
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


Learn how to say “rabbit” in French - Extra activities - Educatall

Learn how to say “rabbit” in French

Goal: Learn how to say “rabbit” in French.


**Recommended club documents:

  • Étiquettes-mots-Pâques
  • Modèles-Petits lapins
  • Bingo-Pâques
  • Papier à lettres-Pâques

**To use the documents mentioned above, you must have access to Club Educatout. Educatall Club members can join the French club at a low price.                        


Suggested activities: Print the “Étiquettes-mots-Pâques” document. Keep only the word “lapin”. Ask children to sit in their circle time spot. Set a headband with bunny ears on your head and hop over to them. Ask them to name the animal you are imitating. Once they have identified it, present the word flashcard and invite them to try to say “lapin”. Whenever a child succeeds, reward him by letting him wear your bunny ears momentarily. Children will enjoy hopping around your circle time area like a “lapin”.


You may click on the following link to discover the proper pronunciation of this new word:


Print the “Modèles-Petits lapins” document. Cut out the rabbits and give each child on “lapin”. Encourage children to color their rabbit as they wish. When they are done, help them write their name on their rabbit. Set all the rabbits in an opaque bag or in a gift bag with a bunny picture on it. Have fun picking the rabbits out of the bag one at a time. When a child recognizes his bunny, he must say “lapin”. Repeat this activity throughout the week to provide children with repeated opportunities to practice pronouncing the new word. Whenever you must pick a child for a task or game, pick a “lapin” out of your bag.


Print the first four pages of the “Bingo-Pâques” document and display them on a wall to create a “hunt and seek” activity. Children take turns searching for a “lapin” among the Easter items illustrated on the bingo cards. When they find one, they must say “lapin” and press a bunny-shaped sticker or stamp in the corresponding square. If you wish to repeat this activity, laminate the cards and have children circle the “lapin” with a pastel dry-erase marker. When they are done, simply wipe the markings away so you can reuse the cards.


Print a few copies of the last page of the “Bingo-Pâques” document. Cut out the cards and set them in an Easter sensory bin (a bin filled with Easter straw or plastic Easter eggs for example). Have children take turns digging around in the bin to find a “lapin”. Every time a child finds a rabbit, have him say “lapin” and reward him with a tiny chocolate Easter bunny or a bunny sticker.


Print the “Papier à lettres-Pâques » document (the one with an Easter Bunny illustration) for each child. Provide pastel Fun Foam letters and encourage children to stick the letters L-A-P-I-N on their paper to write “lapin”. They can use the word flashcard printed to introduce the word as a model. If you don’t have Fun Foam letters, provide pastel markers and invite children to write the word. Let them display their work on your bulletin board, inviting them to say “lapin” once more as they hang their paper.


Gather several stuffed rabbits. The more stuffed rabbits you have, the more children will practice saying the new word. Hide them throughout your daycare or yard. When you give the signal, children search for them. Every time they find a rabbit, they must set it in a basket as they say “lapin”.


Find a large Easter basket and set it on the floor, a few feet from your group. Give each child a stuffed “lapin”. Children take turns trying to toss their rabbit in the basket. Every time a child succeeds, shout “lapin” as a group.


After naptime, draw a bunny nose, moustaches, and bunny teeth on each child’s face. Enjoy a musical activity with your group of “lapin”. Play music and encourage them to hop around the room like rabbits. Every time you stop the music, they must stand perfectly still. When the music starts again, they resume hopping around the daycare.


When parents notice your group’s painted faces at the end of the day, children will gladly share the new word they learned with them.



Patricia-Ann Morrison


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