(Open thematic poster-Stars) Print, laminate, and display all kinds of posters.
(Open educa-theme-Stars) Print and laminate the items that represent the theme. Use them to present your theme to your group (and parents) while decorating a corner of your daycare.
(Open educa-decorate-Stars) Print, laminate, and cut out the various items. Use them to decorate your daycare and set the mood for the theme.
(Open model-Star) Print several models. Let children decorate them. Cut them out and hang them within your daycare or near your daycare entrance to create a garland.
Group identification-Stars
(Open group identification-Stars) Print and laminate the posters, labels, and illustrations. Use them to identify children's spots and belongings within your daycare and cloakroom.
This special tool was created in response to a special request received. (Open educ-poster-Beige) Print and display within your daycare.
Poni discovers and presents-The galaxy
(Open Poni discovers and presents-The galaxy) Print the cards. Laminate them and cut them out. Use your Poni puppet or another puppet children are familiar with to present the pictures to your group.
Sun and moon
(Open sun and moon) Print and laminate. Sit in a circle with your group. When you show your group the sun, they must stand up and dance around. When you show them the moon, children must lie down on the floor and pretend to go to sleep. Alternate between the two illustrations to get your group moving. End with the moon illustration and encourage children to relax before introducing your theme.
Thematic bins
Create several thematic bins that can be added to your various corners throughout your theme. The following items can simply be added to plastic bins, recycling bins, or cardboard boxes: astronaut figurines, puzzles related to the theme, a small space station, flashlights, books about planets or the solar system, gray, white, and brown modeling dough, cotton balls, adhesive stars, planet and star-shaped tattoos, a dark blanket, laminated pictures of planets for lacing, different sizes of balls that can represent planets, glow-in-the dark planets and stars, crêpe paper and paper towel rolls to represent rockets, etc.
The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with your group. Use them to decorate your daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Stars) Print, laminate, and store the pictures in a Ziploc bag or in your thematic bin.
(Open activity sheets-Stars) Activity sheets are suggested for each theme. Print and follow instructions.
(Open writing activities-S like star) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
(Open educa-nuudles-Stars) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet and use Magic Nuudles to give it a three-dimensional look. Variation: You don't have Magic Nuudles? Have children fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers. To order Magic Nuudles.
(Open stationery-Stars) Print. Use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins.
Word flashcards
Use the cards to spark a conversation with your group or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Stars) (Open giant word flashcards-Stars) Print. star, starfish, planet, Sun, Moon, Earth, sky, outer space, constellation, fairy, Big Dipper, meteorite
Scene from another planet
(Open scene from another planet) Print, laminate, and cut out the items. Children can use them to decorate the scene.
Let's chat
Print and laminate the theme's word flashcards. Children take turns picking a word flashcard and presenting the word (ex. star) to your group. Ask children questions about each item.
Picture clue story-What's wrong Sun?
(Open picture clue story-What's wrong Sun?) Print the story. Sit in a circle with your group and begin reading the story. Every time you reach a picture clue, pause and encourage children to say the missing word.
Sequential story-Day and night
(Open sequential story-Day and night) Print. Ask children to place the illustrations in the correct order.
An interplanetary week (Open solar system) Print.
Solar Village
In Solar village, way up in the sky, an old lady called Milky Way lives with her son, Mr. Sun and his nine tiny planets. They are all round and colourful. Their favorite game is spinning around their father, Mr. Sun.
Mercury, who is not very tall but very quick, is the oldest planet. He likes to stay close to his father to keep warm. He loves being rocked by his grandmother, Milky Way.
Venus, is the second oldest in the family. She is very pretty. People like to compare her to a pure gold jewel. She is as explosive as a volcano, but also very loving. Her head is often in the clouds and she tends to do things unlike everyone else.
The third tiny planet is called Earth. With her balanced and robust nature, she is Mr. Sun's favorite. Earth appreciates the little things in life and enjoys spending time with her friend Moon who keeps her safe. Her bright blue color resembles Milky Way's eyes.
