1. Gather your materials. You will need a barely inflated balloon, some brown yarn, scissors, a dish, white glue, and some blue malt ball candies.
2. Cut yarn into 4-inch strands. I had about 25 strands in all.
3. Dip strands in the glue.
4. Place strands on the balloon. I like doing it on the tied end because when you are done you can clip it to a hanger by the tie to let it dry. You want it to be random and only part way up the balloon.
5. Keep going. Criss-cross all over, layer strands, zigzag, etc... Oh and yes, this is very messy, but worth it.
6. Let dry for at least 24 hours. You can hang it to dry by clipping it to a wire hanger, or you can also place it in a bowl or glass just be careful not to let the yarn touch the dish, it may stick to it.
7. Pop the balloon and throw the balloon away-please, please, be careful with latex balloons and little kids, it's terrifying what can happen when the two mix.
8. Add your "eggs" and enjoy.
Allison McDonald
been teaching young children in various capacities since 1993. She
started as a day camp leader in high school, taught various preschool
programs at community centers through university, worked as a tutor
while pursuing a second degree in elementary education, and most
recently worked as a director and preschool teacher before becoming a
full time mom. Now that she is at home she keeps one foot in education
while sharing that side of her life with her son and the results have
been amazing.