Greeting Card Collage

I have old greeting cards in almost every drawer in my house. This craft is fun, easy, and helps you get rid of the clutter!
1. Gather your materials. You will need those old cards you have hanging around, some glue, some scissors, and a piece of construction paper.

2. Start by cutting out pictures from the images on the cards. Older kids can and should do this step, they will love it too!

3. Grab the glue and go for it!

4. Ask them about the colors, shapes and pictures as they keep going!
5. Now you can open all those clutter-free drawers!

Allison McDonald
been teaching young children in various capacities since 1993. She
started as a day camp leader in high school, taught various preschool
programs at community centers through university, worked as a tutor
while pursuing a second degree in elementary education, and most
recently worked as a director and preschool teacher before becoming a
full time mom. Now that she is at home she keeps one foot in education
while sharing that side of her life with her son and the results have
been amazing.