Mitten hanger

Children will be proud to hang their mittens on their very own mitten hanger...
1. Gather your material. You will need white Fun Foam, silver glitter, ribbon, scissors, white and/or hot glue, a hanger, two old-fashion clothespins, and a printed snowflake model (see educatall club).

2. Cut out the snowflake model and trace it on the white Fun Foam. You will need two snowflakes.

3. Cut out the snowflakes. Apply a thin coat of white glue over the entire surface of each snowflake (I used a cotton swab to spread the glue). Sprinkle the snowflakes with glitter.

4. Using hot glue, glue the clothespins on the snowflakes as shown.

5. Glue the snowflakes on the corners of the hanger using hot glue.

6. Attach a piece of ribbon to the top of the hanger. The ribbon must be fairly long since the mittens must hang below the child's coat.

7. Show the child how to slide his/her mittens in the opening on the clothespins. They will be dry before you are ready for another outing!

Patricia-Ann Morisson