
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables



Crafts, role play ideas, physical and outdoor activities, plus circle time suggestions for your little dog lovers!

In the Educatall Club
Activity sheets, a picture game, word flashcards, transition games, crafts, coloring pages, and so much more!

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

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(Open thematic poster-Dogs) Print, laminate, and decorate the walls of your daycare with all kinds of posters.


Homemade stickers
(Open stickers-Dogs) Print on adhesive paper and cut out to create original stickers.


(Open educa-theme-Dogs) Print and laminate. Use the different illustrations to decorate a corner of your daycare and present the theme to your group (and their parents).


(Open educa-decorate-Dogs) Print, laminate, and cut out the various items. Use them to decorate your daycare and set the mood for the theme.


(Open models-Dogs) Print. Let children decorate the items. Cut them out and use them to form a garland that can be hung within your daycare or near your daycare entrance.


SPECIAL TOOLEduca-decorate-Dogs

(Open group identification-Dogs) Print and laminate the documents. Use them to identify cubbyholes, naptime mattresses, etc.



Educ-chat-The pet shop
(Open educ-chat-The pet shop) Educ-chat is a game which contains a variety of illustrations representing subjects, verbs, and objects children can use to make complete sentences and build their vocabulary. Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Make three piles (subjects, verbs, objects). Ask a child to pick three cards, one from each pile, and read the sentence. The sentences will sometimes be silly, but you will surely have fun! You may also choose to place the cards yourself and ask a child to read the sentence.


Ask children to identify the characteristics of different pets. Why do animals have whiskers? How many paws do dogs have? Do dogs have nails? Do all dogs have a tail? What do dogs eat? Where do dogs sleep? Where do they bathe?


Use books to help children learn about different dog species. Discuss veterinarians with your group. Encourage children to identify items that can be purchased in a pet shop, especially those needed to care for a dog.


PICTURE GAMEPicture-game-Dogs

(Open picture game-Dogs) Use the pictures to decorate your daycare or to spark a conversation with your group. Print, laminate, and store the pictures in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.



(Open activity sheets-Dogs) Print and follow instructions.



(Open educa-nuudles-Dogs) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet. Once they are done, they may use Magic Nuudles to turn the coloring pages into three-dimensional works of art. Variation: If you do not have Magic Nuudles, ask children to fill the spaces designed for the Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers.
To order Magic Nuudles



(Open writing activities-D like dog) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.


(Open stationery-Dogs) Print. Use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins.



Construction/building blocks:

  • Dog biscuits or dog bones can be used to build a variety of structures.
  • Giant cardboard bricks can be used to build a doghouse.
  • Empty the contents of your reptile bin on the floor (they are pets too).
  • All figurines that represent pets (cats, dogs, birds, etc.) can be interesting additions to your area.

Arts & crafts:

  • Coloring pages representing different types of pets.
  • Dry dog food that can be used to make collages.
  • Birdseed can also be used for collages.
  • Empty toilet paper rolls for creating cardboard pets using models...or children's imagination!
  • Feathers for painting.

Role play (at the veterinarian's):Group identification-Dogs

  • Stuffed animals representing different types of pets.
  • A doctor's kit and/or a veterinarian's kit.
  • Cages.
  • Collars and leashes.
  • Dog toys.
  • Dog bed.
  • Pictures of dogs and puppies displayed on walls.
  • A white shirt and gloves.
  • Pencils and paper.
  • Empty medicine bottles.


  • Memory game involving pet illustrations.
  • Association game where children must associate baby animals to the correct parents.
  • Puzzles related to the theme.
  • Fur and feathers that can be manipulated and studied using magnifying glasses.
  • Association game where children must associate animal sounds to the correct animal illustration.
  • Sorting game: animals that have fur vs. animals that have feathers.
  • Reading corner/relaxation:
    Books about pets.
    A photo album filled with pictures of the children in your group with their pets (ask parents to provide pictures prior to the theme).
    Stuffed animals for cuddling.

Sensory bins:Stickers-Dogs

  • Your water table becomes a pet grooming station. Include stuffed animals and figurines that can get wet, soap, sponges, and towels.
  • Hide plastic mice and hamsters in a large bin filled with wood chips.
  • Fill a container with water, aquarium pebbles, and plastic fish.
  • Fill a container with feathers and encourage children to tickle their friends.


  • A container filled with clumping litter and eyedroppers that can be used to add water. The clumping action will impress little ones.
  • Prepare dog biscuits with your group. (See creative recipe section)
  • Experiments involving scents to explain how dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell.


