Globule wonders...
How are we able to recognize something simply by smelling it?
Experiment: Sense of smell
Hypotheses: Ask children how they could differentiate two substances without seeing them. Could they do it if they were only able to smell them? Discuss odours the group likes and dislikes. Do any odours remind them of something specific?
- 4 to 10 black 35mm film containers (or other opaque containers) with holes in the lids
- 4 to 10 easily recognizable odorant substances (black pepper, soap, cinnamon, mustard,
- peanut butter, jam, pieces of fruit, popcorn, baby powder, toothpaste, bubble gum, chocolate syrup, vinegar, etc.
- Sit around a table with your friends.
- Observe the substances your daycare worker has set on the table.
- Close the containers with the lids your daycare worker punched holes in.
- When it is your turn, choose a container and try to identify the substance by smelling it.
- Tell your friends if it is a pleasant or unpleasant odour.
Explanations: The inside of your nose is covered with miniscule cells. We call them olfactory cells. When an odour reaches these cells, the cells send a message to your brain. Your brain detects the nature of the substance and then sends you a message telling you that you are smelling strawberries, a flower, or onions! Our sense of smell is one of the five senses connected to our memories. For example, I am sure you can easily recognize the smell of your mother's perfume or the smell of your grandparents' house.
Angélique Boissonneault
has a Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science. She has worked in a laboratory and tested her knowledge. She has taught Math, Chemistry, and Physics. She has also developed a simplistic and innovative approach designed to introduce young children to scientific experiments, old and new. She created her friend Globule. This character is sometimes red, and sometimes white. He guides little ones through their scientific experiments and discoveries. It is clear to see Angélique is passionate about children and science. Globule's Approach.