The path can lead to the areas children frequently visit such as the bathroom or the cloakroom. If you prefer, the illustrations can also be used to define your various workshops.


At the restaurant

Serve lunch to your group as if they were at the restaurant. Play the role of the waitress and take children's orders. Use silly names. For example, you may use their parents' names, just for fun!




Give each child a drinking straw. Deposit a few ping pong balls on a table (or feathers). Divide your group into two teams. Using colourful adhesive tape, determine a start and finish line. Children must take turns moving a ball from one end of the table to the other by blowing into their straw.


Fruits and vegetables lacing

(Open lacing-Fruits and vegetables) Print, laminate, and punch holes around the contour of the shapes. Offer shoelaces (with a knot at one end). Let children thread the shoelaces through the holes.


Bread lacing

(Open lacing-Bread) Print, laminate, and punch holes around the contour of the shapes. Offer shoelaces (with a knot at one end). Let children thread the shoelaces through the holes.



Empty a couple boxes of toothpicks in the centre of the table. Give each child a container. Ask them to collect as many toothpicks as possible in one minute. They must use their thumb and index to pick them up one at a time. You may use a kitchen timer. When the timer rings, count how many toothpicks each child collected.


OUTDOOR ACTIVITIESPicture-clue-story-Food

Welcome to Mario's

You will need hula hoops, frisbees, cones, and a variety of balls (ping pong, foam, tennis, etc.). First of all, divide your group into two teams. One team will be the waiters and the other team will be the customers. The customers each take a hula hoop and find a spot within the daycare where they must sit in their hula hoop which represents their table. Each waiter takes a frisbee and places a ball in it. Using one hand, they must carry the frisbee and serve the ball to a customer. The waiters must serve all the balls to the customers. When they are done, the waiters become the customers. Variation: You may also create an obstacle course which is to be completed by the waiters.


Pizza dough

Show children how to spin frisbees on their fingers like pizza dough. Be sure to have children stand a few feet apart since they will most likely drop their dough at first.


I am hungryStory-and-memory-game-Food

One child plays the role of a hungry ogre and crawls around the daycare. The other children are food. They must avoid being eaten by the ogre. Whenever the ogre touches a child, he becomes an ogre too. The game continues until there is nothing left to eat.



I am melting

Ask children to pretend they are a piece of melting chocolate. This activity will help them learn to relax their body. At first, have them stand straight and tall, like chocolate bars. Then, tell them they are beginning to melt. They slowly bend one body part at a time... until they are completely melted, lying down on the floor.



I am going to the restaurant...

Sit in a circle with your group. Begin by saying, "I am going to the restaurant. I am ordering..." Name a food item. The child sitting next to you must repeat the sentence, name the food item you chose, and add one of his own. Continue until each child has added an item. You may also provide a basket full of plastic food items and use them to help children remember what the others have ordered.


Musical food Game-This is my spot-Restaurant

Sit in a circle with your group. To the sound of music, children pass a food item around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding it must deposit it in front of him. The music starts up again and children start passing another food item around the circle. At the end of the activity, determine which child collected the most dairy products, the most vegetables, etc.


Kitchen fanfare

Provide several pots and pans, plastic containers, and kitchen utensils. Let children use them to create their own fanfare and parade around the streets of your neighbourhood.




(Open educ-trace-Restaurant) Print for each child. Children must trace the lines with the correct color and then color the object at the end of the line using the same color.


Educ-same and different-RestaurantMy restaurant path

(Open educ-same and different-Restaurant) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the illustration which is different in each row.



(Open educ-pairs-Restaurant) Print. Children must draw a line between identical illustrations or color them using the same color. For durable, eco-friendly use, laminate and use with dry-erase markers.


Hunt and seek-Kitchen

(Open hunt and seek-Kitchen) Print and laminate. Children pick a card and search for the item in the scene.


Where does food come from?

(Open association game-Food) Print and laminate. Using Velcro, children must associate the food items to their origin.


Story and memory game-FoodLacing - Fruits and vegetables

(Open story and memory game-Food) Print, cut out, and laminate the cards. Place them face down on a table. Children take turns picking three cards and inventing a story related to the illustrations. Trick: To solidify the cards, glue each illustration to the top of a frozen juice can. Variation: Print two copies and use the cards for a memory game.


Meal game

(Open game-meals) Print and laminate the game. Using Velcro, children must associate the food items to the correct meal.



Paper dolls-Restaurant

(Open paper dolls-Restaurant) Print and laminate. Leave the pieces on a table. Children will enjoy dressing the doll many different ways.


Future chefEduc-trace-Restaurant

Throughout the theme, give children turns being your helper. Let them help you prepare and serve meals and snacks. At the end of the week, give each child a Future chef diploma. (Open diploma-Future chef)



(Open poster-Cook) Glue the poster on your thematic bin or use it to decorate your walls. Include the following items in your thematic bin: apron, oven mitts, utensils, pots and pans, rolling pin, salt and pepper shakers, wooden spoons, measuring cups, measuring spoons, a baker's hat, etc.



(Open poster-waitress) Glue the poster on your thematic bin or use it to decorate your walls. Include the following items in your thematic bin: notepads, trays, plates, menus, napkins, utensils, crayons, etc. In your kitchen area, set up a few tables and chairs, a cash register, paper placemats, and plastic dishes. Give children turns playing the role of the waiter/waitress. Children will enjoy ordering various food items and pretending they are at the restaurant.