Word flashcards

Use the flashcards to spark a conversation with your group, in your reading and writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Dogs) (Open giant word flashcards-Dogs) Print. dog, puppy, female dog, doghouse, bone, toys, dog hair, collar, veterinarian, leash, dog food, jump


Picture clue story-VeterinariansWord flashcards-Dogs
(Open picture clue story-Veterinarians) Print. Sit in a circle with your group and begin reading the story. Every time you reach an illustration, stop reading and wait for children to say the missing word.


Sequential story-Veterinarians
(Open sequential story-Veterinarians) Print the story, laminate it, and cut out the illustrations. Children must place them in the correct order.



My dog path
(Open transition games-Dogs) Print, laminate, and secure the illustrations on the floor of your daycare to create a path leading to the areas frequently visited by children throughout the day. The path can lead to the bathroom, the cloakroom, etc. If you prefer, use the illustrations to delimit various areas.


Game-This is my spot-Dogs
(Open transition games-Dogs) Print two copies of each illustration. Use adhesive paper to stick one copy of each illustration on the table. Place the second copy in a bag. Children take turns picking an illustration to determine where they must sit at the table. You may also use the illustrations to determine children's naptime spots or their place in the task train.


PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND MOTOR SKILLSPicture clue story - Veterinarians

Pet tracks
(Open pet tracks) Print. Glue each set of tracks on the floor to form a path. At the end of each path, stick a picture of the corresponding pet. When children follow matching tracks, they will discover which type of pet they belong to.


(Open educa-move-Animals) Print and laminate.

  • I am a cat and I round my back. (The child is on all fours and rounds his/her back)
  • I am a dog and I am begging for a bone. (The child is on his/her knees with his hands curled downwards)
  • I am a fish and I am swimming. (The child is on his/her stomach and moves his/her arms and legs)
  • I am a rabbit and I am hopping. (The child hops around)
  • I am a canary and I am flying. (The chid flaps his/her arms like wings)
  • I am a snake and I am slithering along. (The child lies on the floor and uses his arm to slither around)
  • I am a lizard and I am lying in the sun. (The child lies on his/her back with his/her arms and legs stretched out, perfectly still)
  • I am a hamster and I am running on my wheel. (The child runs in place)

Musical tracksAnimal tracks
(Open animal tracks) Print several copies and laminate for durability. Secure the animal tracks on the floor, making sure to mix them up as much as possible. To the sound of music, children walk around the daycare. When the music stops, name an animal. Children must quickly step on the corresponding tracks.


Yarn toss
Draw a line on the floor and have children stand behind it. Give each child a ball of yarn and ask them to roll it forward, as far as they can. Use adhesive tape to mark the distance travelled by each ball of yarn. The child whose ball of yarn went the farthest is the winner.


Purchase several dog bones and set three buckets in front of your group, each at a different distance. Children must try to toss the bones in the buckets. You can attribute a certain number of points to each bucket and calculate how many points each child makes if you wish.


Puppy tag
One child plays the role of the dog trainer. The other children are all puppies. The dog trainer must try to catch a puppy. When he/she succeeds, he/she can tickle the puppy. The dog trainer then becomes a puppy for the following round and the child who was caught becomes the dog trainer.


Puppy hide-and-seek
Children take turns digging a hole in the sandbox or in the snow and hiding a dog bone in it. The other children must use shovels to dig until they find it. The child who finds the bone gets to hide it for the next round.


Like cats and dogs
To begin, one child pretends to be a cat and hides under your parachute. Another child pretends to be a dog. He/she stands on top of the parachute. The other children hold the handles and shake the parachute to help the cat escape. When the dog catches the cat, the dog becomes the cat for the next round and another child becomes the dog who must catch him/her.


The dog's hole
Encourage each child to dig a hole in the sand or in the snow to hide an object. When they are done, children search for their friends' items.



(Open educa-symmetry-Dogs) Print. Children must color the bottom picture to make it look exactly like the top picture.


(Open educ-trace-Dogs) Print for each child. Children must trace the dotted lines using a crayon of the corresponding color and then color each object using the same color.



My local pet shop
Organize a trip to your local pet shop. Children will love to discover different kinds of pets and learn all about them!


My dog makes me laughTransition-games-Dogs
Select a child who will pretend to be a dog. With the other children in your group, sit in a circle, around the "dog". The dog goes from one child to the next, barking at each one. Children take turns petting the "dog" while looking him/her straight in the eyes. If a child laughs, he/she becomes the dog.


I am a veterinarian
Provide several rolls of toilet paper and stuffed animals representing different types of pets. Encourage children to wrap toilet paper around the animals' head, paws, and body to represent casts.


My imaginary pet
Invite children to create an imaginary pet using modeling dough or salt dough. Let them decorate their pet as they wish. When they are done, encourage children to present their imaginary pet to the group, sharing its name, its habits, what it likes to eat, etc.



