The science corner during autumn months
This article will show you ways you can adapt your science corner to the season. If you wish, arrange the contents of your science corner in a suitcase or container that can be transported outside to take advantage of the warm days that autumn offers.
Squash interpretation centre
Squash is very popular during autumn. Pumpkins are well-known because of Halloween, but what about the many other kinds of squash? Most children (and many early childhood educators) have never seen the inside of a spaghetti squash or held a squash in their hands. By setting up a squash interpretation centre in your science corner, you can expand your group's horizons while having fun.
Squash are very resistant. This makes them perfect for repeated manipulations at room temperature. Begin by offering whole squash to give children the chance to discover them in their original shape. After a few days, cut one or two squash through the centre to make another type of exploration possible.
A little extra: Roast pumpkin and squash seeds. Just wash them, remove all filaments, and set them out to dry. Spread them out on a baking sheet and drizzle with oil. Add a pinch of salt and they are ready for the oven.
Possible questions to guide children's observations:
- What can we find inside squash?
- Are all types of squash the same?
- Squash are normally which colors?
- Can you name types of squash?
- Have you ever carved a pumpkin?
- Have you ever eaten pumpkin seeds?
- How can we grow squash?
- Can you describe the textures you feel when you touch the inside of a pumpkin?
Squash interpretation centre essentials:
- Different types of squash (buttercup, butternut, zucchini, decorative, acorn, pumpkin, etc.)
- Magnifying glasses
- Pictures of different types of squash
- Clear containers filled with different types of squash seeds-glue pictures of the corresponding squash on each container
- Vinyl gloves (for children who do not like to get their hands dirty)
- Metal dessert spoons (for scraping the insides of the squash)
- Scale (to weigh the different types of squash and make comparisons)
- Cookie sheet (to hold squash contents)
Nature is changing
During autumn, nature is in a constant state of change. The science corner is perfect for helping children discover these highly colourful annual changes.
Help children use their five senses to discover autumn.
A little extra: Go for a walk in a nearby forest with your group. Encourage children to collect a variety of items found in nature. They can manipulate them and explore them in your science corner afterwards.
Possible questions to guide children's observations:
- Do you know when autumn starts?
- What happens during autumn?
- Have you ever raked or collected autumn leaves?
- Have you ever made a pile of leaves and jumped in it?
- How can we keep leaves for a long time?
- Do all trees lose their leaves during autumn?
- What is the difference between a coniferous and a deciduous tree?
- Is there anything else, other than leaves, on the ground during autumn?
- Have you ever explored nature using your nose?
Autumn nature centre essentials:
- Binoculars (to observe trees through the window)
- A container filled with leaves
- A container filled with a variety of items found in nature (pinecones, acorns, branches, leaves, etc.)
- A small container filled with water (can dry leaves be rehydrated?)
- Small containers that can be used to sort items found in nature
- A scale
- A scrapbook (to save children's findings)
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