Smaller than Venus and Earth, but bigger than Mercury, Mars is the fourth planet in the family. Always red with anger, Mars doesn't like playing with others. He prefers spending time alone.
Jupiter is the biggest of all the planets. He enjoys rolling around in dust with his friends. That is why he has white and brown stripes.
Saturn is the sixth planet in his family. With his luminous yellow rings, he is gorgeous. Very warm, he likes to be surrounded by friends.
Uranus is the seventh planet in his family. Due to an accident that occurred in the Solar Village, he is handicapped. He stays close to his father and his best friend, Wind. His body is a bluish green that perfectly suits his tender side.
In spite of his great energy, Neptune can be discreet and calm. He loves changing very quickly and often. His favorite color is light blue.
The last planet in the family is Pluto. He is very small and fragile. Since he was always cold, Mr. Sun sent him to live with his grandmother, Milky Way. Her hugs and attention will help him grow.
Mr. Sun, Milky Way, and the nine tiny planets need your help. They want to visit their cousins, the Galaxians since they have never met. However, they don't know how they can travel to them. Do you have any ideas? What do you think the Galaxians look like? Would you like to help the planets prepare for their trip throughout the week?
Story: Read the Sun Village story to your group. Help them answer the questions at the end of the story.
Circle time:
Ask your group the following questions:
- How many planets live in Solar Village?
- What are their names?
- Do they have friends?
- Are they all the same color?
- Are they all the same size?
- Who is the biggest?
- Who is the smallest?
- How can we help Mr. Sun and Milky Way prepare for their expedition?
Craft: As a group, build a giant spaceship with building blocks or empty yogurt containers. Keep in mind that the planets are round.
Circle time: Identify the characteristics of each planet that lives in Solar Village. What does each one look like? What color is each planet? Are they all the same size? What does their father, Mr. Sun look like? Use pictures of each planet as aids.
Craft: Use modeling dough to represent the Solar Village.
Activity: Inflate several balloons to represent planets. Children will enjoy tossing them up in the air to the sound of music.
Circle time: Which means of transportation have the planets chosen for their trip? A floating spaceship? A very fast rocket? A special airplane that flies like a bird? Ask children to take turns sharing their ideas with you.
Craft: To build a means of transportation for the planets, provide glue, crayons, scraps of colourful paper, yarn and string, buttons, large sequins, construction paper, tissue paper, tiny pompons, etc. You may also offer recycled items such as yogurt containers, applesauce containers, ribbon, empty toilet paper rolls, empty paper towel rolls, empty milk cartons, etc. Be careful if you are using small items with young children. Let your group use their imagination to create a unique means of transportation for the planets.
Activity:Encourage children to make their creation fly. If the weather is pleasant, get dressed and take their means of transportation outside for testing. Let them run around with their invention.
Circle time: Ask children what they think the Galaxians look like. Are they round, square, or triangular? Use this discussion to explore shapes with your group. Are they shiny like stars? Are they all unique? How?
Craft: My Galaxian-Provide several different paper shapes and construction paper. Invite each child to create a Galaxian by gluing shapes on a sheet of construction paper. Let older children cut their own shapes out of construction paper. Children can also use markers or glitter to complete their characters.
Activity: I am a Galaxian-For this activity, children become Galaxians. Encourage them to roll around like a Galaxian, walk like a Galaxian, dance like a Galaxian, eat like a Galaxian, etc. Let them use their imagination. All Galaxians can have a different way of moving and doing things.
Circle time: Ask children what they enjoyed learning about the planets. Explain how we all live on one of these planets: Earth. They will be excited to realize that we are part of Solar Village.
Activity: Admiring Earth-Take your group outside and show children how, on Earth, there are humans, animals, trees, flowers, grass, snow, ice, etc. Sometimes, there are big clouds filled with water too!
Building blocks:
- Cover the floor in this area with a swimming pool solar blanket, a camping mattress, or aluminum paper.