It belongs to the dog
Gather several items and accessories that dog owners need: a bowl, dog food, a collar, a leash, a ball, a brush, etc. Let children manipulate them to help them learn about each one.


Dog hair or furEduc-poster-Chicken
Ask parents to help you collect dog hair or dog fur. Insert any collected hair or fur in clear containers and encourage children to compare them.



Food item of the week: Chicken
(Open educ-poster-Chicken) Print and laminate the cards to present the food item of the week to your group. The cards will help them discover different forms of this everyday food item. Display them in your kitchen area or next to the table where children eat.


Dog biscuits
(Open creative recipe-Dog biscuits)



  • 2 cups of whole wheat flour
  • 2 cups of oatmeal
  • ¼ cup of vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 spoonful of BOVRIL concentrated bouillon (chicken or beef flavour)


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Combine all ingredients except water in a large bowl. Add the seasoning to the water. Once the water is added to the mixture the dough will be heavy!
  3. Roll the dough until it is approximately 1 cm thick. Sprinkle flour on it so it won't stick.
  4. Cut the dough with a knife or cookie cutter. Place the biscuits on aluminum paper. Bake for 20 minutes on one side, flip them over, and bake for another 20 minutes. Stop the oven and let the biscuits dry out for an hour or two.

The biscuits are cooled and ready? Give your companion a taste of your creation!


Sniffer dogModels-Dogs
Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell. At snack time, cut different types of fruit: oranges, bananas, pears, etc. Blindfold children and ask them to try and guess what they are eating simply by smelling the food items.



(Open models-Dogs) Print the various models and use them for various crafts and activities throughout the theme.


Canine painting
Purchase several different types of dog bones and encourage children to press them in paint and then on paper or cardboard. No two paintings will be the same and children will enjoy this original painting method.


(Open puppets-Dogs) Print and cut out the dog parts for each child. Help them stick them on brown paper lunch bags to create a dog puppet. When all the children have completed their puppet, invite them to name their puppet. As a group, prepare a short puppet show.


Dog maskPuppets-Dogs
(Open dog costume) Print for each child and deposit the items in the centre of the table. Give each child a paper plate in which you have already cut two holes for the eyes. Using scissors and glue, children add eyes, a nose, a mouth, and moustaches before adding a piece of string on either side of their mask so you can tie it behind their head.


Dog tags
(Open medals-animals-pets) Print and cut out. Children color and cut out the medal they like most. Using ribbon, help them tie it around their stuffed animal's neck.


My little dog
(Open craft-Dog) Print and cut out for each child. Invite children to color the pieces and then glue them on an empty toilet paper roll.


Dog artist
Ask children how a dog would paint, reminding them that dogs don't have fingers. Give each child an old pair of socks and have them wear the socks on their hands. Let them try to paint with their new "paws".

Dog printsDog ears
Sculpt dog paw prints out of potatoes or dog shapes out of sponges. Let children press the shapes in paint and then on paper. You can dilute your paint with water to make this activity easier for young children.


A kennel
Collect several magazines, ads, pictures, and illustrations related to dogs. Children will enjoy cutting out dogs and sticking them on a large banner to represent a kennel.


Dog ears
(Open dog ears) Print and cut out the headband and ears. Have children decorate and assemble the dog ears. They will enjoy pretending they are adorable puppies. For added fun, paint each child's nose black and draw moustaches on their face.


Coloring pages

(Open coloring pages theme-Dogs) Print for each child.


I am learning to draw-Cat and dog
(Open I am learning to draw-Cat and dog) Print and laminate the model sheet. Encourage children to practice their drawing technique on the model sheet. When they are ready, they may try drawing the pets on their own.


SONGS & RHYMESSongs & rhymes-Five little pups
(Open songs & rhymes-Five little pups)

By: Patricia Morrison


Five little pups


Five little pups
Went out to play
They learned to fetch but not to stay
Mommy Dog said
Woof, woof, woof, woof
But only four little pups came back

Four little pups
Went out to play
They learned to fetch but not to stay
Mommy Dog said
Woof, woof, woof, woof
But only three little pups came back

Three little pups
Went out to play
They learned to fetch but not to stay
Mommy Dog said
Woof, woof, woof, woof
But only two little pups came back

Two little pups
Went out to play
They learned to fetch but not to stay
Mommy Dog said
Woof, woof, woof, woof
But only one little pup came back

One lonely pup
Went out to play
Knowing how to fetch but not to stay
He wandered off
Woof, woof, woof, woof
And all 5 little pups came back


Have fun

The Educatall team

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