Activities for toddlers and babies
This theme will help you explore hide-and-seek and peek-a-boo games with your group while developing object permanence.
Hidden snack
Each day, have fun hiding children's snacks in a variety of different containers. A few suggestions: egg cartons, gift bags, opaque plastic containers, etc. You can hide one big snack for the entire group under a large blanket. You may also hide individual snacks under smaller items such as tissues or scarves. Let babies and toddlers discover their snack.
Stuffed animal peek-a-boo
Collect several older stuffed animals. Before children arrive in the morning, hide them along the route you usually walk with your group (on a tree branch, on your car, on a rock at the playground, etc.). Go for a walk with the babies and toddlers in your group so they discover the stuffed animals that are playing peek-a-boo.
Variation: If you prefer, hide the stuffed animals in your yard.
Variation 2: Ask a group of older children to hide the stuffed animals along your route just minutes ahead of you.
Flashlight hide-and-seek
Drape a large blanket over a table to create a hideout. Use adhesive paper to stick pictures or illustrations under the table. Provide small flashlights and encourage children to enter your hideout to explore the pictures/illustrations. Variation: You may also set different types of books in your hideout for children to explore.
Surprise bottle
Pour rice in an empty plastic bottle until it is half full. Add tiny objects such as miniature erasers. Seal the bottle with hot glue. Let babies and toddlers shake the bottle so they discover the items that are hiding among the grains of rice. If you wish, you can use couscous instead of rice.
Scented scarves
Purchase pretty lightweight scarves. Pour a few drops of vanilla essence on each one. Have fun depositing the scarves on each child's head to hide them. They will love discovering this sweet scent.
Hidden picture
Use adhesive paper to stick a picture in a plate, a tray, or directly on the table. Depending on the ages of the children in your group, completely or partially hide the picture with a very thin layer of paint. Let babies and toddlers manipulate the paint with their fingers to discover the hidden picture.
Peek-a-boo blanket
Ask parents to bring their child's favorite blanket to daycare. This is a great way to create a connection between children's home and daycare environment. Play soft music and let children play with their blanket. Initiate peek-a-boo games.
Under the blanket
To explore object permanence, have fun hiding a variety of items under a blanket. For example, you may hide musical toys, an alarm clock that is set to ring, etc. Depending on the ages of the children in your group, you may hide the objects completely or partially. Keep in mind that object permanence is acquired between the ages of 10 and 12 months.
Bell hide-and-seek
To encourage babies and toddlers to move about, hide within your daycare or yard. Ring a bell and wait for children to find you. Older toddlers will enjoy hiding with you and ringing the bell.
Play tents
Purchase several different play tents and set them up within your daycare or yard. Ask parents to share the play tents they have at home with your group. Encourage babies and toddlers to move from tent to tent.
Hide-and-seek pictures
Print a variety of different pictures or illustrations. Laminate them and hide them between the pages of books. As babies and toddlers discover the pictures/illustrations, name the different items with them. You will find several printable pictures and illustrations in the educatall club. Educa-decorate and educ-chat documents are great for this activity.
Chantal Millette
Early childhood educator
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