I am setting the tableEduc-same and different-Restaurant

(Open placemat-Set the table) Print for each child. Encourage them to color their placemat. Laminate them when they are done. Children can use their placemats to learn how to set the table the right way.



(Open Restaurant menu) Print. Transform your role play area to make it look like a restaurant. Provide notepads, crayons, menus, aprons, tablecloths, flowers, pretend money, a cash register, dishes, plastic food items, etc.


What's in the pot game

(Open game-What's in the pot) Print. Children cut food items out of grocery store flyers and glue the ones they wish to "cook" in their pot.



Utensil creations

Purchase a large quantity of plastic utensils. Invite children to use them to create various structures. Use modeling dough to make the utensils stick together. Variation: Add drinking straws to create even more original structures.


Crick! Crack!Educ-pairs-Restaurant

Have children listen to the sounds their mouth makes. Have them chew on a variety of different food items.


Learning to measure

Fill a large container with rice. Add measuring cups, different sizes of containers, and utensils. Deposit a few empty containers on the table. Use rubber bands to indicate the levels you want children to fill the containers to. When all the containers have been filled, have children place them in order. Children will enjoy manipulating, pouring, and measuring the rice.



Great chefs

Provide several different ingredients (flour, sugar, spices, water, salt, etc.). Let children explore them and use them to create a variety of mixtures.


Vegetable charactersHunt-and-seek-Kitchen

Let children's imagination guide them in creating characters with the following vegetables: carrots (cut into sticks or grated), celery (cut into sticks with the leaves), snow peas (in the pod), lettuce, green peppers, parsley, potatoes, cucumbers, etc.


Sweet and salty

Our tongue tastes a variety of different flavours. Discuss with your group (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, etc.). Provide examples. Have children taste cocoa powder, sugar, salt, vinegar, etc. Have children talk about the different flavours and identify the ones they like and the ones they dislike. Variation: Have children taste different foods while blindfolded.


Combo mealAssociation game - Food

Ask each child to bring a food item from home. Use the items to create a special recipe with your group. Using all the items may be a challenge. If there is one ingredient which absolutely cannot be used, try to include it as a decorative item. Children are sure to love their recipe! Variation: You may also ask children to select items from a specific food group (fruits for example). A fruit salad can easily be prepared with young children.




(Open puppets-Restaurant) Print the different puppet models on heavy cardboard. Have children cut them out and decorate them with a variety of arts and crafts materials. Attach Popsicle sticks to the back of each model to create puppets.



(Open stencils-Restaurant) Print and cut out the various shapes. Children can use them to trace or paint items related to your theme.


Tablecloth or placematStory-and-memory-game-Food

Use a white paper tablecloth or placemats and have children decorate and color them. Set your tablecloth or placemats on the table during lunch or snack time.


The menu

Collect several grocery store flyers. Give each child a piece of construction paper folded in two. Encourage children to cut food items out of the flyers and use them to create their own original menus which include the foods they like to eat.


My pizza

Have each child cut a large circle out of construction paper. If you prefer, you may cut one very large circle and make a large pizza as a group. Deposit scraps of coloured paper on the table and invite children to garnish their pizza. They may color the circle with a red marker to represent tomato sauce and add pepperoni and vegetables cut out of construction paper.


My miniature cook

(Open miniature cook) Print, cut out, and color. Glue the pieces on empty toilet paper rolls or Styrofoam glasses to create miniature cooks.


Chef hatsMiniature cook

Print and decorate two strips of white cardboard. Measure each child's head and staple the strips together to create a headband. Staple a small white plastic bag to each headband to create cute little chef hats.


Crumpled food items

Collect several black and white food item illustrations. Let children select a food item and have them fill the shape with crumpled pieces of tissue paper.


Modeling dough food

Offer modeling dough and encourage children to shape a variety of food items.


Veggie paint

Deposit a white paper tablecloth on a table and invite children to make veggie prints using carrots, potatoes, celery, etc. When you cut the base of the celery, it becomes a rose. The center of an apple becomes a star. Dip them in paint and stamp them on the tablecloth.


Mr. SandwichCreative coloring-Restaurant

(Open craft-Mr. Sandwich) Print, cut out and assemble the pieces to create a fun character. Glue a Popsicle stick to the back and invite children to use it as a puppet. They will invent silly stories.


Spaghetti painting

Cook spaghetti pasta and drain. Dip spaghetti in poster paint and use it to paint on paper.



(Open creative coloring-Restaurant) Print for each child. Have children complete the picture.



(Open complete the drawing-Restaurant) Print for each child. Have children draw the missing parts.



(Open coloring pages theme-Restaurant) Print for each child.



Here we go to the restaurant Coloring pages theme-Restaurant

by: Patricia Morrison

sung to: The Mulberry Bush


Here we go to the restaurant
The restaurant, the restaurant
Here we go to the restaurant
We will order spaghetti

Here we go to the restaurant
The restaurant, the restaurant
Here we go to the restaurant
We will order pizza

Here we go to the restaurant
The restaurant, the restaurant
Here we go to the restaurant

We will order chicken


Have fun!

The Educatall team



Pub bottom page theme

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