Tiny family tree

A great way to display pictures of children's family members.
1. Gather your material. You will need a steel scouring pad, several photos of children's family members (including pets), green paperclips, green pompoms, brown pipe cleaners, white glue, and/or hot glue.

2. Thread the pipe cleaners through the steel scouring pad as shown.

3. Gather the pipe cleaners and fold them upwards.

4. Twist the bottom of the pipe cleaners close to the scouring pad to represent a tree trunk.

5. Fold the end of each pipe cleaner to create branches. Attach a green paperclip to the tip of several branches, threading the pipe cleaners through the paperclips and twisting them to hold them in place.

6. Glue green pompoms on the end of the other branches to add texture.

7. Cut children's family photos, keeping only the faces of their family members and pets. Slide them in the paperclips to complete the tiny family tree. Display children's trees on a shelf. This is a great Father's Day gift too!

Patricia-Ann Morrison