Small or large daycare: advantages and disadvantages
Whether your daycare is very small or very big, the advantages and disadvantages associated to the size of the space that is available can greatly influence your daycare setup. Of course, a medium-sized daycare is best, but physical or budgetary limitations can be present. This text may help you make the best of your daycare space, regardless of its size.
A small daycare
There are advantages associated with having limited space to welcome a group of children. Among other things, it is generally easier to watch and observe children in a small daycare. This represents an important advantage in terms of safety.
Furthermore, in a home-based daycare, a smaller daycare means having less furniture items to purchase, thus decreasing start-up costs. Faster cleaning is yet another clear advantage. As you know, cleaning and disinfecting are time-consuming tasks in a daycare setting. If your daycare is relatively small, you will spend less time cleaning and disinfecting.
Of course, there are also disadvantages associated with a small daycare. The most common problem is lack of storage. Careful planning and organizing are required to maximize your storage possibilities without overcrowding your space. Overcrowding a small space can create a suffocating effect and take a toll on your morale.
Routines can also be affected by a small area. Standing in line, hand washing, diaper changes, and many other simple tasks can be quite frustrating. Naptime, among other things, can be disturbed in a small space since children are necessarily closer to each other, which can lead to problems.
A large daycare
Often, early childhood educators dream of having a large daycare to welcome children. However, those who have large daycares also face difficulties.
Obviously, there is plenty of room in a large daycare. It is much easier to organize different corners and plan storage space. A large daycare also makes it possible to rearrange your daycare setup often. Routines are simplified since children have more room when they have to wait in line for their turn and they can be spread out during naptime.
Nonetheless, a large daycare sometimes requires supernatural powers. The early childhood educator can feel as if she needs to have eyes all the way around her head and high-speed reflexes to reach a child in time, before he/she acts out or gets hurt. Of course, having a larger daycare also means having more material, more furniture, more things to buy, and more cleaning to do.
In a very large daycare, it can be challenging to fill the space if you do not have sufficient furniture and accessories. As a result, your daycare can feel empty and appear to be lacking in character.
Of course, the grass is always greener on the other side! You must be able to adapt your needs to your daycare environment and find solutions that will help you accentuate the advantages of your space, not its disadvantages.
Annick Dufresne
Interior designer (Créations Addap) is not responsible for the content of this article. The information mentioned in this article is the responsibility of the author. shall not be held responsible for any litigation or issues resulting from this article.