
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Decorating your Christmas tree with books and other ideas - Extra activities - Educatall

Decorating your Christmas tree with books and other ideas

How to decorate your Christmas tree with books

Invite each child to pick his/her favorite storybook (or two). Photocopy the cover page of each book and laminate them if possible. Use a hole-punch to make a hole at the top of each illustration and thread a string or ribbon through each one.


Let children hang the copy of their favorite book's cover page from your Christmas tree's branches. If possible, set your Christmas tree where parents can see it and therefore discover the books the children in your group enjoy the most.


This is a great way to spark interesting conversations about books.


When Christmas is over, display the illustrations on a wall in your reading corner.


Wrapped books

This simple idea may seem silly, but children love it!


Use wrapping paper to wrap books you already have and set them under the Christmas tree. Every day, invite a child to choose a gift (a book) from under your tree, unwrap it, and share the story with your group or ask you to read it.


This method will encourage children to rediscover books they are already familiar with.


"Reading" catalogues

Since children are naturally attracted to toy-filled catalogues, why not use their interest in catalogues to, among other things, get them to talk and introduce various activities.


Together, discuss the price of toys, which toys children like and dislike, and toys you enjoyed when you were young that still (or no longer) exist.


You may also let children cut items out of the catalogues you have on hand. They can use the cut out items to create two books: one filled with toys they like and one filled with toys they are not interested in. Encourage children to explain why they like or dislike different types of toys.


Children are interested in catalogues...even those who do not normally like "reading". Catalogues are therefore the ideal way to encourage them to spend time in your reading corner.

Marie-Josée Thibert is not responsible for the content of this article. The information mentioned in this article is the responsibility of the author. shall not be held responsible for any litigation or issues resulting from this article.


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