
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables



Oh so pink craft, role play, sensory bin, physical, and culinary activities abound in this theme.

In the Educatall Club
Posters, banners, word flashcards, coloring pages, and a printable song-everything you need for perfectly pink celebrations.

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule



(Open thematic poster-Pink) Print, laminate, and decorate the walls of your daycare with all kinds of posters.

(Open February banner) (Open February banner-small) Print and laminate the banners. Use them to decorate your daycare.

(Open educa-decorate-Pink) Print, cut out, and laminate. Use the illustrations to decorate your daycare and set the mood for the theme.

(Open garland-Pink) Print. Let children decorate the garland. Cut it out and hang it within your daycare or near your daycare entrance.

Love garland
(Open love garland) Print and decorate the items. Assemble them to form a garland and use it to decorate your daycare or cloakroom.

(Open educ-poster-Pink) Print and display.


(Open educ-chat-Pink) Educ-chat is a game which contains a variety of illustrations representing subjects, verbs, and objects children can use to make complete sentences and build their vocabulary. Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Make three piles (subjects, verbs, objects). Ask a child to pick three cards, one from each pile, and read the sentence. The sentences will sometimes be silly, but you will surely have fun! You may also choose to place the cards yourself and ask a child to read the sentence.


The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with your group. Use them to decorate your daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Pink) Print, laminate, and store the pictures in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.


(Open activity sheets-Pink) Activity sheets are suggested for each theme. Print and follow instructions.


(Open writing activities-P like pink) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.

(Open stationery-Pink) Print. The stationery can be used to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins.


(Open educa-nuudles-Pink) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet and use Magic Nuudles to give it a three-dimensional look. Variation: You don't have Magic Nuudles? Have children fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers. To order Magic Nuudles


Construction/Building blocks:

  • Instead of dividing your blocks according to their type (wooden, LEGO, etc.), divide them according to their color.
  • Different shades of pink felt can be added to children's constructions.
  • Sort cars, figurines, etc. according to their color.

Arts & crafts:Love-garland

  • Use paint to introduce children to color combinations.
  • Construction paper, tissue paper, etc. in different shades of pink for cutting, drawing, and creating.
  • Finger paint for exploring color combinations.
  • Pink markers with different tips (narrow, broad, etc.).
  • Color by number activity sheets requiring the use of pink crayons.
  • Coloring pages.

Role play:

  • Transform your area to represent a paint store. Include paint sample cards, paintbrushes, rollers, painter hats, and wooden sticks used to stir paint. Ask parents to provide old decorating and design magazines. Add old shirts with paint stains on them.Educ-poster-Pink
  • Create an artist studio complete with easels, paint palettes, etc. Add large sheets of paper and let children pretend they are famous artists.


  • Memory game related to colors.
  • Modeling dough. Allow children to mix colors together. Homemade modeling dough helps reduce the cost of this activity.
  • Association game involving colors (example: a pink card can be associated to a flower).
  • Sorting activities using items available in your daycare.
  • Pink cellophane paper can be cut and glued to the bottom of empty toilet paper rolls to make pink binoculars.
  • Lite-Brite or mosaic games.

Reading/relaxation:Educ-chat pink

  • Books related to shapes and colors or books with pretty illustrations.

Music and motor skills:

  • Homemade Twister game involving pink-coloured items.
  • Red light, green light game.

Sensory bins:

  • Water table: add drops of food coloring to the water.
  • Rock bin: fill a container with tiny pink rocks (used in aquariums).
  • Froot Loops bin.

Early science:Picture game-Pink

  • All experiments which involve colors can be explored here.
    o Color explosion in milk.
    o The flower that changes color when food coloring is added
    o Color combinations with paint.
    o Bake a cake and add food coloring to the icing.
    o etc.


Word flashcards

Use the cards to spark a conversation with your group or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Pink) (Open giant word flashcards-Pink) Print. pink, carnation, skirt, bow, blanket, soap, bracelet, crayon, sock, heart, cake, coat


Game-This is my spot-Pink
(Open game-This is my spot-Pink) Print two copies. Laminate and cut out the cards. Glue one copy of each card on the table using adhesive paper. Drop the other copies in a bag. Children take turns picking a card to determine their spot at the table for the day. You may also use the cards to determine naptime spots or for your task train.

My pink path
(Open my pink path) Print, laminate, and secure the illustrations on the floor to create a path which leads to areas frequently visited by children such as the bathroom or cloakroom. If you prefer, the illustrations may also be used to delimit your various workshops.


Exploration bottles
Fill several transparent bottles with pink objects, confetti, ribbon, etc. Add tiny bells so the bottles produce a sound when babies shake them.Stationery-Pink

Pink ceiling
Make a mobile using pink hearts or other objects and hang it from the ceiling over your changing table. If you prefer, you can simply hang different sizes of pink hearts.


Pink balloons
Blow up four or five pink balloons. Tell children the balloons must never touch the ground. If this is too easy for your group, provide more advanced challenges. For example, tell them they cannot touch the balloons with their hands or that they must blow on them to keep them in the air.