- Wrap your building blocks with aluminum paper.
- Add Styrofoam balls to allow for "outer space" constructions.
Arts & crafts/Drawing:
- Aluminum paper and other types of metallic paper.
- Styrofoam balls and pipe cleaners to create a unique solar system.
- Silver, gold, and gel crayons that can be used for drawing on dark paper.
- Coloring pages related to the theme and outer space.
- Rocket, spaceship, planet, and star-shaped stencils.
- Glitter, glitter glue, and other items that make you think of outer space.
Role play:
- Silly and crazy costume accessories that can be used to create characters from outer space (don't forget to take pictures).
- Wrap your kitchen with bubble wrap for a special effect.
- Memory game using outer space-themed illustrations.
- Blue, gray, and white modeling dough. Add glitter!
- A puzzle related to the theme.
- A container filled with beads that can be used to make "anti-alien" necklaces.
- Cardboard planets for lacing.
- Books about planets, outer space, and means of transportation.

- Hang a piece of tulle over your area and deposit star-shaped confetti on top of it.
- Hang Christmas lights to represent shining stars.
Music and motor skills:
- Song box filled with songs about outer space.
- Balls of different sizes to represent planets. Children can toss them in a container that is decorated to look like a rocket.
Sensory bins:
- A container filled with glitter.
- Add glitter to your sandbox.
- Hot and cold activities to discuss temperature changes and the temperature on different planets.
- Activities involving oxygen (show them how to extinguish a flame by placing a jar over it).
Game-This is my spot-Stars
(Transition games-Stars) Print two copies of each illustration. Use adhesive paper to stick one copy of each illustration on the table. Place the second copy in a bag. Children take turns picking an illustration to determine where they must sit at the table. You may also use the illustrations to determine children's naptime spots or their place in the task train.
My star path
(Transition games-Stars) Print, laminate, and secure the illustrations on the floor of your daycare to create a path leading to the areas frequently visited by children throughout the day. The path can lead to the bathroom, the cloakroom, etc. If you prefer, use the illustrations to delimit various areas.
(Open lacing-Stars) Print, laminate, and punch holes around each model. Children can thread string, shoelaces, or ribbon through the holes.
Nighttime hide-and-seek
Close your curtains and turn off the lights. Organize a game of hide-and-seek within your daycare. The child who counts can hold a flashlight and use it to find the other children who are hiding in the dark.
Sunrise and sunset
(Open sun and moon) Print the sun and moon and insert them back to back in a plastic document protector. When you display the sun, children must dance around. When you display the moon, they must lie down on the floor. Alternate between the sun and moon to get children moving.
Planet hop
Print several planets (Open planets) Laminate and stick the planets on the floor. Play music. When the music stops, children must sit on a planet (variation of musical chairs).
Gravity in space
Give each child an inflated balloon. Encourage them to draw an astronaut face on their balloon. They will enjoy tossing their balloon up in the air and watching it float around. Use this activity to explain the concept of gravity in space to your group.
A walk on the moon
Use hula hoops, chairs, stepping stools, and other items available in your daycare to create an obstacle course children can complete, pretending they are astronauts in outer space.
Shooting stars
Crumple several balls of recycled paper. Children can toss them up in the air to represent shooting stars.
(Open educ-trace-Stars) Print for each child. Children must trace the lines using a crayon of the corresponding color and then color the object at the end of each line using the same color.
(Open educ-pairs-Stars) Print. Children must draw a line to connect matching items or color them using the same color. For durable, eco-friendly use, laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.
Color by number-Stars
(Open color by number-Stars) Print for each child. Children must color the picture according to the color code.
(Open educa-symmetry-Stars) Print. Children must color the picture on the right to make it look exactly like the picture on the left.
(Open educ-intruder-Stars) Print and laminate. Children must identify the six (6) intruders.
Star observation
Encourage parents to observe a star-filled sky with their child and draw what they saw together.
