Halloween Owl
An adorable owl you can hang in your daycare.
1. Gather your material. You will need two paper plates, black poster paint, two wiggly eyes, two fabric autumn leaves, a paintbrush, purple glitter, purple Fun Foam, green Fun Foam, ribbon, and white glue and/or hot glue.
2. Cut the outline of your owl's body out of one paper plate.
3. Cut out the centre of the second plate. Cut this circle in half.
4. Glue both half-circles under the owl's body as shown to represent its wings. Paint the owl with black poster paint. Let dry.
5. Cut two ovals out of the green Fun Foam. Glue a wiggly eye on each oval, near the bottom. Cut a long triangular shape out of the purple Fun Foam as shown.
6. Glue the triangular shape in the centre of your owl's head. Glue both green eyes on top (see picture). Glue the fabric leaves under the owl's belly to represent its feet.
7. Use white glue to draw wavy lines on the owl's belly. These lines will represent its feathers.
8. Sprinkle the wavy lines with purple glitter and shake any excess glitter off over a garbage can.
9. Cut a piece of ribbon approximately 15 cm long. Fold it in two and glue it behind your owl's head to create a loop you can use to hang your owl on a hook or tree branch.
Patricia-Ann Morrison