Stuffed Monster!
I could not have asked for an activity to go better! He loved making this fun and easy monster and has played with it a bunch already. For crafts which are going to be played with like this one, I try to make them before naptime so that the drying time is less painful for the ever so patient two year old
1. Gather your materials. You will need a paper lunch bag, some paint, some scrap construction paper, 2 large googly eyes, glue, tape, scissors, and newspaper.
2. Start by handing children the paper bag with the flap side down (that will be the back) and have them paint it.
3. While they do that, cut out a fun mouth, some big eyes and some silly hair. Older kids can do this step themselves!
4. Glue the eyes on the monster.
5. Glue the googly eyes on top.
6. Glue the mouth and hair on!
7. Set the bag aside. Tear the newspaper into strips and hand them to your child to crumple.
8. When the bag is dry enough stuff the crumpled paper in!
9. Fold and tape the bottom. I like to use tape because it's flexible.
10. Read to your monster!
Allison McDonald
been teaching young children in various capacities since 1993. She
started as a day camp leader in high school, taught various preschool
programs at community centers through university, worked as a tutor
while pursuing a second degree in elementary education, and most
recently worked as a director and preschool teacher before becoming a
full time mom. Now that she is at home she keeps one foot in education
while sharing that side of her life with her son and the results have
been amazing.