
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Colourful ice cube hunt - Extra activities - Educatall

Colourful ice cube hunt

Winter isn’t over yet, but the days are slowly getting warmer and it’s therefore more enjoyable to spend longer periods of time outside with your group. Although children can have fun playing freely in the snow for hours, every now and then, it can be interesting to provide a more structured activity. Read on to discover how you can organize a colourful ice cube hunt. This activity is very simple to prepare, and it can be presented many times…providing the ice cubes are stored outside and the temperature remains below freezing.


To prepare your colourful ice cube hunt, you will need:

  • Water
  • Small plastic bowls or containers
  • Food coloring

Follow these simple steps.

Fill each bowl or container with water. Add a few drops of food coloring to each one. Set the bowls or containers in the freezer for a few hours, ideally overnight.


Once the ice cubes are ready, press them out of the containers and use them to fill a bucket. Set the bucket outside so the ice cubes won’t melt.


Hide the ice cubes in the snow. When you give the signal, children search for the colourful ice cubes.


I guarantee they will have fun for hours…especially if they didn’t see you prepare the colourful ice cubes. They will love discovering them when they go outside to play.


To take this activity one step further, you could encourage children to sort the colourful ice cubes per their color, size, or shape. You may also invite them to count the ice cubes to see how many they found. These are all ways to foster children’s cognitive development while encouraging them to be active outside. Best of all, they will all have nice rosy cheeks by the time you head back indoors.


Have fun hunting for colourful ice cubes!


Maude Dubé, Specialized educator


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