My mud mask
A not so messy beauty treatment...
1. Gather your material. You will need cardboard, brown construction paper, green and pink Fun Foam, a facecloth, scissors, a black marker, a green marker (not shown), white glue and/or hot glue, a Popsicle stick, and sunflower seeds (beware of allergies).
2. Cut an oval shape out of the cardboard and trace it on the brown construction paper. Cut out the brown oval and glue it on the cardboard oval.
3. Cut the facecloth to create two squares.
4. Glue the squares diagonally at the top of the oval, overlapping them to represent a towel wrap.
5. Cut two circles out of the green Fun Foam to represent cucumber slices. Use a green marker to color the contour of each circle (peel). Finally, glue a few sunflower seeds in the centre of each circle.
6. Cut a mouth shape out of the pink Fun Foam.
7. Glue the cucumber slices where the eyes would be. Add the mouth near the bottom of the face. Glue the Popsicle stick behind the mud mask.
8. Use the black marker to draw a simple nose. Children will enjoy pretending they are at the spa. They can relax, lying down with their mask in front of their face for an original way to calm down at the end of a busy day...
Patricia-Ann Morrison