
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables


The glue song-Visual and auditory versions

Teaching children various work strategies is always interesting. For example, we can teach them that it is best to begin with the border when completing a puzzle. Children with developmental weaknesses, for example those with an attention deficit disorder or dyspraxia that have difficulty visualizing the different steps or components of a task, will particularly benefit from this.


Instinctively, an adult who wishes to support a child often demonstrates the proper way of completing a task and accompanies his/her demonstration with verbal explanations. This technique is helpful for certain children who are capable of multisensory management. For others, this type of dynamic support can be too complex and transitional to be fully integrated. In these cases, the use of "static" support the child can refer to as needed and according to his/her own learning or operating pace is preferable.


To accomplish this, we must first question ourselves to determine the child's preferred sensory mode in order to adapt the tool that will be offered. Is he/she more receptive in the visual or auditory sphere? If he/she is more receptive in the visual sphere, a visual support that includes sequential drawings or pictograms will be more appropriate. For a child who is more receptive in the auditory sphere, a verbal sequence will be more helpful. A combination of both tools can also optimize his/her success rate.


Here are two types of support that may be used to teach children strategies for using glue.


Download visual sequence.

View verbal sequence of The glue song.


You may now be wondering how to determine which sensory mode a child prefers. I will answer this question in an upcoming article.


Josiane Caron Santha

Occupational therapist



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