Surprise-filled hideout
Purchase several glow-in-the-dark stars and moons. Stick them under a table. Drape a blanket over the table to create a dark hideout. Children can take turns visiting your hideout to discover the special surprise. Once everyone has had a turn, you can stick various illustrations and pictures related to your theme under the table and encourage children to visit your hideout with a flashlight to explore them.
The constellation
Turn all the lights in your daycare off. Provide flashlights children can direct towards the wall to represent stars and create a constellation.
Food item of the week: Star fruit
(Open educ-poster-Star fruit) Print and laminate the pictures to present the food item of the week to your group. They will help them discover different forms of an everyday food item. Display them in your kitchen area or next to the table where children eat.
Star fruit tasting
Slice a star fruit in front of your group and invite children to taste it. Show them how a star appears when you slice it.
Day and night
Use cookie cutters to cut stars, moons, and clouds out of slices of bread. Use the same cookie cutters to cut shapes out of cheese slices. At snack time, encourage children to associate matching shapes. They can eat the bread and cheese slices they successfully match.
Moon water
Invent a simple story and serve moon water to your group throughout the theme. For example, you can tell children that one of your friends is an astronaut who went to the Moon and that he shared the recipe for moon water with you. All you need is a pitcher filled with water and lemon wedges. Stir everything together and serve at snack time.
Banana peel stars and moons
Give each child a banana as a snack. Show them how they can use their banana peel to represent a star and a moon.
A snack from outer space
Serve a variety of dried fruit. Explain how astronauts don't eat the same foods as people on Earth since the food they bring with them when they travel to outer space must be very light.
(Open puppets-Stars) Print and cut out. Stick a Popsicle stick behind each star to create puppets.
(Open model-Star) Print the models and use them for your crafts and activities throughout the theme.
I am learning to cut-A star
(Open I am learning to cut-A star) Print on paper or cardboard. Invite children to cut along the dotted lines.
The sky
On a large sheet of paper, paint the solar system as a group: Sun, Moon, stars, and planets. Stick your masterpiece on the ceiling in your naptime area so children can admire it before falling asleep.
Star magic
Ask children to use a white crayon to draw stars on a piece of white paper. Encourage them to press really hard as they draw. When they are done, use blue or black water paint to paint over the stars they drew. The stars will appear, like magic.
Glow-in-the-dark sky
Purchase glow-in-the-dark paint and ask children to paint a night sky on black paper (or another dark color). Once the paint is dry, admire their sky in the dark.
Shining stars
(Open model-Star) Print several models and let children choose a star. Ask them to cut it out, apply white glue all over it, and sprinkle glitter all over.
The galaxy
Paint Styrofoam balls to represent planets and hang them from the ceiling.
Collective constellation
Glue a piece of dark cardboard on a piece of wood. As a group, stick planets, stars, and cotton balls (to represent clouds) on the paper. Use different sizes of Styrofoam balls that are cut in two and painted for the planets.
Bright star
Have children cut a star shape out of heavy paper and wrap it with aluminum paper. Hang children's stars from the ceiling.
My rocket
Encourage children to create unique rockets out of empty toilet paper rolls. They can simply wrap them in aluminum paper (or colourful metallic paper). Use orange construction paper to represent flames.
Use an empty paper towel or wrapping paper roll to make a telescope. Glue stars on the walls and ceiling throughout the daycare. Children will have fun admiring them through their telescope.
I am learning to draw-A star
(Open I am learning to draw-A star) Print and laminate the model sheet. Encourage children to practice their drawing technique on the model sheet. When they are ready, invite them to draw a star on their own.
Coloring pages-Stars
(Open coloring pages theme-Stars) Print for each child.
(Open songs & rhymes-Stars)
By: Patricia Morrison - Sung to: Row, row, row your boat
Stars, stars, in the sky
Shining oh so bright
Make a wish, make a wish, make a wish, make a wish
On the brightest one
Have fun
The Educatall team