Sugar modeling dough
- 4 cups of icing sugar
- 3 tablespoons of corn syrup
- 1 egg white
- A few drops of food coloring
- For scented dough, you will
need lemon, cinnamon, or maple extract (or extract of your choice)
You may have to adjust the quantities since the brand and/or the shelf-life of
the products used can influence how the ingredients interact.
- Add all ingredients except
food coloring to a very large bowl.
- Mix vigorously with a wooden spoon.
- Divide the mixture into tiny portions. Ideally, use a muffin tin.
- Add a different color of food coloring to each portion.
- Knead the dough with your hands (wear gloves to avoid stains) until
color is uniform.
- Store in airtight containers or plastic bags in the refrigerator.
- Use the dough to create a variety of shapes and objects. Let
creations dry for 24 to 48 hours before manipulating them to avoid breaking
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