Recycled Bird Feeder!
Sometimes nature needs a little bribe to come close. Here is how to make that bribe!
1. Gather your materials. You will need an empty milk carton, a bamboo skewer, dowel or chopstick, scissors, ribbon and birdseed. You can also paint the feeder with nontoxic paint, but if you live in a wet climate like myself I would (and did) skip this step!
2. Cut an opening in the milk carton. You will want it to start about an inch from the bottom.
3. When that is done, poke a hole under that for the dowel/chopstick and one on the opposite side of the carton.
4. Poke the dowel through.
5. Poke a hole in the top of the carton for the ribbon that will be used to hang the feeder. Thread the ribbon through and knot it. You can use twine or string too, I am just using what I had available.
6. Fill with birdseed.
7. Hang it outside and wait for the birds... I am still waiting but I am hoping we see some soon!
Allison McDonald
has been teaching young children in various capacities since 1993. She started as a day camp leader in high school, taught various preschool programs at community centers through university, worked as a tutor while pursuing a second degree in elementary education, and most recently worked as a director and preschool teacher before becoming a full time mom. Now that she is at home she keeps one foot in education while sharing that side of her life with her son and the results have been amazing.