
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Learn how to say "pumpkin" and "orange" in French - Extra activities - Educatall

Learn how to say "pumpkin" and "orange" in French

Goal: Learn how to say "pumpkin" and "orange" in French


**Recommended club documents:

  • Étiquettes-mots-Halloween
  • Modèles-Citrouille
  • Cherche et trouve-Halloween

**To use the documents mentioned above, you must have access to Club Educatout. Educatall Club members can join the French club at a low price.


Suggested activities:


You may click on the links below to hear this week's new words in French:

Print the document "Étiquettes-mots-Halloween". Keep only the word "citrouille" and use it to present the new word to your group. Give them the chance to try to pronounce it. To make their attempts more fun, you could have a small miniature pumpkin on hand and roll it to each child. Every time they receive the pumpkin, they must try to say "citrouille".


Print several copies of the fourth page of the "Modèles-Citrouille" document. Ask children to name the color of pumpkins. Tell them that, in French, the name of the color (orange) is pronounced almost the same, but there is a small difference. Say "orange" in French a few times and encourage them to listen to the difference. Invite children to color the small pumpkins with orange crayons. Encourage them to name the color in French before handing them an orange crayon.


Once the tiny pumpkins have all been colored and cut out by the children in your group, display a large piece of brown cardboard on a wall. Have children glue the tiny pumpkins on the cardboard to represent a pumpkin patch. Encourage them to say "citrouille" every time they add another pumpkin.


Print the first page of the "Modèles-Citrouille" document for each child. Ask children to color their pumpkin using an "orange" marker. When they are done, provide pumpkin-shaped confetti, stickers, and stamps they can use to decorate their "citrouille". They must ask for the decorations one by one. The magic word is of course "citrouille".


Print the "Cherche et trouve-Halloween" document. Invite children to take turns pointing to a "citrouille" as they repreat the word once more. Later in the day or the following day, repeat the exercise, but this time asking them to identify something that is "orange". Have them name the color in French. You may also ask them to search for "orange" items within your daycare.


When you go for walks with your group, encourage children to say "citrouille" every time they spot a pumpkin in front of a house in your neighbourhood.


Hide tiny pumpkin-shaped candy pieces or chocolates in a rice bin. Children can take turns searching for a "citrouille" with their hands or a plastic utensil. They must say "citrouille" before eating their surprise. If you prefer, hide tiny pumpkin-shaped erasers or plastic rings in your bin.

Patricia-Ann Morrison


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