Surprise hearts
Draw tiny hearts on small pieces of pink paper (Post-Its). Stick them on objects throughout the daycare and let children discover them as the day progresses.Educa-nuudles-Pink

Heart fishing
Cut several construction paper hearts. Attach a paperclip to each one and deposit them on the floor. Attach a rope to a stick and add a magnet to the end of the rope. Children can fish for hearts.


Snowy heart
Use a rope to form a giant heart in the snow. Use spray bottles filled with water and a few drops of red food coloring to fill the heart shape with color. Children will be proud to show their parents their giant heart at the end of the day.

Treasure hunt
Hide pink objects throughout the yard. Invite children to search for the items.Word flashcards-Pink


(Open educ-pairs-Pink) Print. Children must draw a line between matching items or color them using the same color. Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use.

(Open educ-trace-Pink) Print for each child. Children must trace the lines using the correct color and then color each item using the corresponding color.

(Open educ-math-Pink) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must count the objects in each rectangle and circle the correct number.

What is missing?Educ-pairs-Pink
Deposit several pink objects on a table. Have children observe them closely. After a few minutes, hide the items with a blanket. While the objects are hidden, remove an item. Remove the blanket and ask children to identify the missing item.


Musically pink
Cut a variety of shapes out of pink construction paper and secure them on the floor throughout your daycare (or yard). Play calm music and invite children to move to the sound of the music. When the music stops, they must quickly find a pink shape to stand on.

Pink musical drawing
Divide your group into two teams. Have each group sit at a table. Deposit a single sheet of paper and pink crayon on each table. Play music. The object of the game is for each child to draw for one song. At the end of each song, another child continues the drawing. Variation: You may also choose to give each team a pink sheet of paper and a dark-coloured crayon.


White + Red = Pink
Using poster paint, show children how they can create pink paint by mixing white and red poster paint together. You can also show them how to create purple by mixing blue and red poster paint. Give each child tiny containers filled with white, red, and blue paint and let them mix the colors.

Pink Jell-O
Prepare red Jell-O and refrigerate. When it is set, deposit a small quantity of Jell-O in a Ziploc bag for each child. Add a spoonful of whipped cream to each bag and seal them. Children will enjoy manipulating the bags and seeing the mixture turn pink.


Strawberry milk
Serve strawberry milk as a snack. This may be a new flavour for certain children.

Totally pink!Educ-math-Pink
Add red food colouring to a variety of food items to make them pink. Suggestions: cake mix, milk, icing, mashed potatoes, etc.

Little pink hearts


250 g of icing sugar
200 g of sweetened condensed milk
175 g of coconut
Red food coloring


  1. Mix sugar and condensed milk together in a bowl. Add coconut and red food coloring.
  2. Spread preparation on waxed paper and gently flatten it.
  3. Use heart-shaped cookie cutters to cut shapes.
  4. Let the shapes harden.

Children love baking and this simple recipe allows them to participate.Puppets-Pink

Pink strawberry drink

  • 3 ½ cups of milk
  • 1 package of Vanilla instant pudding
  • 1 medium-sized, ripe banana
  • ½ cup of strawberries

Mix all ingredients in a blender for 1 minute or until mixture is smooth. Serve immediately.



(Open puppets-Pink) Print the models on heavy cardboard. Have children cut them out and decorate them. Glue a Popsicle stick behind each model to create puppets.


Heart drinking straws
Cut hearts out of pink construction paper. Cut a slit in each heart and insert a drinking a straw.Coloring pages theme-Pink


Pink glasses
Use two tiny yogurt containers per child. Cut a heart shape out of the bottom of each container. Glue a piece of pink cellophane paper over each heart shape. Cut holes on either side of the containers and insert pipe cleaners. Shape them so they fit over children's ears. Use another pipe cleaner to connect the yogurt containers and complete the glasses.


Pink stained glass
Cut a piece of adhesive paper and encourage children to fill it with pieces of pink paper (tissue paper, cardboard, etc.). When they are done, layer a second piece of adhesive paper on top and display their pink stained glass in a window.


Monochromatic project
Give each child a single piece of white paper. Have them cut pink items out of magazines, catalogues, and flyers and encourage them to glue them on their paper. Encourage them to draw on their paper using only pink crayons too.


COLORING PAGESComplete the drawing-Pink

(Open coloring pages theme-Pink) Print for each child.


Complete the drawing-Pink
(Open complete the drawing-Pink) Print for each child. Children must complete the drawing by adding the missing elements.



(Open songs & rhymes-Pink)



By: Patricia Morrison

Sung to: Skidamarink a dink a dink


Pinkity pretty pinky pink
Pink-errifc pink
I love you
Pinkity pretty pinky pink
Pink-errific pink
I love you


I see you in the sunsetSongs & rhymes-Pink
My flower garden too
You are my heart-shaped valentine
Cotton candy too


Pinkity pretty pinky pink
Pink-errifc pink
I love you
Pinkity pretty pinky pink
Pink-errific pink
I love you


Have fun!

The Educatall team


Pub bottom page theme

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